Quantificação de metabólitos secundários relacionados à resposta de defesa do cafeeiro contra Pseudomonas syringae pv. garcae
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
A mancha aureolada do cafeeiro, causada pela bactéria Pseudomonas syringae pv.garcae, é uma doença emergente na cafeicultura, para a qual tem se buscado selecionar cultivares resistentes e estudar seus respectivos mecanismos de defesa.Neste trabalho teve-se como objetivo estudar a composição química das folhas das cultivares IAPAR-59 e Mundo Novo 376/4 parcialmente resistente e suscetível, respectivamente, à mancha aureolada do cafeeiro. Para isso foram produzidos extratos aquosos das folhas de cafeeiro e investigada a composição química e atividade biológica destes. Foram quantificados os sólidos solúveis totais, teor de fenólicos e flavonoides totais e perfil de fenólicos, além da atividade antioxidante pelos métodos do DPPH e FRAP. A atividade antibacteriana e a bioautografia foram realizadas, para se verificar a eficácia dos extratos sobre a bactéria Pseudomonassyringaepv. garcae e o fungo revelador Cladosporium sp, respectivamente. Foi possível verificar que folhas da cultivar IAPAR-59 apresentaram maior teor de compostos fenólicos, flavonoides e sólidos solúveis que folhas da cultivarMundo Novo 376/4. Com relação à atividade antioxidante, IAPAR-59 apresentou maior potencial de sequestro de radicais livres pelo método do DPPH. Os extratos das duas cultivares não apresentaram atividade antibacteriana in vitrocontra P. syringaepv. garcae e ambos apresentaram compostos capazes de inibir o crescimento do fungo Cladosporium sp. Outros experimentos foram realizados objetivando avaliar extratos, preparados com diferentes solventes, provenientes de folhas de IAPAR-59, com e sem inoculação de Pseudomonassyringaepv. garcae. Foi possível verificar que as folhas de cafeeiro da cultivar IAPAR-59 sadias apresentaram maior teor de compostos fenólicos e açúcares redutores. Para a atividade antioxidante, no método do DPPH a fração água apresentou a maior atividade, independente da inoculação. Pelo método do FRAP, a fração água das plantas sadias apresentou maior atividade. No teste fungitóxico, ambas apresentaram compostos capazes de inibir o crescimento do fungo Cladosporiumsp. Foi possível quantificar na composição química das plantas sem inoculação os ácidos gálico, cafeico e clorogênico, além da vanilina. A cultivar IAPAR-59 inoculada apresentou maior concentração desses compostos e foi detectada ainda a presença de um fenilpropanoide, o ácido trans-cinâmico. A síntese desses compostos pode ter ocorrido em resposta ao ataque do patógeno.
The bacterial blight of coffee, caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas syringaepv. garcae, is an emerging disease in coffee, to which has been sought select resistant cultivars and study their defense mechanisms. In this work had as objective to study the chemical composition of leaves from IAPAR-59 and Mundo Novo 376/4 cultivars, partially resistant and susceptible, respectively, to bacterial blight of coffee. To this aqueous extracts were produced from coffee leaves and investigated the chemical composition and biological activity of these. The total soluble solids were quantified phenolic content and total flavonoids and phenolic profile, in addition to the antioxidant activity by DPPH and FRAP methods. The antibacterial activity and bioautographic were performed in order to verify the effectiveness of extracts on the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. garcae and the developer fungus Cladosporium sp, respectively. It was possible to verify that leaves of cultivar IAPAR-59 had higher content of phenolic compounds, flavonoids and soluble solids that the leaves from Mundo Novo 376/4. Regarding the antioxidant activity, IAPAR-59 showed greater potential to scavenging free radicals by DPPH method. The extracts of both cultivars showed no antibacterial activity in vitro against P. syringae pv. garcae and both had compounds capable of inhibiting fungal growth Cladosporium sp. Further experiments were performed to evaluate extracts prepared with different solvents, from leaves IAPAR-59, with and without inoculation of Pseudomonas syringae pv. garcae. It was possible to verify that coffee leaves from IAPAR-59 healthy had higher content of phenolic compounds and reducing sugars. For the antioxidant activity in DPPH method the water fraction showed the highest activity, regardless inoculation. By the FRAP method, the water fraction of healthy plants showed a greater activity. In the fungitoxic test, both showed compounds capable to inhibit the growth of fungus Cladosporium sp. It was possible to quantify in the chemical composition of no- inoculated plants the gallic acid, chlorogenic and caffeic, besides vanillin.The IAPAR- 59 inoculated showed a higher concentration of these compounds and was also detected the presence of a phenylpropanoid, the acid trans- cinnamic. The synthesis of these compounds may have occurred in response to pathogen attack.
The bacterial blight of coffee, caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas syringaepv. garcae, is an emerging disease in coffee, to which has been sought select resistant cultivars and study their defense mechanisms. In this work had as objective to study the chemical composition of leaves from IAPAR-59 and Mundo Novo 376/4 cultivars, partially resistant and susceptible, respectively, to bacterial blight of coffee. To this aqueous extracts were produced from coffee leaves and investigated the chemical composition and biological activity of these. The total soluble solids were quantified phenolic content and total flavonoids and phenolic profile, in addition to the antioxidant activity by DPPH and FRAP methods. The antibacterial activity and bioautographic were performed in order to verify the effectiveness of extracts on the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. garcae and the developer fungus Cladosporium sp, respectively. It was possible to verify that leaves of cultivar IAPAR-59 had higher content of phenolic compounds, flavonoids and soluble solids that the leaves from Mundo Novo 376/4. Regarding the antioxidant activity, IAPAR-59 showed greater potential to scavenging free radicals by DPPH method. The extracts of both cultivars showed no antibacterial activity in vitro against P. syringae pv. garcae and both had compounds capable of inhibiting fungal growth Cladosporium sp. Further experiments were performed to evaluate extracts prepared with different solvents, from leaves IAPAR-59, with and without inoculation of Pseudomonas syringae pv. garcae. It was possible to verify that coffee leaves from IAPAR-59 healthy had higher content of phenolic compounds and reducing sugars. For the antioxidant activity in DPPH method the water fraction showed the highest activity, regardless inoculation. By the FRAP method, the water fraction of healthy plants showed a greater activity. In the fungitoxic test, both showed compounds capable to inhibit the growth of fungus Cladosporium sp. It was possible to quantify in the chemical composition of no- inoculated plants the gallic acid, chlorogenic and caffeic, besides vanillin.The IAPAR- 59 inoculated showed a higher concentration of these compounds and was also detected the presence of a phenylpropanoid, the acid trans- cinnamic. The synthesis of these compounds may have occurred in response to pathogen attack.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Metabolismo, Coffea arábica, Resistência, Inoculação, Compostos fenólicos
SILVA, J. A. G. Quantificação de metabólitos secundários relacionados à resposta de defesa do cafeeiro contra Pseudomonas syringae pv. garcae. 2015. 111 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia/Fitopatologia) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2015.