Potential of antimicrobial peptide of seeds of Coffea canephora cv Robusta Tropical in the control of phytopathogenic microrganisms
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Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro
Peptídeos antimicrobianos, os quais desempenham um papel importante na defesa das plantas, têm sido identificados particularmente de sementes. Neste trabalho nós isolamos e imunolocalizamos uma proteína transportadora de lipídeos (LTP), denominada Cc-LTP2, de sementes de Coffea canephora. Também descrevemos sua atividade antimicrobiana contra vários fungos fitopatogênicos de importância econômica e contra a bactéria Xanthomonas euvesicatoria. Os peptídeos de sementes de C. canephora foram inicialmente extraídos em tampão ácido e submetidos à cromatografia de troca iônica e de fase reversa. Um peptídeo purificado de aproximadamente 9 kDa foi então submetido ao seqüenciamento de aminoácidos. As análises mostraram que o peptídeo era semelhante a LTPs isoladas de várias plantas e foi denominado de Cc-LTP2. A localização tecidual de LTPs de Coffea canephora indicou localização tanto nas paredes celulares do parênquima paliçádico como localização intracelular no em grandes vacúolos. Os resultados de imunohistoqúimica e histoquímica de tecidos de sementes de C. canephora sobrepostos mostrou que LTPs e corpos lipídicos estão presentes em organelas, apoiando a hipótese de que as LTPs de sementes estão envolvidas na mobilização de lipídeos durante a germinação. Cc-LTP2 não inibiu o desenvolvimento dos fungos fitopatogênicos,mas inibiu o crescimento de X. euvesicatoria.Cc-LTP2 promoveu a permeabilização das membranas e induziu a produção endógena de espécies reativas de oxigênio em todos os fungos testados. Outro objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana dos peptídeos Cc-LTP2 e Cc-GRP isolados de sementes de C. canephora e sua possível atividade sinérgica com a droga azólica Fluconazol. Cc-LTP2 e Cc-GRP separadamente e em combinação com 20 μg/mL de Fluconazol foram avaliados quanto à atividade antimicrobiana sobre o fungo Fusarium solani, e os efeitos destes peptídeos sozinhos e em conjunto com o Fluconazol sobre a permeabilização de membranas e a indução de estresse oxidativo foram determinados. Os nossos resultados mostraram que estes peptídeos, em uma concentração de 400 μg/mL combinados com 20 μg/mL de Fluconazol foram capazes de inibir o crescimento do fungo testado, promover alterações no seu padrão de crescimento, permeabilizar sua membrana e induzir espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS). Alguns desses resultados não foram observados com os peptídeos sozinhos ou com o Fluconazol sozinho, sugerindo que os peptídeos e o Fluconazol atuem sinergicamente promovendo uma potencialização da atividade antimicrobiana. Por fim os peptídeos Cc-LTP e Cc- GRP foram submetidos à clonagem, porém com a estratégia empregada não foi possível a obtenção da sequencia dos fragmentos clonados.
Antimicrobial peptides, which play a role in plant defense, have been identified and isolated particularly from seeds. In this work we isolated and immunolocalized a new lipid transfer protein (LTP), named Cc-LTP2, from Coffea canephora seeds. We report its antimicrobial activity against various phytopathogenic fungi of economic importance, and against the bacterium Xanthomonas euvesicatoria. Peptides from C. canephora seeds were initially extracted using acid buffer and subjected to ion-exchange and reverse-phase chromatographies. A purified peptide of approximately 9 kDa was then subjected to amino acid sequencing. The analyses showed that it was similar to LTPs isolated from various plants and was named Cc-LTP2. The tissue and subcellular localization of C. canephora LTPs indicated that they were located in cell walls and intracellular palisade parenchyma, mainly in large vacuoles. The results of immunohistochemistry and histochemistry superposed from C. canephora seed tissues showed that LTPs and lipid bodies are present in organelles, supporting the hypothesis that LTPs from seeds are involved in lipid mobilization during germination. Cc-LTP2 did not inhibit the development of the phytopathogenic fungi but did inhibit X. euvesicatoria. Cc- LTP2 also increased membrane permeability and induced endogenous production of reactive oxygen species in all the fungi tested. Another objective of the present study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of the Cc-LTP2 and Cc-GRP peptides isolated from Coffea canephora seeds and their possible and synergistic activity with the azole drug Fluconazole. Cc-LTP2 and Cc-GRP alone or in combination with 20 μg/mL fluconazole were evaluated for their antimicrobial activity on the fungus Fusarium solani, and the effects of these peptides alone or in combination with the drug on the permeability of membranes and the induction of oxidative stress were determined. Our results show that these peptides at a concentration of 400 μg/mL combined with 20 μg/mL of fluconazole were able to inhibit the growth of the tested fungi, promote changes in their growth pattern, permeabilize the membrane, and induce reactive oxygen species (ROS). Some of these results were observed with the peptides alone or with fluconazole alone, suggesting that the peptides act synergistically, promoting the potentiation of antimicrobial action. Finally Cc-LTP and Cc-GHRP peptides were subjected to cloning, but with the strategy employed were not possible to obtain the sequence of the cloned fragment.
Antimicrobial peptides, which play a role in plant defense, have been identified and isolated particularly from seeds. In this work we isolated and immunolocalized a new lipid transfer protein (LTP), named Cc-LTP2, from Coffea canephora seeds. We report its antimicrobial activity against various phytopathogenic fungi of economic importance, and against the bacterium Xanthomonas euvesicatoria. Peptides from C. canephora seeds were initially extracted using acid buffer and subjected to ion-exchange and reverse-phase chromatographies. A purified peptide of approximately 9 kDa was then subjected to amino acid sequencing. The analyses showed that it was similar to LTPs isolated from various plants and was named Cc-LTP2. The tissue and subcellular localization of C. canephora LTPs indicated that they were located in cell walls and intracellular palisade parenchyma, mainly in large vacuoles. The results of immunohistochemistry and histochemistry superposed from C. canephora seed tissues showed that LTPs and lipid bodies are present in organelles, supporting the hypothesis that LTPs from seeds are involved in lipid mobilization during germination. Cc-LTP2 did not inhibit the development of the phytopathogenic fungi but did inhibit X. euvesicatoria. Cc- LTP2 also increased membrane permeability and induced endogenous production of reactive oxygen species in all the fungi tested. Another objective of the present study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of the Cc-LTP2 and Cc-GRP peptides isolated from Coffea canephora seeds and their possible and synergistic activity with the azole drug Fluconazole. Cc-LTP2 and Cc-GRP alone or in combination with 20 μg/mL fluconazole were evaluated for their antimicrobial activity on the fungus Fusarium solani, and the effects of these peptides alone or in combination with the drug on the permeability of membranes and the induction of oxidative stress were determined. Our results show that these peptides at a concentration of 400 μg/mL combined with 20 μg/mL of fluconazole were able to inhibit the growth of the tested fungi, promote changes in their growth pattern, permeabilize the membrane, and induce reactive oxygen species (ROS). Some of these results were observed with the peptides alone or with fluconazole alone, suggesting that the peptides act synergistically, promoting the potentiation of antimicrobial action. Finally Cc-LTP and Cc-GHRP peptides were subjected to cloning, but with the strategy employed were not possible to obtain the sequence of the cloned fragment.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro.
Peptídeos, Coffea canephora, Atividade antimicrobiana
BARD, G. C. V. Potential of antimicrobial peptide of seeds of Coffea canephora cv Robusta Tropical in the control of phytopathogenic microrganisms. 2016. 117 f. Tese (Doutorado em Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Campos dos Goytacazes. 2016.