Microclima sob a copa do mamoeiro cultivado com café e em diferentes orientações de plantio, ao longo do ano
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
O café Conilon é uma espécie originalmente adaptada a ambientes parcialmente sombreados, entretanto, no Brasil, seu cultivo é realizado a pleno sol. Durante a fase crítica de enchimento dos grãos, o cafeeiro frequentemente é submetido a temperaturas elevadas, o que pode causar estresse à cultura, exigindo diferentes técnicas para mitigar esses problemas. Dessa forma, o sombreamento surge como uma técnica para mitigação de variáveis climáticas. Neste contexto, desenvolveram-se dois trabalhos: o primeiro objetivou-se avaliar o microclima e o desenvolvimento do cafeeiro Conilon, em um sistema de cultivo de café consorciado com mamoeiro. O mamoeiro foi plantado no espaçamento de 3,20x2,40m, em julho de 2014, já o café, foi implantado no espaçamento de 3,20x1,60m, em março de 2015, na linha do mamoeiro. Considerou-se como tratamentos as distâncias da linha do cafeeiro e mamoeiro (40 e 80cm norte e sul) e a pleno sol, na orientação norte e sul. Avaliou-se as variáveis atmosféricas (temperatura, irradiância, umidade relativa), área foliar e índice relativo de clorofila, comprimento dos ramos plagiotrópicos, ortotrópicos e número de nós, em três épocas do ano. O consórcio do cafeeiro Conilon com Mamoeiro proporcionou diminuição da irradiância e da temperatura, e valores superiores de umidade relativa do ar durante o dia em todas as épocas avaliadas. O sombreamento proporcionou maior expansão foliar, entretanto não influenciou no crescimento de ramos plagiotrópicos e ortotrópicos e no número de nós. O sistema de consórcio do cafeeiro Conilon com mamoeiro nas condições estudadas apresentou potencial. O segundo teve como objetivo avaliar as variações dos fatores ambientais sob a copa do mamoeiro, plantado no sentido de orientação Norte-Sul e Leste-Oeste. Foram utilizadas duas áreas de mamão, uma plantada na orientação Norte-Sul e outra Leste-Oeste, implantadas no espaçamento 3,20x2,40m, ambas plantadas em abril de 2015. Considerou-se como tratamentos as distâncias da linha do mamoeiro, e um local a pleno sol, onde avaliou-se, no sentido Norte-Sul: na linha de plantio do mamão (T1), à 40cm lado oeste (T2 O), 40cm lado leste (T3 L) e a pleno sol (T4 Sol); no sentido Leste- Oeste: na linha de plantio do mamão (T1), à 40cm lado norte (T2 N), 40cm lado Sul (T3 S) e na linha de plantio a pleno sol (T4 Sol). Avaliou-se as variáveis atmosféricas (temperatura, irradiância, humidade relativa). O mamoeiro plantado no sentido Leste-Oeste, nas condições estudadas, proporcionou menor irradiação incidente, redução na temperatura e valores superiores de umidade relativa do ar sob sua copa. De acordo com as condições microclimática apresentadas, torna-se possível o consórcio do mamoeiro plantado nos dois sentidos.
The Conilon coffee is a species originally adapted to partially shaded environments, however, in Brazil, its cultivation is carried out in full sun. During the critical stage of grain filling, coffee is often subjected to high temperatures, which can cause crop stress, requiring different techniques to mitigate these problems. Thus, shading appears as a technique for mitigating climatic variables. In this context, two works were developed: the first one was to evaluate the microclimate and the development of the coffee Conilon, in a system of coffee cultivation consorciado with papaya. The papaya tree was planted at 3,20x2,40m spacing, in July 2014, and the coffee was planted at 3,20x1,60m spacing in March 2015, in the papaya line. The distances of the coffee and papaya line (40 and 80cm north and south) and full sun in the north and south orientation were considered as treatments. It was evaluated the atmospheric variables (temperature, irradiance, relative humidity), leaf area and relative index of chlorophyll, length of the plagiotropic, orthotropic and number of nodes, in three seasons of the year. The consortium of the Conilon coffee plant with Mamoeiro provided a decrease in irradiance and temperature, and higher values of relative air humidity during the day in all evaluated periods. The shading provided greater leaf expansion, however did not influence the growth of plagiotropic and orthotropic branches and the number of nodes. The system of consortium of the coffee plant Conilon with papaya under the conditions studied presented potential. The second one had the objective to evaluate the variations of the environmental factors under the canopy of papaya, planted in the sense of North-South and East-West orientation. Two areas of papaya, one planted in the North-South orientation and the other East- West, were planted at a spacing of 3.20x2.40m, both planted in April 2015. The treatments were considered the distances of the papaya line, and one In the north- south direction: at the planting line of the papaya (T1), at 40cm west side (T2 O) 40cm east side (T3 L) and at full sun (T4 Sol) ; In the East-West direction: in the planting line of the papaya (T1), at 40cm north side (T2 N), 40cm South side (T3 S) and in the planting line at full sun (T4 Sun). Atmospheric variables (temperature, irradiance, relative humidity) were evaluated. The papaya planted in the east-west direction, under the conditions studied, provided less incident radiation, reduction in temperature and higher values of relative humidity of the air under its canopy. According to the microclimatic conditions presented, the consortium of papaya planted in both directions becomes possible.
The Conilon coffee is a species originally adapted to partially shaded environments, however, in Brazil, its cultivation is carried out in full sun. During the critical stage of grain filling, coffee is often subjected to high temperatures, which can cause crop stress, requiring different techniques to mitigate these problems. Thus, shading appears as a technique for mitigating climatic variables. In this context, two works were developed: the first one was to evaluate the microclimate and the development of the coffee Conilon, in a system of coffee cultivation consorciado with papaya. The papaya tree was planted at 3,20x2,40m spacing, in July 2014, and the coffee was planted at 3,20x1,60m spacing in March 2015, in the papaya line. The distances of the coffee and papaya line (40 and 80cm north and south) and full sun in the north and south orientation were considered as treatments. It was evaluated the atmospheric variables (temperature, irradiance, relative humidity), leaf area and relative index of chlorophyll, length of the plagiotropic, orthotropic and number of nodes, in three seasons of the year. The consortium of the Conilon coffee plant with Mamoeiro provided a decrease in irradiance and temperature, and higher values of relative air humidity during the day in all evaluated periods. The shading provided greater leaf expansion, however did not influence the growth of plagiotropic and orthotropic branches and the number of nodes. The system of consortium of the coffee plant Conilon with papaya under the conditions studied presented potential. The second one had the objective to evaluate the variations of the environmental factors under the canopy of papaya, planted in the sense of North-South and East-West orientation. Two areas of papaya, one planted in the North-South orientation and the other East- West, were planted at a spacing of 3.20x2.40m, both planted in April 2015. The treatments were considered the distances of the papaya line, and one In the north- south direction: at the planting line of the papaya (T1), at 40cm west side (T2 O) 40cm east side (T3 L) and at full sun (T4 Sol) ; In the East-West direction: in the planting line of the papaya (T1), at 40cm north side (T2 N), 40cm South side (T3 S) and in the planting line at full sun (T4 Sun). Atmospheric variables (temperature, irradiance, relative humidity) were evaluated. The papaya planted in the east-west direction, under the conditions studied, provided less incident radiation, reduction in temperature and higher values of relative humidity of the air under its canopy. According to the microclimatic conditions presented, the consortium of papaya planted in both directions becomes possible.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.
Coffea canephora, Carica papaya, Consorciamento, Sentidos de plantio
TREVISAN, E. Microclima sob a copa do mamoeiro cultivado com café e em diferentes orientações de plantio, ao longo do ano. 2017. 60 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agricultura Tropical) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus. 2017.