Tratamento de efluente sintético de café com uso de processos baseados em ozônio
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Universidade Federal do Paraná
O café é uma das bebidas não-alcóolicas mais consumidas no mundo. Para esse propósito, é necessário que o café em grão seja submetido a um processamento industrial gerando um volume considerável de efluente. As principais características deste efluente são a coloração marrom escuro e a presença de várias macromoléculas, dentre elas, melanoidinas e cafeína. Os processos oxidativos avançados (POA) têm demonstrado ser eficientes na remoção de cor e na degradação de compostos de baixa biodegradabilidade. Neste trabalho foi avaliado o tratamento de efluente sintético de café pelos processos baseados em ozônio. Os tratamentos foram realizados em um reator encamisado em modo semi-batelada com controle de temperatura. Em estudo preliminar analisou-se a influência de quatros parâmetros sobre a ozonização: concentração de ozônio (5 – 15 mg L -1), pH (3 – 8), concentração de café (300 – 500 mg L -1) e temperatura (20 – 30oC). A partir do planejamento de Plackett- Burman (PB 7/8), o pH foi o parâmetro estatisticamente significativo (p < 0,05) para as respostas remoção de cor e degradação de cafeína. No entanto, foi observado que a temperatura não foi um parâmetro significativo (p > 0,05) para ambas respostas. A partir destes estudos preliminares foi proposto um planejamento experimental e metodologia de superfície de respostas (RSM) para o tratamento do efluente por ozonização e processo O3 /UV. Para o tratamento por ozonização foi proposto um planejamento composto central de face centrada 2 4 avaliando as condições operacionais: concentração de ozônio (5 – 15 mg L -1 ), pH (3-8), concentração de café (300 – 500 mg L -1) e tempo reacional (15 – 45 min). Para o processo de O3 /UV foi proposto um planejamento composto central de face centrada 2 3 avaliando as condições operacionais: pH (3,8 – 9,2), concentração de ozônio (5,3 – 14,7 mg L -1 ) e tempo reacional (28 – 52 min). Utilizando a metodologia de superfície de resposta (RSM) para ozonização e para processo O3 /UV, o modelo quadrático em função dos parâmetros foi adequado para percentual de remoção de cor e para percentual de degradação de cafeína. Além disso, a função desejabilidade mostrou que a ozonização nas condições [O3] 15 mg L-1 , pH 8, [Café] 300 mg L-1 e tempo reacional 45 min, apresentou maior eficiência na degradação de cafeína (93%) e na remoção de cor (85%). Para o processo O 3 /UV, o ponto de ótimo foi obtido utilizando-se os seguintes parâmetros: pH 9,2, [O3] 14,7 mg L-1 e tempo reacional 52 min. Nessas condições foram verificadas 96% de degradação de cafeína e 99% de remoção de cor. Na segunda etapa do trabalho foi avaliado a influência do pH inicial para processos baseados em ozônio (O3, O3 /H2O2, O3 /UV e O3 /UV/H2O2). Alguns parâmetros foram fixados como a concentração inicial de café 300 mg L-1 e a concentração de ozônio em 5 mg L-1. Todos os ensaios apresentaram degradação de cafeína superior a 99,9% para 60 min de reação. O processo mais eficiente foi a combinação O3 /UV/H2O2 e pH inicial 8, nessas condições, após 60 min de reação apresentou 99% de remoção de cor e 84% de remoção de TOC. Utilizando análise de variância (ANOVA dois fatores) e o teste de Tukey HSD foi observado que o “pH inicial” e os “processos” foram parâmetros significativos, para as três constantes cinética (k 400, k 273, k 254). Em relação a toxicidade utilizando o organismo-teste microcrustáceo (Artemia salina), observou que meia concentração efetiva (CE 50) para efluente tratado por ozonização e por O3/UV/H2O2 apresentaram valor menor do que efluente sem tratamento.
Coffee is one of the most widely consumed non-alcoholic beverages in the world. For this purpose, it is necessary that coffee beans undergo industrial processing, thus generating a considerable volume of effluent. Characteristic of this effluent is dark brown coloring and the presence of several macromolecules (e.g.: melanoidins, caffeine). Advanced oxidative processes (AOP) have been shown efficient technique for color removal and degradation of low biodegradability compounds. This work the treatment of synthetic coffee effluent by ozonation and ozone based processes were evaluated. The treatments were performed in a jacketed reactor in semi-batch mode with temperature control. In a preliminary study, Plackett-Burman design (PB 7/8) was used to analyze the influence of four operational parameters for ozonation: ozone concentration (5 – 15 mg L-1), pH (3 - 8), coffee concentration (300 – 500 mg L-1) and temperature (20 – 30 oC). For PB 7/8 design, pH was the statistically significant parameter (p < 0.05) for color removal and caffeine degradation responses, while temperature was not significant (p>0.05) for both responses. From these screening studies, an experimental design and response surface methodology (RSM) were proposed for ozonation and for O3/UV processes. For ozonation was proposed a central composite face centered (CCF) design 2 4 , was used to evaluate operational parameters: ozone concentration (5 – 15 mg L -1 ), pH (3-8), coffee concentration (300 – 500 mg L-1) and reaction time (15 – 45 min). For O3/UV process was proposed a central composite face centered (CCF) design, 2 3 , was used to evaluate operational parameters: pH (3.8 – 9.2), ozone concentration (5.3 – 14.7 mg L-1) and reaction time (28 – 52 min). Using surface response methodology (RSM) for ozonation and for O3/UV process, quadratic model were suitable for color removal and for caffeine degradation. Moreover, the desirability function for ozonation in this conditions: O3 concentration 15 mg L-1, coffee concentration 300 mg L -1 and reaction time 45 min showed a higher percentage of caffeine degradation (93%) and color removal (85%). For O3/UV process, the optimum condition was obtained under the following conditions, pH 9.2, O3 concentration 14.7 mg L-1 and reaction time 52 min showed 96% caffeine degradation and 99% color removal. In the second stage of work was evaluated the influence of the initial pH for different ozone based processes (O3, O3/H2O2, O3/UV and O3/UV/H2O2). In this case, some parameters were fixed as the coffee concentration was 300 mg L -1 and ozone concentration was 5 mg L -1 . All assays showed caffeine degradation above 99.9% for 60 min of reaction. The most efficient process was O3/UV/H2O2 at initial pH 8 showed 99% of color removal and 84% of mineralization. Using the analysis of variance (ANOVA-two way) and the Tukey HSD test, it was observed that the “initial pH” and “processes” were significant for the three kinetic constants (k 400 , k 273 and k 254 ). Regarding toxicity using brine shrimp (Artemia salina), it was observed that half effective concentration (EC 50) for effluent treated by ozonation and by O3/UV/H2O2 process presented lower value than non-treated effluent.
Coffee is one of the most widely consumed non-alcoholic beverages in the world. For this purpose, it is necessary that coffee beans undergo industrial processing, thus generating a considerable volume of effluent. Characteristic of this effluent is dark brown coloring and the presence of several macromolecules (e.g.: melanoidins, caffeine). Advanced oxidative processes (AOP) have been shown efficient technique for color removal and degradation of low biodegradability compounds. This work the treatment of synthetic coffee effluent by ozonation and ozone based processes were evaluated. The treatments were performed in a jacketed reactor in semi-batch mode with temperature control. In a preliminary study, Plackett-Burman design (PB 7/8) was used to analyze the influence of four operational parameters for ozonation: ozone concentration (5 – 15 mg L-1), pH (3 - 8), coffee concentration (300 – 500 mg L-1) and temperature (20 – 30 oC). For PB 7/8 design, pH was the statistically significant parameter (p < 0.05) for color removal and caffeine degradation responses, while temperature was not significant (p>0.05) for both responses. From these screening studies, an experimental design and response surface methodology (RSM) were proposed for ozonation and for O3/UV processes. For ozonation was proposed a central composite face centered (CCF) design 2 4 , was used to evaluate operational parameters: ozone concentration (5 – 15 mg L -1 ), pH (3-8), coffee concentration (300 – 500 mg L-1) and reaction time (15 – 45 min). For O3/UV process was proposed a central composite face centered (CCF) design, 2 3 , was used to evaluate operational parameters: pH (3.8 – 9.2), ozone concentration (5.3 – 14.7 mg L-1) and reaction time (28 – 52 min). Using surface response methodology (RSM) for ozonation and for O3/UV process, quadratic model were suitable for color removal and for caffeine degradation. Moreover, the desirability function for ozonation in this conditions: O3 concentration 15 mg L-1, coffee concentration 300 mg L -1 and reaction time 45 min showed a higher percentage of caffeine degradation (93%) and color removal (85%). For O3/UV process, the optimum condition was obtained under the following conditions, pH 9.2, O3 concentration 14.7 mg L-1 and reaction time 52 min showed 96% caffeine degradation and 99% color removal. In the second stage of work was evaluated the influence of the initial pH for different ozone based processes (O3, O3/H2O2, O3/UV and O3/UV/H2O2). In this case, some parameters were fixed as the coffee concentration was 300 mg L -1 and ozone concentration was 5 mg L -1 . All assays showed caffeine degradation above 99.9% for 60 min of reaction. The most efficient process was O3/UV/H2O2 at initial pH 8 showed 99% of color removal and 84% of mineralization. Using the analysis of variance (ANOVA-two way) and the Tukey HSD test, it was observed that the “initial pH” and “processes” were significant for the three kinetic constants (k 400 , k 273 and k 254 ). Regarding toxicity using brine shrimp (Artemia salina), it was observed that half effective concentration (EC 50) for effluent treated by ozonation and by O3/UV/H2O2 process presented lower value than non-treated effluent.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal do Paraná.
Efluente de café, Ozonização, Peroxone, Toxicidade, Artemia salina, Processo O3 /UV, Processo O3 /UV/H2O2
TAKASHINA, T. A. Tratamento de efluente sintético de café com uso de processos baseados em ozônio. 2018. 104 f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia de Alimentos) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba. 2018.