Análise financeira e de custos de um sistema agroflorestal sucessional: estudo de caso no Distrito Federal
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Faculdade de Tecnologia - Universidade de Brasília
O sistema agroflorestal é uma prática rural promissora e, no âmbito ambiental e socioeconômico, é responsável por garantir benefícios ambientais e econômicos para o produtor e ambiente que o cerca. Por ser um sistema multidisciplinar e demandar estudos específicos para sua utilização, a fundamentação econômica torna-se um componente essencial no processo de tomada de decisão. Diante as demandas do mercado, cada vez mais competitivo, e dos possíveis incertezas presentes no mercado, os produtores devem atuar como gestores de suas propriedades, conhecendo as potencialidades e gargalos do sistema produtivo. Ferramentas como a Teoria de Opções Reais (TOR) e sistema de custeio baseado em atividades (ABC) são interessantes para analisar aspectos financeiros e contábeis do sistema. O trabalho teve como objetivo aplicar a TOR e o ABC a um sistema agroflorestal, com produção de 11 culturas (rúcula, alface, brócolis, milho, inhame, tomate cereja, morango, quiabo, banana, café e eucalipto). O banco de dados foi composto por dados de custos e receitas do sistema, referente a quatro anos de produção. Para a utilização da TOR a metodologia aplicada foi baseada no método proposto por Copeland &Antikarov (2002), composto por 4 etapas: Determinação do fluxo de caixa e cálculo do Valor Presente Líquido (VPL) sem flexbilidade, construção de árvore de eventos, cálculo da opção real utilizada e construção da árvore de decisão. O VPL estático do projeto foi R$ 1.533.261,01/ha, enquanto que o VPL flexível foi igual a R$ 2.146.969,18/ha. O projeto, portanto, apresentou valor de opção de abandono igual a R$ 613.708,17/ha. Quanto ao custeamento baseado em atividades, a metodologia foi aplicada aos custos indiretos do sistema. Os produtos milho e quiabo apresentaram margens de contribuição negativas, mostrando que os respectivos custos de produção excedem o valor de venda do produto. Os demais produtos apresentam margens positivas de contribuição, destacando inhame e morango. Assim, pode-se concluir que o sistema agroflorestal é economicamente viável, salientando que o método tradicional VPL subestimou o retorno do projeto. E, portanto, a aplicação da TOR foi eficiente para modelagem de cenários administrativos para o sistema agroflorestal analisado. Enquanto que o sistema ABC, ao permitir melhor caracterização dos custos do projeto, mostra-se eficiente para gestão e administração de empreendimentos agroflorestais.
The agroforestry system is a promising rural practice and, in the environmental and socioeconomic spheres, it is responsible for ensuring environmental and economic benefits for the farmer and the surrounding environment. Since is a multidisciplinary system, it requires specific studies for its use and economic fundamentals become an essential component of the decision-making process. Given the demands of the increasingly competitive market and the possible uncertainties present in the market, producers must act as managers of their properties, knowing the potentialities and bottlenecks of the production system. Tools such as the Real Options Analysis (ROA) and Activity-Based Costing system (ABC) are interesting to analyze financial and accounting aspects of the system. The aimed of this study was to apply ROA and ABC to an agroforestry system, with 11 crops (arugula, lettuce, broccoli, corn, yams, cherry tomatoes, strawberries, okra, bananas, coffee and eucalyptus). The database was composed of cost and revenue data of the system, referring to four years of production. For the use of ROA, the methodology was based on the method proposed by Copeland & Antikarov (2002), composed of 4 steps: Determination of cash flow and calculation of Net Present Value (NPV) without flexibility, construction of event tree, calculation of Real option used and decision tree construction. The static NPV of the project was R $ 1,533,261.01 / ha, while the flexible NPV was equal to R $ 2,146,969.18 / ha. The project, therefore, presented an option value of abandonment equal to R $ 613,708.17 / ha. As for ABC, the methodology was applied to the indirect costs of the system. Corn and okra presented negative contribution margins, showing that the respective production costs exceed the sales value of the product. The other products have positive contribution margins, highlighting yam and strawberry. Thus, it can be concluded that the agroforestry system is economically viable, emphasizing that the traditional VPL method underestimated the return of the project. And, therefore, the application of ROA was efficient for modeling administrative scenarios for the analyzed agroforestry system. And using ABC, allowed a better characterization of project costs, was efficient for management and administration of agroforestry projects.
The agroforestry system is a promising rural practice and, in the environmental and socioeconomic spheres, it is responsible for ensuring environmental and economic benefits for the farmer and the surrounding environment. Since is a multidisciplinary system, it requires specific studies for its use and economic fundamentals become an essential component of the decision-making process. Given the demands of the increasingly competitive market and the possible uncertainties present in the market, producers must act as managers of their properties, knowing the potentialities and bottlenecks of the production system. Tools such as the Real Options Analysis (ROA) and Activity-Based Costing system (ABC) are interesting to analyze financial and accounting aspects of the system. The aimed of this study was to apply ROA and ABC to an agroforestry system, with 11 crops (arugula, lettuce, broccoli, corn, yams, cherry tomatoes, strawberries, okra, bananas, coffee and eucalyptus). The database was composed of cost and revenue data of the system, referring to four years of production. For the use of ROA, the methodology was based on the method proposed by Copeland & Antikarov (2002), composed of 4 steps: Determination of cash flow and calculation of Net Present Value (NPV) without flexibility, construction of event tree, calculation of Real option used and decision tree construction. The static NPV of the project was R $ 1,533,261.01 / ha, while the flexible NPV was equal to R $ 2,146,969.18 / ha. The project, therefore, presented an option value of abandonment equal to R $ 613,708.17 / ha. As for ABC, the methodology was applied to the indirect costs of the system. Corn and okra presented negative contribution margins, showing that the respective production costs exceed the sales value of the product. The other products have positive contribution margins, highlighting yam and strawberry. Thus, it can be concluded that the agroforestry system is economically viable, emphasizing that the traditional VPL method underestimated the return of the project. And, therefore, the application of ROA was efficient for modeling administrative scenarios for the analyzed agroforestry system. And using ABC, allowed a better characterization of project costs, was efficient for management and administration of agroforestry projects.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Faculdade de Tecnologia - Universidade de Brasília.
Sistema agroflorestal, Teoria de opções reais, Riscos, Sistema de custeio baseado em atividades, Custos
ARAÚJO, J. B. C. N. Análise financeira e de custos de um sistema agroflorestal sucessional: estudo de caso no Distrito Federal. 2017. 104 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Florestais) -Faculdade de Tecnologia, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília. 2017.