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O desenvolvimento de mapas genéticos é uma das aplicações de maior impacto da tecnologia de marcadores moleculares quando o interesse é a localização de genes que controlam características de importância econômica, como produção de grãos, qualidade, altura de planta, teor de proteína, resistência a doenças, etc. Elas resultam da ação cumulativa de um conjunto de genes e tais características são denominadas poligênicas e os locos que as controlam chamados de QTL. Apesar da sua importância econômica de destaque, há poucos estudos de mapas genéticos associados a marcadores moleculares no cafeeiro. O crescente interesse sobre a qualidade de bebida no café estimula a utilização de marcadores moleculares para utilização em práticas de seleção assistida. Uma classe importante de marcadores moleculares consiste no polimorfismo de nucleotídeo único (SNPs e INDELs) derivado de diferenças em um único par de bases na seqüência do DNA de indivíduos de uma mesma espécie. Como constituem as formas mais abundantes de variações do genoma, os SNPs podem fornecer uma fonte para saturação de mapas genéticos, aumentando sua precisão. Assim, o presente estudo teve por finalidade detectar e validar marcadores do tipo SNPs derivados de genes envolvidos com qualidade de bebida em café para fins de mapeamento.
The development of genetic maps is an application with the greatest impact of the technology of molecular markers when the interest is the location of genes controlling economically important traits, such as yield, quality, plant height, protein content, disease resistance, etc. They result from the cumulative action of a set of genes and these are called polygenic traits and the loci that control called QTL. Despite its economic importance, there are few studies of genetic maps associated with molecular markers in coffee. The growing interest about the quality of drinking coffee promotes the use of molecular markers for use in assisted selection practices. An important class of molecular markers consisting of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs and INDELs) derived from differences in a single base pair in the DNA sequence of individuals from the same species. As they are the most abundant forms of genome variation, SNPs may provide a source for saturation of genetic maps, increasing its accuracy. Thus, this study aimed to identify and validate markers like SNPs derived from genes involved in coffee-beverage quality for mapping purposes.
The development of genetic maps is an application with the greatest impact of the technology of molecular markers when the interest is the location of genes controlling economically important traits, such as yield, quality, plant height, protein content, disease resistance, etc. They result from the cumulative action of a set of genes and these are called polygenic traits and the loci that control called QTL. Despite its economic importance, there are few studies of genetic maps associated with molecular markers in coffee. The growing interest about the quality of drinking coffee promotes the use of molecular markers for use in assisted selection practices. An important class of molecular markers consisting of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs and INDELs) derived from differences in a single base pair in the DNA sequence of individuals from the same species. As they are the most abundant forms of genome variation, SNPs may provide a source for saturation of genetic maps, increasing its accuracy. Thus, this study aimed to identify and validate markers like SNPs derived from genes involved in coffee-beverage quality for mapping purposes.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
SNP, qualidade de bebida, mapeamento genético e Coffea arabica, SNP, beverage quality, genetic mapping and Coffea arabica
Schincariol, Luciana Pasqualini; Yamamoto, Paula Yuri; Colombo, Carlos Augusto. Detecção de polimorfismos de única base (SNPs) pelas técnicas de PCR-RFLP e ARMS-PCR no café