Avaliações bioquímicas da parede celular e morfológicas de folhas de café (Coffea arabica L. e Coffea canephora Pierre) associadas a condições de estresses abióticos
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Universidade Federal do Paraná
A parede celular é uma estrutura dinâmica e complexa, com papéis centrais no crescimento, desenvolvimento, fisiologia e defesa vegetal. Sua composição é alterada no crescimento, desenvolvimento e em condições de estresse. Os estresses abióticos são decorrentes de alterações nas condições químicas e físicas do ambiente da planta, diminuindo seu crescimento e podendo causar até sua morte. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as alterações dos componentes da parede celular de folhas de café (Coffea. arabica e Coffea canephora) submetidas aos estresses térmico, hídrico e salino. Frações de pectinas, hemiceluloses e lignocelulose foram isoladas e analisadas quanto à composição e distribuição de massa molecular. A ultraestrutura das células do mesofilo da folha também foi avaliada. Todos os estresses causaram alterações na composição da parede celular e na ultraestrutura das células da folha. Em todas as condições de estresses houve redução do conteúdo de amido no citoplasma e rupturas das membranas dos cloroplastos. Os estresses térmico e salino diminuíram o rendimento das frações polissacarídicas, aumento do tamanho médio dos polissacarídeos e aumento do conteúdo de lignina no resíduo final, alterações relacionadas ao enrijecimento da parede celular. Por outro lado, o estresse hídrico promoveu o afrouxamento da parede celular pelo aumento da solubilidade das frações polissacarídicas, redução do tamanho médios dos polissacarídeos e leve redução do conteúdo de lignina da fração lignocelulósica. A espécie de C. canephora tolerante (clone 14) e sensível (clone 109A) ao estresse hídrico foi investigada. O cultivar tolerante apresentou ao enrijecimento da parede celular em resposta ao estresse hídrico, enquanto o clone sensível respondeu afrouxando a parede celular. Estes resultados indicam que a maior resistência da parede celular seja uma importante característica que garante a maior tolerância ao estresse hídrico no clone tolerante.
The cell wall is a dynamic and complex structure to play a central role in growth, development, physiology and plant defense. It is composition is altered on growth, development and stress conditions. The abiotic stresses are deriving of alterations in chemical and physical conditions in environmental of plant, decreasing its growth and may induce until its death. The objective of this work was evaluated the change in cell wall components of leaves of coffee (Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora) exposed to heat, drought and saline stress. Pectics, hemicellulosics and lignocellulosics fractions were isolated and analyzed its composition and molecular mass distribution. The leaves cells ultrastructure of mesophyll was also evaluated. All of stresses caused alteration in cell wall compositions and in cell wall ultrastructure of leaves. In all stresses conditions there were decreasing in cytoplasm starch content and membrane disruption of chloroplasts. The heat and saline stresses decreasing of yields of polysaccharides fractions, increasing of medium size of polysaccharides, and increasing in lignin content in final residue, alterations consistent with cell wall stiffening. On the other hand, the drought stress caused cell wall loosening by the increasing of solubility of polysaccharide fractions, decreasing of polysaccharide medium size, and slight decreasing of lignin content in lignocellulosic fraction. The C. canephora tolerance (clone 14) and sensible (clone 109A) specie to drought stress was also investigated. The tolerance cultivar showed features of stiffening in response to drought stress, while the sensible clone responded loosening the cell wall. These results may suggest that stiffening to play an important role that ensures the better tolerance to drought stress in tolerant clone.
The cell wall is a dynamic and complex structure to play a central role in growth, development, physiology and plant defense. It is composition is altered on growth, development and stress conditions. The abiotic stresses are deriving of alterations in chemical and physical conditions in environmental of plant, decreasing its growth and may induce until its death. The objective of this work was evaluated the change in cell wall components of leaves of coffee (Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora) exposed to heat, drought and saline stress. Pectics, hemicellulosics and lignocellulosics fractions were isolated and analyzed its composition and molecular mass distribution. The leaves cells ultrastructure of mesophyll was also evaluated. All of stresses caused alteration in cell wall compositions and in cell wall ultrastructure of leaves. In all stresses conditions there were decreasing in cytoplasm starch content and membrane disruption of chloroplasts. The heat and saline stresses decreasing of yields of polysaccharides fractions, increasing of medium size of polysaccharides, and increasing in lignin content in final residue, alterations consistent with cell wall stiffening. On the other hand, the drought stress caused cell wall loosening by the increasing of solubility of polysaccharide fractions, decreasing of polysaccharide medium size, and slight decreasing of lignin content in lignocellulosic fraction. The C. canephora tolerance (clone 14) and sensible (clone 109A) specie to drought stress was also investigated. The tolerance cultivar showed features of stiffening in response to drought stress, while the sensible clone responded loosening the cell wall. These results may suggest that stiffening to play an important role that ensures the better tolerance to drought stress in tolerant clone.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal do Paraná.
Parede celular, Polissacarídeos, Estresse salino, Estresse hídrico, Coffea arabica, Coffea canephora, Estresse térmico, Estresses abióticos
LIMA, R. B. Avaliações bioquímicas da parede celular e morfológicas de folhas de café (Coffea arabica L. e Coffea canephora Pierre) associadas a condições de estresses abióticos. 2013. 141 f. Tese (Doutorado em Bioquímica) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba. 2013.