Levantamento dos nematóides de galha (Meloidogyne spp.) em áreas cafeeiras fluminenses e estimativa dos seus danos à produtividade regional
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Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro
Com o objetivo a médio prazo de se desenvolver um manejo integrado dos nematóides de galha (NDG) na cafeicultura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, realizou- se um trabalho de levantamento das espécies de NDG presentes nas áreas cafeeiras do Estado. Durante o período das chuvas (novembro a março) dos anos 2001/2002 e 2002/2003, foram amostradas 180 lavouras de café arábica (Coffea arabica L.) e 10 lavouras de café conilon (C. canephora Pierre) nas principais regiões cafeeiras do Estado, sendo este total dividido entre as regiões e municípios de acordo com a área plantada. A amostragem foi feita retirando-se raízes sob a “saia” do cafeeiro de vários locais nas lavouras. A identificação taxonômica foi realizada através do exame de caracteres morfológicos e do padrão isoenzimático de esterase de fêmeas maduras das populações encontradas nos cafezais. Das 180 lavouras de café arábica amostradas, verificou-se que 94 lavouras estavam infectadas por Meloidogyne exigua, sendo que, 65% das lavouras do município de Porciúncula, 50% de Varre-Sai, 35% de Bom Jesus do Itabapoana (Região Noroeste), 68% das lavouras de Bom Jardim, 60% de Duas Barras, 16% das lavouras de São José do Vale do Rio Preto (Região Serrana) e zero em Valença (Região Sul). Das 10 lavouras de café conilon amostradas, verificou-se que uma lavoura do município de Bom Jesus de Itabapoana estava infectada por M. incognita, sendo este, o primeiro relato dessa espécie infectando café no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Em outro trabalho realizado na Região Noroeste (principal região produtora), procurou-se quantificar o nível populacional de NDG nas lavouras e, junto com os dados de produtividade, manejo e nutrição das lavouras coletados através de questionários e testes laboratoriais, estimar os danos causados pelos NDG para a cafeicultura regional. Com tal propósito, foram selecionadas e amostradas 125 lavouras de café (C. arabica L.), sendo 54 lavouras em Porciúncula, 54 em Varre-Sai e 17 lavouras em Bom Jesus de Itabapoana, divididas em três grupos de acordo com o nível tecnológico adotado pelo produtor e os tratos culturais realizados nas lavouras (níveis tecnológicos I, II e III) e duas idades (abaixo e acima de 5 anos). Amostras de solo foram coletadas no mesmo período do levantamento, para se realizar a extração, fixação e contagem de juvenis de segundo estádio (J2). Aplicou-se um questionário aos produtores, obtendo-se informações sobre os tratos culturais e produções das lavouras nos últimos 5 anos, bem como, coletaram-se amostras de folhas para realização de análises foliares. Todos estes dados foram analisados através do uso de análise univariada e de forma complementar por análise multivariada. Obteve-se uma correlação negativa entre o nível populacional de J2 de M. exigua e a produtividade das lavouras do nível tecnológico I (lavouras bem conduzidas). As lavouras novas apresentaram perdas de produtividade de 30% e nas lavouras velhas as perdas foram de 45% nos níveis populacionais mais elevados, de 40 a 50 J2/100cc. O nível de dano de M. exigua para as lavouras novas foi de 9 J2/100cc de solo e para as lavouras velhas foi de 14 J2/100cc de solo.
With the mid-term goal of developing strategies for the integrated management of the root-knot nematode (RKN) afflicting coffee plantations, a Statewide survey was performed to identify the Meloidogyne species. One hundred-eighty "arabica" coffee plantations and ten "conilon" ones were surveyed in the State's main coffee regions during the 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 rainy seasons. In each plantation, roots were collected from several coffee plants from the area under the canopy. The taxonomic identification was performed by examination of morphological characters at the light microscope, and by the esterase isozyme phenotype of mature females. Amongst the 180 "arabica" plantations surveyed, 94 were afflicted by M. exigua. In the municipalities of Porciúncula, Varre-Sai, Bom Jesus do Itabapoana, Bom Jardim, Duas Barras and São José do Vale do Rio Preto, the proportion of plantations afflicted were 65%, 50%, 35%, 68%, 60% and 16%, respectively. No plantations were afflicted in the municipality of Valença. Amongst the ten "conillon" plantations surveyed, one was afflicted by M. incognita, in the municipality of Bom Jesus do Itabapoana. This is the first report of this species in the State of Rio de Janeiro. In addition to the survey, this work aimed to assess the M. exigua-related yield losses in the State's Northwest coffee region, as well as estimate nematode population damage levels. One hundred twenty-five "arabica" coffee plantations, proporcionally distributed in the municipalities of Varre-Sai, Porciúncula and Bom Jesus de Itabapoana, were categorized in two ages (under and above five year-old) and three technological levels (I to III) according to their agrochemical inputs and management of diseases and pests, use of soil amendments and weed control used by the growers as well as by the intensity of management of soil. All growers were interviewed on the their crops management and productivity, and their informations on the use of fertilizers were cross-checked with foliar analysis. All these data were analysed by uni- and multivariate statistics and crossed with population levels of second-stage juveniles (J2) assessed twice in the rainy seasons between 2001 and 2003. A negative correlation was obtained between M. exigua J2 population levels and coffee yield in plantations of the technological level I. Plantations under five year-old suffered yield losses around 30%, and those above five year-old suffered losses around 45% when afflicted by J2 populations around 40 to 50 specimens per 100 cc. of soil. The damage threshold was nine J2/100 cc. of soil for plantations below five year-old, and 14 J2/100 cc. of soil for those above five year-old.
With the mid-term goal of developing strategies for the integrated management of the root-knot nematode (RKN) afflicting coffee plantations, a Statewide survey was performed to identify the Meloidogyne species. One hundred-eighty "arabica" coffee plantations and ten "conilon" ones were surveyed in the State's main coffee regions during the 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 rainy seasons. In each plantation, roots were collected from several coffee plants from the area under the canopy. The taxonomic identification was performed by examination of morphological characters at the light microscope, and by the esterase isozyme phenotype of mature females. Amongst the 180 "arabica" plantations surveyed, 94 were afflicted by M. exigua. In the municipalities of Porciúncula, Varre-Sai, Bom Jesus do Itabapoana, Bom Jardim, Duas Barras and São José do Vale do Rio Preto, the proportion of plantations afflicted were 65%, 50%, 35%, 68%, 60% and 16%, respectively. No plantations were afflicted in the municipality of Valença. Amongst the ten "conillon" plantations surveyed, one was afflicted by M. incognita, in the municipality of Bom Jesus do Itabapoana. This is the first report of this species in the State of Rio de Janeiro. In addition to the survey, this work aimed to assess the M. exigua-related yield losses in the State's Northwest coffee region, as well as estimate nematode population damage levels. One hundred twenty-five "arabica" coffee plantations, proporcionally distributed in the municipalities of Varre-Sai, Porciúncula and Bom Jesus de Itabapoana, were categorized in two ages (under and above five year-old) and three technological levels (I to III) according to their agrochemical inputs and management of diseases and pests, use of soil amendments and weed control used by the growers as well as by the intensity of management of soil. All growers were interviewed on the their crops management and productivity, and their informations on the use of fertilizers were cross-checked with foliar analysis. All these data were analysed by uni- and multivariate statistics and crossed with population levels of second-stage juveniles (J2) assessed twice in the rainy seasons between 2001 and 2003. A negative correlation was obtained between M. exigua J2 population levels and coffee yield in plantations of the technological level I. Plantations under five year-old suffered yield losses around 30%, and those above five year-old suffered losses around 45% when afflicted by J2 populations around 40 to 50 specimens per 100 cc. of soil. The damage threshold was nine J2/100 cc. of soil for plantations below five year-old, and 14 J2/100 cc. of soil for those above five year-old.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro.
Nematóides de galha, Levantamento
BARBOSA, D. H. S. G. Levantamento dos nematóides de galha (Meloidogyne spp.) em áreas cafeeiras fluminenses e estimativa dos seus danos à produtividade regional. 2003. 89 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Produção vegetal) - Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Campos dos Goytacazes. 2003.