Aplicação de biochar de resíduos de café em neossolo regolítico: efeitos nas características químicas e biológicas e na produção de milho e feijão
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Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
Vários estudos estão sendo realizados em todo no brasil e no mundo utilizando a aplicação de biochar, com a finalidade de se encontrar alternativas de manejo para aumentar o teor de matéria orgânica do solo. Dentre essas alternativas, o uso do biochar na agricultura vem se tornando cada vez mais uma técnica bastante interessante para mitigar os efeitos das mudanças climáticas, sendo uma importante ferramenta no sequestro de carbono que também tem potencial de proporcionar diversas melhorias nas propriedades físicas, químicas e biológicas do solo. Assim, o presente trabalho teve o objetivo de caracterizar dois biochars, produzidos a partir de dois tipos de resíduos (casca e borra de café), além de avaliar o efeito destes nas características químicas e biológicas de um Neossolo Regolítico cultivado com milho e feijão. O trabalho foi conduzido na área experimental da Unidade Acadêmica de Garanhuns da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UAG/UFRPE). Inicialmente foi realizado a produção dos dois biochar um de casca de café (CC) e outro da borra de café (BC), que foi realizada por meio da combustão em um pequeno forno térmico caseiro. Após a produção destes, foram determinadas a superfície específica (ASE), a capacidade de adsorção e dessorção do fósforo por colorimetria, e realizada a análise da composição química de cada biochar. Para implantação do experimento em casa de vegetação foi coletado solo na camada de 0-20 cm numa área proveniente de mata nativa, na fazenda Riacho do Papagaio, na mesorregião do Agreste Meridional do Estado de Pernambuco, município de São João, sendo este classificado como Neossolo Regolítico eutrófico típico. Também foram realizadas análises para caracterizar as propriedades químicas e físicas do solo. O experimento foi conduzido no delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC) ao acaso. Os tratamentos consistiram de solo com adubação mineral (NPK) e adubação orgânica com esterco de curral, ambas segundo a recomendação indicada para cada cultura, e dois tipos de Biochar, com 4 repetições. Quatro sementes de milho e de feijão, foram colocadas por vasos, sendo que cinco dias após a emergência (DAE) foi realizado um desbaste, deixando-se uma planta por vaso. Foram medidos os valores de pH e de condutividade elétrica (CE) da água de drenagem do solo, e realizada a medição da evapotranspiração (ET). E no final do experimento, 45 DAE, realizou-se a determinação da produção de biomassa fresca (BF) e seca (BS) da parte aérea. No solo foram determinadas as análises do carbono da biomassa microbiana do solo (CBM), da respiração basal (RBS), do carbono orgânico total (COT), da matéria orgânica do solo (MO), do quociente metabólico (qCO 2 ) e do quociente microbiano (qmic). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA) por meio do teste F e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade, e os dados foram submetidos à análise multivariada de componentes principais (ACP). O biochar de BC foi mais efetivo em liberar P que o CC, o que pode estar relacionado com a menor ASE do BC em relação ao CC, uma vez que maior ASE pode fazer com que o P fique adsorvido às partículas do CC. Independentemente do tipo de biochar (CC ou BC), as maiores doses (16 Mg ha -1 ) promoveram alterações nas propriedades microbiológicas do solo, aumentando o CBM, o COT e o qMIC e diminuindo o qCO 2 . O tratamento com biochar de borra de café (dose de 16 Mg ha -1 ) promoveu maior eficiência no uso de água, consumindo 45,6 e 47% menos água nas culturas do milho e feijão, respectivamente. O uso de biochar de resíduos de café (CC e BC) promoveram mudanças nas propriedades químicas do solo, aumentando o pH e os teores de P e K.
The use of biochar in agriculture is a practice widely used, in order to improve soil characteristics, being of great importance and contributing to soil structure, increase the carbon content in the soil, it is becoming an increasingly important tool in soil conditioning. Several studies are being conducted throughout in Brazil and in the world using the application of biochar in order to find management alternatives to increase the content of soil organic matter. Thus, this study aimed to characterize two biochars produced from two types of waste (peel and coffee grounds), and to evaluate the effect of these in the chemical and biological characteristics of an Entisol cultivated with corn and beans. The work was conducted in the experimental area of the Academic Unit of Garanhuns Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UAG/UFRPE). Initially it was conducted to produce the two biochar a coffee pods (CC) and other coffee grounds (BC), which was carried out by means of combustion heat in a small home oven. After production of these were determined specific surface area (SSA), the adsorption capacity and desorption of phosphorus by colorimetric and performed the analysis of chemical composition of each biochar. For implementation of the experiment in greenhouse was collected soil at 0-20 cm in an area from native forest, the farm Riacho kite in mesoregion South Agreste of Pernambuco, São João, which is classified as Entisol typical eutrophic. Also analyzes were performed to characterize the chemical and physical properties of the soil. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design (CRD) at random. Treatments consisted of soil with mineral fertilizers (NPK) and organic fertilization with cattle manure, both according to the recommendations indicated for each crop, and two types of Biochar, with 4 repetitions. Four seeds of maize and beans were placed on vessels, five days after emergence (DAE) was carried out thinning, leaving one plant per pot. The pH and conductivity were measured (EC) soil water drainage and held measuring evapotranspiration (ET). And at the end of the experiment, 45 DAE was held to determine the production of fresh biomass (BF) and dry (BS) of the shoot. On the ground it was determined carbon analysis of soil microbial biomass (CBM), the basal respiration (RBS), total organic carbon (TOC), soil organic matter (OM), metabolic quotient (qCO2) and the quotient microbial (QMIC). Data were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) by F test and means were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability, and the data were subjected to multivariate principal component analysis (PCA). The biochar BC was more effective in releasing the CC P, which may be related to the lower ASE BC with respect to DC, since higher SEA can cause the P becomes adsorbed to the particles of CC. Whatever type of biochar (CC or BC), the highest dose (16 Mg ha-1) promoted changes in the microbiological properties of the soil, increasing the CBM, TOC and qMIC and decreasing qCO2. Treatment with coffee grounds of biochar (16 Mg ha-1 dose) promoted greater efficiency in water use, consuming 45.6 and 47% less water in crops of corn and beans, respectively. The use of biochar coffee waste (CC and BC) promoted changes in soil properties, increasing pH, P and K levels.
The use of biochar in agriculture is a practice widely used, in order to improve soil characteristics, being of great importance and contributing to soil structure, increase the carbon content in the soil, it is becoming an increasingly important tool in soil conditioning. Several studies are being conducted throughout in Brazil and in the world using the application of biochar in order to find management alternatives to increase the content of soil organic matter. Thus, this study aimed to characterize two biochars produced from two types of waste (peel and coffee grounds), and to evaluate the effect of these in the chemical and biological characteristics of an Entisol cultivated with corn and beans. The work was conducted in the experimental area of the Academic Unit of Garanhuns Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UAG/UFRPE). Initially it was conducted to produce the two biochar a coffee pods (CC) and other coffee grounds (BC), which was carried out by means of combustion heat in a small home oven. After production of these were determined specific surface area (SSA), the adsorption capacity and desorption of phosphorus by colorimetric and performed the analysis of chemical composition of each biochar. For implementation of the experiment in greenhouse was collected soil at 0-20 cm in an area from native forest, the farm Riacho kite in mesoregion South Agreste of Pernambuco, São João, which is classified as Entisol typical eutrophic. Also analyzes were performed to characterize the chemical and physical properties of the soil. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design (CRD) at random. Treatments consisted of soil with mineral fertilizers (NPK) and organic fertilization with cattle manure, both according to the recommendations indicated for each crop, and two types of Biochar, with 4 repetitions. Four seeds of maize and beans were placed on vessels, five days after emergence (DAE) was carried out thinning, leaving one plant per pot. The pH and conductivity were measured (EC) soil water drainage and held measuring evapotranspiration (ET). And at the end of the experiment, 45 DAE was held to determine the production of fresh biomass (BF) and dry (BS) of the shoot. On the ground it was determined carbon analysis of soil microbial biomass (CBM), the basal respiration (RBS), total organic carbon (TOC), soil organic matter (OM), metabolic quotient (qCO2) and the quotient microbial (QMIC). Data were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) by F test and means were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability, and the data were subjected to multivariate principal component analysis (PCA). The biochar BC was more effective in releasing the CC P, which may be related to the lower ASE BC with respect to DC, since higher SEA can cause the P becomes adsorbed to the particles of CC. Whatever type of biochar (CC or BC), the highest dose (16 Mg ha-1) promoted changes in the microbiological properties of the soil, increasing the CBM, TOC and qMIC and decreasing qCO2. Treatment with coffee grounds of biochar (16 Mg ha-1 dose) promoted greater efficiency in water use, consuming 45.6 and 47% less water in crops of corn and beans, respectively. The use of biochar coffee waste (CC and BC) promoted changes in soil properties, increasing pH, P and K levels.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Unidade Acadêmica de Garanhuns - Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco.
Manejo do solo, Biocarvão, Adubação orgânica, Drenagem do solo, Efeito estufa
SILVA, W. M. Aplicação de biochar de resíduos de café em neossolo regolítico: efeitos nas características químicas e biológicas e na produção de milho e feijão. 2016. 57 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Produção agrícola) - Unidade Acadêmica de Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Garanhuns. 2016.