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O estresse hídrico desencadeia importantes alterações no padrão de expressão gênica e, juntamente com parâmetros fisiológicos e bioquímicos, contribuem para explicar os mecanismos que determinam a tolerância à seca nas plantas. O acúmulo de transcritos dos genes MIPs (aquaporinas) e deidrinas sob condição de déficit hídrico sugere uma relação entre a atividade desses genes e a tolerância à seca nas plantas. Considerando a importância econômica do café e o enorme impacto que o déficit hídrico impõe à cultura, o objetivo desse estudo foi estabelecer uma correlação entre o padrão de expressão das deidrinas (Dhs) e aquaporinas e o grau de tolerância à seca em Coffea utilizando materiais contrastantes. A identificação e análise das sequências dos genes foram obtidas no banco EST-Genoma Café. Para as análises de expressão na raiz, plantas de café arábica (sensível) e café robusta (tolerante) foram submetidas a estresse hídrico (Ψw= -2,0±0,2 MPa) por suspensão da irrigação. Os resultados obtidos para Dhs indicaram que o gene Dh2 não se expressa em órgãos vegetativos da planta sob condição normal de irrigação, mas tem expressão induzida nas raízes sob estresse hídrico. Do mesmo modo, a expressão do gene Dh3 foi aumentada nas raízes sob estresse, principalmente em café robusta (tolerante). As aquaporinas PIP2;1 e PIP2;2 também exibiram aumento no acúmulo de transcritos nas raízes das plantas de café sob déficit hídrico em relação às irrigadas, e foi significativamente maior na cultivar tolerante (Apoatã). Em conclusão, os resultados sugerem uma correlação positiva entre aumento na expressão das deidrinas e aquaporinas e tolerância à seca, reforçando a importância desses genes para a regulação e/ou manutenção do balanço hídrico celular.
Drought stress triggers significant changes in the pattern of gene expression and together with biochemical and physiological parameters contribute to explain the mechanisms that determine drought tolerance in plants. The transcript accumulation of genes MIPs (aquaporins) and dehydrins under water stress conditions suggests a relationship between the activity of these genes and drought tolerance in plants. Considering the economic importance of coffee and the great impact that water deficit imposes on the culture, the aim of this study was to establish a correlation between the pattern of expression of dehydrins (Dhs) and aquaporins and the degree of tolerance in Coffea contrasting for drought tolerance. The identification and analysis of gene sequences were made using data from the Genome Database EST-Coffee. For analysis of expression in root, arabica coffee plants (sensitive) and robusta coffee (tolerant) were subjected to water stress (Ψw= -2.0 ± 0.2 MPa) by withholding water. The results for Dh2 gene indicated that it is not expressed in vegetative organs under normal condition of irrigation, but has expression induced in roots under water stress. Similarly, Dh3 expression was increased in roots under stress, especially in Robusta coffee (tolerant). Aquaporins PIP2, 1 and PIP2; 2 also exhibited increased transcript accumulation in roots of coffee plants under drought, and was significantly higher in the tolerant cultivar (Apoatã). In conclusion, the results suggest a positive correlation between increased expression of dehydrins and aquaporins and drought tolerance, confirming theimportance of these genes to regulate and / or maintenance of cellular water balance.
Drought stress triggers significant changes in the pattern of gene expression and together with biochemical and physiological parameters contribute to explain the mechanisms that determine drought tolerance in plants. The transcript accumulation of genes MIPs (aquaporins) and dehydrins under water stress conditions suggests a relationship between the activity of these genes and drought tolerance in plants. Considering the economic importance of coffee and the great impact that water deficit imposes on the culture, the aim of this study was to establish a correlation between the pattern of expression of dehydrins (Dhs) and aquaporins and the degree of tolerance in Coffea contrasting for drought tolerance. The identification and analysis of gene sequences were made using data from the Genome Database EST-Coffee. For analysis of expression in root, arabica coffee plants (sensitive) and robusta coffee (tolerant) were subjected to water stress (Ψw= -2.0 ± 0.2 MPa) by withholding water. The results for Dh2 gene indicated that it is not expressed in vegetative organs under normal condition of irrigation, but has expression induced in roots under water stress. Similarly, Dh3 expression was increased in roots under stress, especially in Robusta coffee (tolerant). Aquaporins PIP2, 1 and PIP2; 2 also exhibited increased transcript accumulation in roots of coffee plants under drought, and was significantly higher in the tolerant cultivar (Apoatã). In conclusion, the results suggest a positive correlation between increased expression of dehydrins and aquaporins and drought tolerance, confirming theimportance of these genes to regulate and / or maintenance of cellular water balance.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
aquaporinas, deidrinas, Coffea, estresse hídrico, tolerância à seca, aquaporins, dehydrins, Coffea, water stress, drought tolerance
Santos, Adriana Brombini; Mazzafera, Paulo. Identificação e análise de expressão de deidrinas e aquaporinas em raízes de café sob estresse hídrico. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 6p.