Tratamento eletrolítico da água residuária do café: otimização e modelagem
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
O café é um dos produtos mais importantes na balança comercial, representando grande expressividade na economia brasileira. Visando a agregação de valor ao produto, realiza-se o processamento via úmido dos grãos (despolpa), o que gera grandes volumes de efluentes (águas residuárias do café - ARC), ricos em compostos orgânicos e inorgânicos capazes de promover degradação ambiental do solo e da água quando tratados incorretamente. Neste sentido, objetivou-se propor um sistema eletrolítico com placas de alumínio operando em fluxo contínuo no tratamento da ARC sem e com recirculação, ARC 1 e ARC2, respectivamente. Para tanto, inicialmente conduziram-se 12 (doze) experimentos em modo batelada para cada uma das ARC’s seguindo um delineamento inteiramente casualisado, em esquema de parcelas sub-subdivididas, com duas repetições. Nas parcelas o fator distância de placas em três níveis (DP = 10, 20 e 30 mm) foi avaliado, nas subparcelas o fator densidades de correntes em quatro níveis (DC = 25, 50, 75 e 100 A m -2 ) e nas sub-subparcelas o fator tempo de detenção ou retenção hidráulico do efluente no reator em dez níveis (Tempo: 0, 60, 121, 183, 247, 312, 378, 446, 516 e 586 s), para a ARC1 e onze níveis para ARC2 (Tempo: 0, 300, 606, 918, 1237, 1562, 1894, 2234, 2580, 2934 e 3296 s). O reator utilizado foi construído em vidro com dimensões internas de 8,15 cm de largura, 13,8 cm de comprimento e 8,9 cm de profundidade, possuindo um volume de 1000 cm 3 . Avaliou-se a eficiência de remoção dos poluentes e os custos operacionais envolvidos no tratamento das ARC’s. Após o emprego das técnicas de otimização, constatou-se que: as médias das condições ótimas de operação, refletindo a maior remoção das variáveis monitoradas, são em intervalos de Tempo de 376 segundos, DC de 70 A m -2 e DP de 26 mm para a ARC1, e intervalos médios de Tempo de 2614 segundos, DC de 63 A m -2 e DP de 21 mm para a ARC2. Em experimentos posteriores para a validação do sistema em fluxo contínuo nas condições otimizadas, obteve-se para a ARC1 uma remoção de 68,35%, 25,55% e 3,68%, para a turbidez, sólidos totais e DQO, respectivamente. Já para a ARC2, a remoção apresentou valores de 95,85%, 24,34% e 9,71%, para a turbidez, sólidos totais e DQO, respectivamente. Maiores taxas de remoção foram evidencias para a ARC1 para as variáveis turbidez e sólidos totais (133 NTU min -1 e 143,5 mg L -1 min -1 , para turbidez e sólidos totais, respectivamente), devido ao menor tempo de tratamento. Para a ARC2, maiores taxas de remoção foram detectadas para a DQO (42 mg L -1 ), demonstrando que a degradação dos seus percursores acontece em Tempos mais longos. Maiores consumos elétricos na remoção dos poluentes (11,16 kW.h m -3 ) e custo operacional de tratamento (R$ 4,2 m -3 ) foram evidenciados para a ARC2, ocasionados pela elevada concentração das variáveis nesse efluente. Para a ARC1, o custo operacional do tratamento, nas condições otimizadas, foi de R$ 0,66 m -3 e o consumo elétrico de 1,75 kW.h m -3 , provavelmente relacionados às menores taxas das variáveis observadas.
Coffee is one of the most important products in the trade balance, representing great expressiveness in the Brazilian economy. Aiming at aggregating value to the product, the wet processing of the grains (take the pulp out) is carried out, which generates large volumes of effluents (coffee wastewater - CWW), rich in organic and inorganic compounds capable of promoting environmental degradation of the soil and Water.In this sense, it was aimed to propose an electrolytic system with aluminum plates operating in a continuous flow in the treatment of CWW without and with recirculation, CWW1 and CWW2, respectively. The efficiency of removal of the pollutants and the operational costs involved by conducting batch tests using a reactor with internal dimensions of 8.15 cm wide, 13.8 cm long and 8.9 cm deep, having a volume of 1000 cm 3. The experiments were conducted following a completely randomized design in a subdivided time plot with two replicates, in which the plots correspond to the distances of plaques at three levels (PD = 10, 20 and 30 mm), the subplots as (CD = 25, 50, 75 and 100 A m2) and sub-subplots were collected in the reactor at 60 and 300 seconds intervals for CWW1 and CWW2 respectively. After statistical, mathematical and computational techniques, it was verified that the averages of the optimal operating conditions are in intervals of 376 seconds, CD of 70 A m -2 and PD of 26.6 mm for CWW1, and intervals mean of 2614 seconds, CD of 64 A m -2 and PD of 20.66 mm for CWW2, reflecting the greater removal of the monitored variables. In the validation of the continuous flow system, a removal of 68.35%, 25.55% and 3.68% for turbidity, total solids and COD (Chemical Demand for Oxygen) were obtained for CWW1, respectively. For the CWW2, the removal presented values of 95.85%, 24.34% and 9.71% for turbidity, total solids and COD, respectively. Higher rates of clearance were evidences for CWW1, due to the shorter treatment time, except for COD that was higher in CWW2. Higher electrical consumption was detected in CWW2, as well as higher operating cost of treatment (R$ 4.2 m -3 ), were evidenced for CWW2, caused by the high concentration of the variables in this effluent. For CWW1, the operating cost of the treatment under optimized conditions was R$ 0.66 m -3 and the electric consumption of 1.75 kW.h m -3 , probably related to the lower rates of observed variables.
Coffee is one of the most important products in the trade balance, representing great expressiveness in the Brazilian economy. Aiming at aggregating value to the product, the wet processing of the grains (take the pulp out) is carried out, which generates large volumes of effluents (coffee wastewater - CWW), rich in organic and inorganic compounds capable of promoting environmental degradation of the soil and Water.In this sense, it was aimed to propose an electrolytic system with aluminum plates operating in a continuous flow in the treatment of CWW without and with recirculation, CWW1 and CWW2, respectively. The efficiency of removal of the pollutants and the operational costs involved by conducting batch tests using a reactor with internal dimensions of 8.15 cm wide, 13.8 cm long and 8.9 cm deep, having a volume of 1000 cm 3. The experiments were conducted following a completely randomized design in a subdivided time plot with two replicates, in which the plots correspond to the distances of plaques at three levels (PD = 10, 20 and 30 mm), the subplots as (CD = 25, 50, 75 and 100 A m2) and sub-subplots were collected in the reactor at 60 and 300 seconds intervals for CWW1 and CWW2 respectively. After statistical, mathematical and computational techniques, it was verified that the averages of the optimal operating conditions are in intervals of 376 seconds, CD of 70 A m -2 and PD of 26.6 mm for CWW1, and intervals mean of 2614 seconds, CD of 64 A m -2 and PD of 20.66 mm for CWW2, reflecting the greater removal of the monitored variables. In the validation of the continuous flow system, a removal of 68.35%, 25.55% and 3.68% for turbidity, total solids and COD (Chemical Demand for Oxygen) were obtained for CWW1, respectively. For the CWW2, the removal presented values of 95.85%, 24.34% and 9.71% for turbidity, total solids and COD, respectively. Higher rates of clearance were evidences for CWW1, due to the shorter treatment time, except for COD that was higher in CWW2. Higher electrical consumption was detected in CWW2, as well as higher operating cost of treatment (R$ 4.2 m -3 ), were evidenced for CWW2, caused by the high concentration of the variables in this effluent. For CWW1, the operating cost of the treatment under optimized conditions was R$ 0.66 m -3 and the electric consumption of 1.75 kW.h m -3 , probably related to the lower rates of observed variables.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.
Processo eletrolítico, Análise de superfícies de tendência, Análise de regressão
GARDIMAN JUNIOR., B. S. Tratamento eletrolítico da água residuária do café: otimização e modelagem. 2018. 113 f. Tese (Doutorado em Produção Vegetal) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Alegre. 2018.