Agregação por macromorfometria e “high energy moisture characteristic” em latossolo, cambissolo sob manejo intensivo na cafeicultura
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
Em solos tropicais, os estudos sobre a estabilidade de agregados com a técnica de High Energy Moisture Characteristic (HEMC) e macromorfometria são incipientes, bem como o uso dessas metodologias na avaliação de impactos gerados por sistemas de manejo conservacionistas.Objetivou-se,neste trabalho, avaliar, por meio dessas metodologias, os efeitos promovidos por um sistema de manejo diferenciado, empregado na cafeicultura, no estado de agregação de Latossolo e Cambissolo. Nos estudos de caracterização macromorfométrica foram coletados agregados nas profundidades de 0,05, 0,20, 0,40 e 0,80 m em um Cambissolo originado de rochas pelíticas, após 17 meses da implantação do sistema de manejo. As análises dos agregados foram realizadas por meio de imagens 2D obtidas em 300 dpi de resolução espacial, por meio de um scanner. As variáveis de agregação área, perímetro, Rugness, compacidade, aspecto e diâmetro de Feret foram calculados com o software QUANTPORO. Para a determinação do estado de agregação de um Latossolo que recebeu diferentes doses de gesso na superfície, foi empregada a técnica HEMC. Agregados foram coletados nas profundidades de 0,05 e 0,20 m do solo na linha do cafeeiro em uma área experimental. Os tratamentos foram: G-0, sem gesso na linha; G-7, 7,0 t ha -1 de gesso distribuído na linha do cafeeiro; G-28, 28 t ha -1 de gesso distribuído na linha do cafeeiro; CV-0, manejo convencional, sem gesso na linha e sem Braquiaria sp. na entrelinha do cafeeiro. Os agregados foram colocados em funil de Buchner (500 mL) e umedecidos (2 mm h -1 ; 100 mm h -1 ), utilizando- se de bomba peristáltica com seringa volumétrica. Depois de saturados, os agregados foram submetidos ao aumento gradual do potencial matricial a partir do deslocamento de uma coluna de água (variando de 0 a 30 cm) para obtenção da curva de retenção de umidade (U = f (Ψ)), que serviu de base para os cálculos dos parâmetros de estabilidade: sucção modal, volume drenável de poros, índices de estabilidade (lento e rápido), razão DPV e razão de estabilidade. As metodologias empregadas, Macromorfometria e HEMC, apresentaram sensibilidade para a quantificação dos parâmetros de estabilidade de agregados e permitiram o diagnóstico dos efeitos do sistema de manejo sobre a qualidade estrutural do Latossolo e do Cambissolo em estudo.
In tropical soils, studies on the stability of aggregates using the High Energy Moisture Characteristic (HEMC) technique and macromorphometry are incipient as are the use of these methodologies in the assessment of impacts generated by conservationist management systems. Thus, this study aimed at evaluating the effects promoted by a different management system, employed in coffee culture, on the aggregation state of Oxisols and Inceptisols. In the macromorphometric characteristics studies, aggregates were collected at the depths of 0.05, 0.20, 0.40 and 0.80 m in an Inceptisol originated from pelitic rocks, after 17 months of implementing the management system. The aggregate analyses were performed using 2D images obtained at a spatial resolution of 300 dpi by a scanner. The aggregation variables of area, perimeter, rugness, compactness, aspect and Feret diameter were calculated with the QUANTPORO software. In order to determine the aggregation state of an Oxisol which received different doses of gypsum to the soil surface, we used the HEMC technique. Aggregates were collected at the depths of 0.05 and 0.20 m on the coffee row of an experimental area. The treatments were: G-0, no gypsum on the row, G-7, 7.0 ton ha -1 of gypsum distributed in the coffee row, G-28, 28 ton ha -1 of gypsum distributed in the coffee row, CV-0, conventional management without gypsum on the coffee row and without Braquiaria sp. between rows. The aggregates were placed in a Buchner funnel (500 mL) and moisturized (2 mm h -1 ; 100 mm h -1 ), using a peristaltic pump with volumetric syringe. Once saturated, the aggregates underwent a gradual increase in the matric potential from the displacement of a water column (ranging from 0 to 30 cm) to obtain the moisture retention curve (M = f (Ψ)), which was the basis for calculating the stability parameters: modal suction, drainable pore volume (DPV), stability index (slow and fast), DPV ratio and stability ratio. The methodologies employed, Macromorphometry and HEMC, showed sensitivity to measuring the aggregate stability parameters and allowed the diagnosis of the effects of tillage systems on the structural quality of the studied Oxisols and Inceptisols.
In tropical soils, studies on the stability of aggregates using the High Energy Moisture Characteristic (HEMC) technique and macromorphometry are incipient as are the use of these methodologies in the assessment of impacts generated by conservationist management systems. Thus, this study aimed at evaluating the effects promoted by a different management system, employed in coffee culture, on the aggregation state of Oxisols and Inceptisols. In the macromorphometric characteristics studies, aggregates were collected at the depths of 0.05, 0.20, 0.40 and 0.80 m in an Inceptisol originated from pelitic rocks, after 17 months of implementing the management system. The aggregate analyses were performed using 2D images obtained at a spatial resolution of 300 dpi by a scanner. The aggregation variables of area, perimeter, rugness, compactness, aspect and Feret diameter were calculated with the QUANTPORO software. In order to determine the aggregation state of an Oxisol which received different doses of gypsum to the soil surface, we used the HEMC technique. Aggregates were collected at the depths of 0.05 and 0.20 m on the coffee row of an experimental area. The treatments were: G-0, no gypsum on the row, G-7, 7.0 ton ha -1 of gypsum distributed in the coffee row, G-28, 28 ton ha -1 of gypsum distributed in the coffee row, CV-0, conventional management without gypsum on the coffee row and without Braquiaria sp. between rows. The aggregates were placed in a Buchner funnel (500 mL) and moisturized (2 mm h -1 ; 100 mm h -1 ), using a peristaltic pump with volumetric syringe. Once saturated, the aggregates underwent a gradual increase in the matric potential from the displacement of a water column (ranging from 0 to 30 cm) to obtain the moisture retention curve (M = f (Ψ)), which was the basis for calculating the stability parameters: modal suction, drainable pore volume (DPV), stability index (slow and fast), DPV ratio and stability ratio. The methodologies employed, Macromorphometry and HEMC, showed sensitivity to measuring the aggregate stability parameters and allowed the diagnosis of the effects of tillage systems on the structural quality of the studied Oxisols and Inceptisols.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Morfometria, Metodologias, Manejo intensivo do solo, Índices de estabilidade de agregados, HEMC
SILVA, E. A. Agregação por macromorfometria e “high energy moisture characteristic” em latossolo, cambissolo sob manejo intensivo na cafeicultura. 2014. 78 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência do Solo) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2014.