Resposta da aplicação de atrativos alimentares na população de crisopídeos em cafeeiro em transição para sistema de cultivo orgânico
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Estudou-se na Fazenda Cachoeirinha, em Santo Antônio do Amparo, a resposta de crisopídeos à aplicação de atrativos alimentares em cafeeiro sob sistema de transição de cultivo para orgânico. O delineamento experimental foi no esquema de parcelas subdivididas, sendo alocadas nas parcelas os tratamentos e nas subparcelas os dias após a aplicação dos atrativos. A parcela experimental foi constituída por quatro linhas (10 plantas/linha), sendo a área útil composta por 10 plantas centrais.
Foram testados seis tratamentos: 1-lêvedo de cerveja + mel, 2- melaço, 3- proteína hidrolisada (Aumax), 4- Aumax + inseticida cartap (isca tóxica), 5- inseticida cartap e 6- testemunha (somente água), com cinco repetições. Os três primeiros tratamentos e a água foram aplicados mensalmente, enquanto a isca tóxica e o inseticida foram aplicados somente quando a infestação do bicho-mineiro alcançou o nível de controle (30% de minas com lesões intactas). As avaliações do número de adultos e ovos do inseto predador foram realizadas em 10 plantas/parcela, a cada 15 dias, pela captura de adultos com rede entomológica e
contagem direta de ovos em folhas de cafeeiro. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e ao teste de Scott & Knott a 5% de significância. Embora preliminares, os resultados sugerem que pode ocorrer uma atração inicial de adultos do predador, com estímulo à oviposição quando se aplica lêvedo + mel. Pode também ocorrer aumento na população de crisopídeos na área, porém com distribuição independente dos atrativos alimentares, provavelmente devido ao tamanho das parcelas utilizadas nesta pesquisa. Por outro lado, não se observou efeito negativo ao predador.
It was studied at Santo Antônio do Amparo in the Cachoeirinha Farm, the Chrysopidae response to the food attractive application in coffee plant under organic transition culture. The experimental planning was by way of subdivided fragments where we allocated treatments to them and in the subfragments the days after the attractive application. The experimental fragment was constituted by four lines (10 plants/line), with a useful area compound by 10 central plants. We had tested six treatments: 1- beer yeast + honey, 2- molasses, 3- hydrolized protein (Aumax), 4- Aumax + cartap insecticide (toxic bait), 5- cartap insecticide and 6- testimony (only water), with five replications. The first three treatments and the water were applied monthly, while the toxic bait and the insecticide, were applied only when the coffee leaf miner infestation achieved the threshold level (30% of mines with intact lesions). The evaluations of the adults and insect predator eggs were realized in 10 plants/fragment every 15 days by the adults capture with entomological trap and direct counting of the eggs in coffee plant leaves. The results were submitted to a variance analysis and to the Scott and Knott test at 5 % of significance. Though preliminary, the results suggest that it may occurs a initial attraction of the adults of predators, with oviposition stimulating when we applied yeast + honey. It may also occurs an increasing of the population of Chrysopidae in the area, but with an independent distribution of the food attractive, due probably by the size of the used fragments in this research. On the other hand down, it was not observed negative effect to predator.
It was studied at Santo Antônio do Amparo in the Cachoeirinha Farm, the Chrysopidae response to the food attractive application in coffee plant under organic transition culture. The experimental planning was by way of subdivided fragments where we allocated treatments to them and in the subfragments the days after the attractive application. The experimental fragment was constituted by four lines (10 plants/line), with a useful area compound by 10 central plants. We had tested six treatments: 1- beer yeast + honey, 2- molasses, 3- hydrolized protein (Aumax), 4- Aumax + cartap insecticide (toxic bait), 5- cartap insecticide and 6- testimony (only water), with five replications. The first three treatments and the water were applied monthly, while the toxic bait and the insecticide, were applied only when the coffee leaf miner infestation achieved the threshold level (30% of mines with intact lesions). The evaluations of the adults and insect predator eggs were realized in 10 plants/fragment every 15 days by the adults capture with entomological trap and direct counting of the eggs in coffee plant leaves. The results were submitted to a variance analysis and to the Scott and Knott test at 5 % of significance. Though preliminary, the results suggest that it may occurs a initial attraction of the adults of predators, with oviposition stimulating when we applied yeast + honey. It may also occurs an increasing of the population of Chrysopidae in the area, but with an independent distribution of the food attractive, due probably by the size of the used fragments in this research. On the other hand down, it was not observed negative effect to predator.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Resumos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. 181p. : il.
Café orgânico Crisopídeos Manejo Atrativos alimentares, Alimentary attractive Natural enemies management Organic coffee Toxic bait.
Moraes, Jair C.; Ecole, Carvalho C.; Silva, Rogério A.; Ferreira, Antônio J.; Souza, Brígida; Costa, Denilson B. Resposta da aplicação de atrativos alimentares na população de crisopídeos em cafeeiro em transição para sistema de cultivo orgânico. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. (CD-ROM), p. 2062-2068