Elementos finitos como ferramenta auxiliar na análise estrutural estática de uma colhedora de café do tipo automotriz
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
A técnica de elementos finitos consiste basicamente em dividir um corpo criando uma malha constituída por várias partes ou elementos formados por nós. Essa técnica resolve equações para descrever o comportamento das variáveis envolvidas em um processo de análise por simulação. Com o objetivo de gerar resultados de tensão, deslocamento e deformação em uma estrutura de uma colhedora de café do tipo automotriz, aplicou-se a técnica de elementos finitos neste trabalho, utilizando um software específico para simulação estática. O modelo virtual analisado é composto de vários desenhos tridimensionais agrupados e separados de acordo com a sua posição e função dentro de toda a estrutura. As partes analisadas são chassi do motor, lateral direita, lateral esquerda, trave, frente, traseira, reservatório de café, rodas, reservatório de óleo combustível. Abastece-se o software com informações sobre materiais, conectores que mostram como os componentes foram conectados, informações de cargas presentes como o peso próprio e peso de componentes suprimidos da análise, locais onde a estrutura está fixa como as rodas, o tipo, tamanho e qualidade da malha que são fatores importantíssimos no processo de simulação. Após gerar a malha, o software executou o chamado estudo produzindo resultados definidos como tensão, deslocamento, deformação e fator de segurança, todos em relação a um sistema de coordenadas na origem. Realizaram-se quatro estudos ou simulações utilizando um mesmo modelo, mas com condições diferentes. Os estudos foram rodas traseiras alinhadas entre si com reservatório de café cheio, rodas traseiras desalinhadas entre si com reservatório de café cheio, estrutura com inclinação lateral de 20% em relação ao plano horizontal no sentido horário da esquerda para a direita com reservatório de café cheio e rodas traseiras alinhadas entre si com reservatório de café vazio. Compararam-se os resultados de todos os estudos entre si e verificou-se que a tensão, deslocamento e deformação máximos foram encontrados no modelo inclinado. O modelo com rodas traseira desalinhadas apresentou menor deslocamento e deformação comparados ao modelo com rodas alinhadas, embora tenha apresentado maior tensão máxima de Von Misses. Fez-se também um comparativo entre as partes do modelo de cada estudo e se constatou uma maior concentração de tensão nas rodas traseiras, um maior deslocamento na parte dianteira da estrutura em todos os estudos e a parte traseira inclinada do reservatório, quando cheio, apresentou grandes deslocamentos. O fator de segurança menor foi 3,14 e a maior parte da estrutura apresentou fatores de segurança com valores acima de 5. Com a análise dos resultados, sugere-se uma nova distribuição de cargas, pois a roda guia localizada na dianteira apresentou valores de tensão bem inferiores aos encontrados nas outras rodas.
The Finite Element Method (FEM) consists basically of a body split creating a mesh composed of multiple parts or elements formed by knots. This technique solves equations in order to describe the behavior of the variables involved in a simulation analysis process. With the objective of generating tension, displacement and deformation results in an automotive type coffee picker structure, we applied the FEM, using a specific static simulation software. The analyzed virtual model is composed of several tridimensional designs grouped and separated according to their position and function within the entire structure. The analyzed parts were: engine chassis, right side, left side, lock, front, rear, coffee container, wheels and fuel oil tank. The software was supplied with information on materials, connectors which show how the components were connected, information on the loads such as its own weight and the weight of the components removed from the analysis, places in which the structure was fixed such as the wheels; the type, size and quality of the mesh, which are very important factors in the simulation process. After generating the mesh, the software performed the study producing results defined as tension, displacement, deformation and safety factor, all in relation to a coordinate system at the origin. Four studies or simulations using the same model were performed, but in different conditions. The studies were: aligned rear wheels along with a tank full of coffee; misaligned rear wheels along with a tank full of coffee; structure with lateral inclination of 20% in relation to the horizontal plane clockwise from left to right with a tank full of coffee, and aligned rear wheels with an empty coffee container. We compared the results of all the studies between each other and verified that the maximum tension, displacement and deformation were observed in the inclined model. The model with misaligned rear wheels presented the lowest displacement and deformation compared to the model with aligned wheels, although it presented higher maximum Von Misses tension. We also performed a comparison between the model parts of each study, observing a higher concentration of tension on the rear wheels, a larger displacement at the front of the structure in all studies, and back of the inclined tank, when full, presented major displacements. The lower safety factor was of 3.14 and most of the structure presented safety factors above 5. By analyzing the results, we suggest a new load distribution, because the steering wheel located on the front presented tension values inferior to those found on the other wheels.
The Finite Element Method (FEM) consists basically of a body split creating a mesh composed of multiple parts or elements formed by knots. This technique solves equations in order to describe the behavior of the variables involved in a simulation analysis process. With the objective of generating tension, displacement and deformation results in an automotive type coffee picker structure, we applied the FEM, using a specific static simulation software. The analyzed virtual model is composed of several tridimensional designs grouped and separated according to their position and function within the entire structure. The analyzed parts were: engine chassis, right side, left side, lock, front, rear, coffee container, wheels and fuel oil tank. The software was supplied with information on materials, connectors which show how the components were connected, information on the loads such as its own weight and the weight of the components removed from the analysis, places in which the structure was fixed such as the wheels; the type, size and quality of the mesh, which are very important factors in the simulation process. After generating the mesh, the software performed the study producing results defined as tension, displacement, deformation and safety factor, all in relation to a coordinate system at the origin. Four studies or simulations using the same model were performed, but in different conditions. The studies were: aligned rear wheels along with a tank full of coffee; misaligned rear wheels along with a tank full of coffee; structure with lateral inclination of 20% in relation to the horizontal plane clockwise from left to right with a tank full of coffee, and aligned rear wheels with an empty coffee container. We compared the results of all the studies between each other and verified that the maximum tension, displacement and deformation were observed in the inclined model. The model with misaligned rear wheels presented the lowest displacement and deformation compared to the model with aligned wheels, although it presented higher maximum Von Misses tension. We also performed a comparison between the model parts of each study, observing a higher concentration of tension on the rear wheels, a larger displacement at the front of the structure in all studies, and back of the inclined tank, when full, presented major displacements. The lower safety factor was of 3.14 and most of the structure presented safety factors above 5. By analyzing the results, we suggest a new load distribution, because the steering wheel located on the front presented tension values inferior to those found on the other wheels.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Colhedora, Elementos finitos, Simulações, Cargas, Tensão
SILVA, E. P. Elementos finitos como ferramenta auxiliar na análise estrutural estática de uma colhedora de café do tipo automotriz. 2013. 143 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2013.