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O Brasil é um importante produtor e exportador de café, e o principal pólo cafeeiro encontra-se na região sul de MG. Portanto, objetivou-se verificar as condições de fertilidade do solo em áreas ocupadas por cafeeiro em produção, localizadas nesta região. Para avaliação da fertilidade do solo de lavouras cafeeiras em produção no Sul de MG, foram utilizadas análises de solo da COOXUPÉ, referentes à camada de 0 a 20 cm. Em 64,5% das análises, o valor de pH está entre muito baixo e baixo. 28% das análises apresentaram teor de P muito baixo (< 5 mg/dm3), 26% teor baixo (6 - 12 mg/dm3), 30% teor médio (13 - 30 mg/dm3), 12% teor alto (31 - 60 mg/dm3) e 4% teor muito alto (> 60 mg/dm3). O teor de K+ trocável está situado entre médio a alto. Em 3,5% das análises o Ca2+ trocável no solo foi muito baixo (<4,0 mmolc/dm3), em 13,1% foi baixo (4,1 – 12,0 mmolc/dm3) em 69,3% médio (12,1 – 24,0 mmolc/dm3) e em 14,1% alto (24,1 – 40,0 mmolc/dm3). Em 1% das análises de Mg2+, foi muito baixo (< 1,5 (mmolc/dm3), verificou-se que 15,5% estavam baixos (1,6 – 4,5 mmolc/dm3), em 64,8% teores médios (4,6 – 9,0 mmolc/dm3) e em 18,8% teores altos (9,1 – 15,0 mmolc/dm3). Pode-se observar que 90% das análises de Al3+ apresentaram valores baixos. Em 10% das análises o V% foi muito baixo, em 41,5% foi baixo, em 33% foi médio, e em 15,5% foi alto. Pode-se constatar que a grande maioria dos cafeicultores ainda não faz a utilização adequada da prática da calagem mas fazem uso de fertilizantes fosfatados e potássicos.
Brazil is a major producer and exporter of coffee, and the main pole coffee is in the region south of MG. Therefore, the objective of this study was to verify the conditions of soil fertility in areas occupied by coffee production, located in this region. For the evaluation of soil fertility in coffee plantations in production in the South of MG, were used soil analyses of COOXUPÉ, referring to the layer of 0 to 20 cm. In 64.5 % of the analyzes, the pH value is between very low and low. 28% Of the analyzes presented P content very low ( <5 mg/dm3), 26% low (6 - 12), 30% average content (13 - 30), 12% content high (31 - 60) and 4% content very high ( >60). The content of K+ trocavel is situated between medium to high. In 3.5 % of the analyzes the Ca2+ trocavel in soil was very low ( <4.0 mmolc/dm3), with 13.1 % was low (4.1 - 12.0 ) in 69.3 % average (12.1 - 24.0 ) and 14.1 % high (24.1 - 40.0 ). In 1% of the analyzes of Mg2+, it was very low (< 1.5 (mmolc/dm3), it was found that 15.5 % of them were low (1.6 - 4.5 mmolc/dm3), with 64.8 % medium contents (4.6 - 9.0 mmolc/dm3) and in 18.8 % levels high (9.1 - 15.0 mmolc/dm3). It can be observed that 90% of the analyzes of Al3+ showed low values. In 10% of the analyzes the V% was very low, at 41.5 % was low, at 33% was medium, and in 15.5 % was high. It can be seen that the great majority of growers still does not make proper use of the practice of the liming but make use of phosphate fertilizers and potassic.
Brazil is a major producer and exporter of coffee, and the main pole coffee is in the region south of MG. Therefore, the objective of this study was to verify the conditions of soil fertility in areas occupied by coffee production, located in this region. For the evaluation of soil fertility in coffee plantations in production in the South of MG, were used soil analyses of COOXUPÉ, referring to the layer of 0 to 20 cm. In 64.5 % of the analyzes, the pH value is between very low and low. 28% Of the analyzes presented P content very low ( <5 mg/dm3), 26% low (6 - 12), 30% average content (13 - 30), 12% content high (31 - 60) and 4% content very high ( >60). The content of K+ trocavel is situated between medium to high. In 3.5 % of the analyzes the Ca2+ trocavel in soil was very low ( <4.0 mmolc/dm3), with 13.1 % was low (4.1 - 12.0 ) in 69.3 % average (12.1 - 24.0 ) and 14.1 % high (24.1 - 40.0 ). In 1% of the analyzes of Mg2+, it was very low (< 1.5 (mmolc/dm3), it was found that 15.5 % of them were low (1.6 - 4.5 mmolc/dm3), with 64.8 % medium contents (4.6 - 9.0 mmolc/dm3) and in 18.8 % levels high (9.1 - 15.0 mmolc/dm3). It can be observed that 90% of the analyzes of Al3+ showed low values. In 10% of the analyzes the V% was very low, at 41.5 % was low, at 33% was medium, and in 15.5 % was high. It can be seen that the great majority of growers still does not make proper use of the practice of the liming but make use of phosphate fertilizers and potassic.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Coffea arabica L., Fertilidade do solo, Atributos químicos do solo., Coffea arabica L., Soil Fertility, Soil chemical attributes.
Figueiredo, Vanessa Castro; Mantovani, José Ricardo; Dias, Kaio Gonçalves de Lima; Reis, Thiago Henrique Pereira; Carvalho, Alex Mendonça de. Fertilidade do solo de lavouras cafeeiras em produção na região do sul de Minas. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 4p.