Capacidade da lagoa de estabilização, integrante de um sistema piloto, na remoção da carga orgânica da água residuária do processamento do café por via úmida
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Editora UFLA
O processamento do café por via úmida, além de aumentar a eficiência para se obter cafés de melhor qualidade, diminui consideravelmente os custos de secagem e ainda, reduz o espaço ocupado no terreiro. Porém, esse tipo de processamento gera grandes quantidades de águas residuárias, que devem sofrer algum tipo de tratamento antes de serem lançadas em corpos hídricos. Nesta pesquisa, objetivou-se monitorar a Lagoa de Estabilização integrante desse sistema, avaliar a sua eficiência na remoção da carga orgânica afluente e desenvolver um modelo de ajuste para descrever a autodepuração ocorrida. Para esta pesquisa, foram considerados 300,200 litros de frutos do cafeeiro, da espécie Coffea arabica L., processados, por via úmida. A carga média diária foi de 136 kgDQO d -1 , encaminhada para um sistema piloto de tratamento de água residuária do processamento do café. O monitoramento foi realizado por meio de análises químicas e físico-químicas e o modelo de ajuste foi desenvolvido a partir do cálculo do balanço hídrico, das equações de estimativa teórica de remoção de DQO e das análises de DQO realizadas. O efluente da lagoa de estabilização apresentou concentração inicial de DQO de 7,100 mg L -1 e final de 100 mg L -1 . Ficou constatado que a lagoa foi a unidade de tratamento que reduziu em cerca de 80% a concentração de matéria orgânica afluente. O modelo de ajuste desenvolvido apresentou coeficiente de ajuste satisfatório (r 2 = 0,8015).
Wet coffee processing, besides its efficiency in getting better coffee quality, also minimizes considerably drying costs, and moreover reduces the space due to the ground-flour spreading seeds. However, this type of processing produces large quantities of wastewater, which must be treated before being discharged into the sewage system. The main objective of this research was to monitor the stabilization pond, as part of a pilot system, and therefore, to evaluate its efficiency concerning the organic loading removal and also to develop a model that can describe the auto-purification. In this research it was used 300.200 liters of coffee fruits, Coffea arabica L., specie, in the wet processing. The organic loading rate applied was 136 kgCOD d -1 .The performance of this unit was monitored through chemical and physical-chemical analysis, and the mathematical modeling was developed based on the hydric balance, on the theoretical COD estimation and on the actual analysis of COD realized. The stabilization pond effluent presented averages of initial and final COD concentration of 7.100 mg L -1 and 100 mg L -1 , respectively. It was found that the stabilization pond was responsible for removing 80% of the total organic matter present in the affluent. The adjusted model developed showed a satisfactory regression coefficient (r 2 = 0,8015).
Wet coffee processing, besides its efficiency in getting better coffee quality, also minimizes considerably drying costs, and moreover reduces the space due to the ground-flour spreading seeds. However, this type of processing produces large quantities of wastewater, which must be treated before being discharged into the sewage system. The main objective of this research was to monitor the stabilization pond, as part of a pilot system, and therefore, to evaluate its efficiency concerning the organic loading removal and also to develop a model that can describe the auto-purification. In this research it was used 300.200 liters of coffee fruits, Coffea arabica L., specie, in the wet processing. The organic loading rate applied was 136 kgCOD d -1 .The performance of this unit was monitored through chemical and physical-chemical analysis, and the mathematical modeling was developed based on the hydric balance, on the theoretical COD estimation and on the actual analysis of COD realized. The stabilization pond effluent presented averages of initial and final COD concentration of 7.100 mg L -1 and 100 mg L -1 , respectively. It was found that the stabilization pond was responsible for removing 80% of the total organic matter present in the affluent. The adjusted model developed showed a satisfactory regression coefficient (r 2 = 0,8015).
Modelo matemático, Tratamento de efluente, Pós-colheita do café, Lagoa de estabilização
SILVA, J. F.; CAMPOS, C. M. M. Capacidade da lagoa de estabilização, integrante de um sistema piloto, na remoção da carga orgânica da água residuária do processamento do café por via úmida. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, Lavras, v. 34, n. 6, p. 1536-1542, nov./dez., 2010.