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O ensaio foi instalado na área experimental da Embrapa Cerrados em Planaltina – DF, com o objetivo de avaliar o consumo de água e os coeficientes de cultura de cafeeiros irrigados em Planaltina-DF, a partir da quarta safra, fora do período de suspensão da irrigação para uniformização da florada. Os cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L.), cv. Rubi MG-1192, foram implantados em fevereiro de 2001 no espaçamento de 2,80 m por 0,50 m, irrigados por pivô central. De janeiro de 2008 a dezembro de 2010 monitorou-se diariamente o conteúdo de água no solo com auxílio de sondas de solo (ML1 – Delta. T). A evapotranspiração de referência (Eto) foi obtida pelo método Penman-Montheit. Os dados climatológicos para estimativa foram coletados na estação meteorológica regional da Embrapa Cerrados localizada próximo ao experimento. Os coeficientes de cultura (Kc) foram obtidos a partir da relação entre a Evapotranspiração da cultura (Etc) e a Evapotranspiração de referência (Eto). As análises dos dados nos anos de 2008 a 2010 permitiram observar que a Etc média diária anual foi de 3,79 mm.dia-1, correspondendo a um consumo de aproximadamente 1.383,0 mm.ano-1, com coeficiente de cultura médio, fora do período de estresse, de 1,15. A produtividade média dos cafeeiros para os três anos foi de 75,3 sc.ha-1 (café beneficiado), resultante das produtividades de 74,8 sc.ha-1 em 2008, 45,2 sc.ha-1 em 2009 e 105,8 sc.ha-1 em 2009.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the water use and crop coefficients of irrigated coffee in Planaltina-DF from the fourth to sixth harvesting, outside the period of irrigation suppression for flowering uniformity. The experiment was conducted at the experimental field of Embrapa Cerrados. Coffee trees (Coffea arabica L.) cv. Rubi MG-1192, were implanted in February 2001 at a spacing of 2.80 m by 0.50 m in an area irrigated by center pivot. From January 2008 to December 2010 it was monitored daily soil water content with the aid of soil probes (ML1 - Delta. T). Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was obtained by the Penman-Montheit method using climatological data collected from the regional meteorological station at Embrapa Cerrados, located near the experiment. The crop coefficients (Kc) were obtained from the relationship between crop evapotranspiration (Etc) and Eto. The analysis of experimental data for the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 showed that mean annual daily Etc was 3.79, corresponding to an annual crop water requirement of approximately 1383.0 mm.yr-1. Mean crop coefficient outside of the water stress period resulted in 1.15. The mean coffee yield for three years períod was 75.3 sc.ha-1 of green coffee resulted from yield of 74.8 sc.ha-1 in 2008, 45.2 sc.ha-1 in 2009 and 105.8 sc.ha-1 in 2010.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the water use and crop coefficients of irrigated coffee in Planaltina-DF from the fourth to sixth harvesting, outside the period of irrigation suppression for flowering uniformity. The experiment was conducted at the experimental field of Embrapa Cerrados. Coffee trees (Coffea arabica L.) cv. Rubi MG-1192, were implanted in February 2001 at a spacing of 2.80 m by 0.50 m in an area irrigated by center pivot. From January 2008 to December 2010 it was monitored daily soil water content with the aid of soil probes (ML1 - Delta. T). Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was obtained by the Penman-Montheit method using climatological data collected from the regional meteorological station at Embrapa Cerrados, located near the experiment. The crop coefficients (Kc) were obtained from the relationship between crop evapotranspiration (Etc) and Eto. The analysis of experimental data for the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 showed that mean annual daily Etc was 3.79, corresponding to an annual crop water requirement of approximately 1383.0 mm.yr-1. Mean crop coefficient outside of the water stress period resulted in 1.15. The mean coffee yield for three years períod was 75.3 sc.ha-1 of green coffee resulted from yield of 74.8 sc.ha-1 in 2008, 45.2 sc.ha-1 in 2009 and 105.8 sc.ha-1 in 2010.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Manejo de irrigação, sincronização de florada, déficit hídrico e produtividade., Water management, controlled water stress, flowering synchronization and yield.
Rocha, Omar Cruz; Guerra, Antonio Fernando; Rodrigues, Gustavo Costa; Sanzonowicz, Cláudio; Bartholo, Gabriel; Cordeiro, Anderson; Silva, Jaqueline Oliveira; Jesus, Lúcio Adriano Magalhães de; Lavagnini, Gabriel Vinícius. Coeficientes de cultura e consumo hídrico do cafeeiro irrigado submetido a estresse hídrico em Planaltina - DF. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 4p.