Confecção de móveis corn a madeira de Coffea arabica L
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
A madeira do Coffea arabica L., um resíduo da lavoura cafeeira, é largamente utilizada para fins energéticos, 0 que agrega pouco Valor ao material além de promover a liberação de COz com efeito nocivo para 0 ambiente. Como 0 estado de Minas Gerais é 0 maior produtor de café do Brasil a quantidade de madeira proveniente das lavouras de café pode ser considerada adequada para subsidiar algumas linhas de produçã0. O presente trabalho foi realizado com 0 objetivo de caracterizar tecnologicamente a madeira de Coffea arabica L. para Verificar a potencialidade de sua utilização para a confecção de móveis, a partir do conceito de ecodesign. Realizou-se a caracterização anatômica, física, mecânica e química da madeira de Cojfea arabica utilizada na produção dos móveis. Foram confeccionados três tipos de móveis: bancos, cadeira e mesa. O banco e a cadeira foram desenvolvidos em associação com a madeira de Eucalyptus spp. Os resultados para densidade básica média de 0,608g/cm3, módulo de elasticidade 26682 kgf/cm2, resistência à compressão paralela 398 kgf/cm2, dureza janka perpendicular às fibras 627 kgf mostraram adequação da madeira na produção de móveis de qualidade e estética bem aceita pelo mercado.
The Wood of Coffea arabica L., a residue of the coffee crop, is Widely used for energy, Which adds little Value to the materiaL besides to promote the release of CO2 Which has harmful effect to the environment. As the state of Minas Gerais is the largest producer of coffee in Brazil the amount of Wood from plantations of coffee may be considered appropriate to subsidize some production lines. This work was carried out to characterize the Coffea arabica L. wood to Verify the capability of its use for the manufacture of furniture, based on the concept of ecodesign. The anatomical physical mechanical and chemical characterization of Coffea arabica wood used in the production of furniture were carried out. Furtherly, three types of furniture were manufaturectedr seats, chairs and table. The seats and the chair were confectioned in association With the Wood of Eucalyptus spp. The results showed for average density of 0.608 g cm 3, elasticity modulus of 26,682 kgf / cm 2, resistance to compression parallel 398 kgf / cm 2, Janka hardness perpendicular to the fibers showed 627 kgf adequacy of Wood to produce furniture of quality and aesthetic well accepted by the market.
The Wood of Coffea arabica L., a residue of the coffee crop, is Widely used for energy, Which adds little Value to the materiaL besides to promote the release of CO2 Which has harmful effect to the environment. As the state of Minas Gerais is the largest producer of coffee in Brazil the amount of Wood from plantations of coffee may be considered appropriate to subsidize some production lines. This work was carried out to characterize the Coffea arabica L. wood to Verify the capability of its use for the manufacture of furniture, based on the concept of ecodesign. The anatomical physical mechanical and chemical characterization of Coffea arabica wood used in the production of furniture were carried out. Furtherly, three types of furniture were manufaturectedr seats, chairs and table. The seats and the chair were confectioned in association With the Wood of Eucalyptus spp. The results showed for average density of 0.608 g cm 3, elasticity modulus of 26,682 kgf / cm 2, resistance to compression parallel 398 kgf / cm 2, Janka hardness perpendicular to the fibers showed 627 kgf adequacy of Wood to produce furniture of quality and aesthetic well accepted by the market.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Ecodesign, Móveis, Madeira do cafeeiro, Coffea arabica L.
PEREIRA, M. A. Confecção de móveis corn a madeira de Coffea arabica L. 2008. 59 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência e Tecnologia da Madeira) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2008.