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O café cultivado no Brasil sob diferentes condições de clima está sujeito ao ataque de doenças, capazes de causar perdas, principalmente queda na produtividade. Dentre as doenças que atacam a cultura, destaca-se a mancha-de- phoma, causada pelo fungo Phoma spp, que provoca lesões em partes novas como ramos, folhas, botões florais, flores e chumbinhos. Para o controle da doença diversas estratégias têm sido adotadas, entre elas o controle químico, o qual tem evitado grandes perdas a nível de campo. Como nosso parque cafeeiro encontra-se distribuído nas mais diversas condições edafoclimáticas, o efeito dos fungicidas podem apresentar resultados variados. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se no presente trabalho avaliar a eficiência de diferentes fungicidas no controle da Phoma, no município de Muzambinho- MG. Para tal, foi avaliado o total de ramos com sintomas da doença e o pegamento da florada, representado pelo número médio de rosetas com frutos e o número médio de chumbinhos por tratamento. Observou-se que os fungicidas Amistar®, Aliette®, Cantus® e Garant® foram os mais eficientes no controle da doença nas folhas, Amistar foi o mais eficiente no pegamento da florada e o Folicur foi pouco eficiente em todas as variáveis analisadas.
The coffee cultivated in Brazil under different climate conditions it is subject to the attack of diseases, capable to cause losses, mainly the fall off the productivity. Among the diseases that attack the culture, it stands out the stain-of-phoma, caused by the fungus Phoma spp, that provokes lesions in new parts as branches, leaves, floral buttons, flowers and small grain. To control the disease several strategies have been adopted, among them the controls chemical, which has avoided great losses in the field level. As our park coffee is distributed in the most several conditions of climate and soil, the effect of the fungicides can present varied results. In that sense, it was aimed in the present work to evaluate the efficiency of different fungicides in the Phoma control, in the municipal district of Muzambinho-MG. For such, the total of branches was evaluated with symptoms of the disease and the flower of avenge, represented by the medium number of “rosetas” with fruits and the medium number of small grain for treatment. Observed that the fungicides Amistar® (Azoxistrobin), Aliette® (Fosetil), Cantus® (Boscalid) and Garant® (copper Hydroxide) they were the most efficient in the control of the disease in the leaves, Amistar (Azoxistrobin) it was the most efficient in the flower of avenge and Folicur (Tebuconazole) it was little efficient in all the analyzed variables.
The coffee cultivated in Brazil under different climate conditions it is subject to the attack of diseases, capable to cause losses, mainly the fall off the productivity. Among the diseases that attack the culture, it stands out the stain-of-phoma, caused by the fungus Phoma spp, that provokes lesions in new parts as branches, leaves, floral buttons, flowers and small grain. To control the disease several strategies have been adopted, among them the controls chemical, which has avoided great losses in the field level. As our park coffee is distributed in the most several conditions of climate and soil, the effect of the fungicides can present varied results. In that sense, it was aimed in the present work to evaluate the efficiency of different fungicides in the Phoma control, in the municipal district of Muzambinho-MG. For such, the total of branches was evaluated with symptoms of the disease and the flower of avenge, represented by the medium number of “rosetas” with fruits and the medium number of small grain for treatment. Observed that the fungicides Amistar® (Azoxistrobin), Aliette® (Fosetil), Cantus® (Boscalid) and Garant® (copper Hydroxide) they were the most efficient in the control of the disease in the leaves, Amistar (Azoxistrobin) it was the most efficient in the flower of avenge and Folicur (Tebuconazole) it was little efficient in all the analyzed variables.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Condições favoráveis, doença, mancha-de-phoma., favorable conditions; disease; stain-of-phoma.
Pereira, Frederico Luiz; Goulart, Roseli dos Reis; Mendonça, José Marcos Angélico; Maciel, Anna Lygia de Resende. Eficiência de diferentes fungicidas utilizados no controle químico da phoma (Phoma ssp.) em cafeeiros. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 5p.