Relação entre a adubação nitrogenada e as condições híbricas so solo para um cafezal de Piracicaba, SP
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Apesar do manejo da cultura do café já estar bem estabelecido no Brasil, ainda existe espaço para sua melhoria no que se refere ao uso dos recursos naturais disponíveis em cada região produtora, visando ao aumento de produtividade. Aqui são apresentados resultados sobre o destino do nitrogênio (N) do fertilizante aplicado a um cafezal, relacionados às condições hídricas prevalecentes. São discutidos balanços hídricos que permitiram avaliações da distribuição radicular, do coeficiente de cultura e das condições hídricas do solo durante o desenvolvimento da cultura. Cerca de 60% do sistema radicular se distribui na camada 0-0,3 m e o coeficiente médio de cultura foi de 1,1 para plantas de 3 a 5 anos de idade. Pelo uso do marcador de nitrogênio - 15 N - pôde-se estudar a distribuição do N do fertilizante dentro da planta e do solo, bem como estabelecer balanços gerais de N que também incluem as perdas, como a lixiviação e a volatilização. Após dois anos de aplicação de sulfato de amônio, em doses de 280 (1o ano) e 350 (2o ano) kg.ha -1 de N, em quatro aplicações iguais realizadas no período de taxas de crescimento positivo, as recuperações do N do fertilizante foram 19,1% pela parte aérea e 9,7% pelas raízes, restando 12,6% no solo e 11,2% na serrapilheira; 0,9% foi perdido por volatilização e 2,3% por lixiviação; 26,3% foram exportados pela colheita e 18,2% permaneceram em compartimentos não avaliados. Dos 630 kg.ha -1 de N aplicados nos dois anos, ao final 180 se encontravam na planta (parte aérea mais raiz), o que equivale a 28,5%; 150 kg.ha -1 de N ficaram disponíveis para os próximos anos (solo e serrapilheira) e apenas 20 kg.ha -1 de N foram efetivamente perdidos (volatilização e lixiviação).
Although the management of the coffee crop is well established in Brazil, there is still room for its improvement in relation natural resources available in each region, aiming the increase in productivity. Here are presented results regarding the fate of the fertilizer nitrogen (N) applied to a coffee plantation related to the prevailing soil water conditions. Soil water balances are discussed, which allowed evaluation of the root distribution, determinations of the crop coefficient and of the soil water conditions during the development of the crop. Approximately, 60% of the root system was distributed in the 0-0.3 m soil layer and the average crop coefficient was 1.1 for 3 to 5 year old plants. Using an N label, the 15 N, it was possible to study the distribution of N in the plant and in the soil and establishes general N balances, which also include losses like leaching and volatilization. After two years of ammonium sulfate application, at rates of 280 (1st year) and 350 (2nd year) kg.ha -1 of N, in four equal application performed during the period of positive growth rate, the recuperation of fertilizer N were 19.1% by the aerial plant part and 9.4% by the roots, 12.6% remained in the soil and 11.2% in the litter; 0.9% was lost by volatilization and 2.3% by leaching; 26.3% was exported through harvesting and 18.2% remained in non evaluated compartments. From the applied 630 kg.ha -1 of N during the two years, 180 kg.ha -1 of N were found in the plant (shoot and root), which corresponds to 28.6%; 150 kg.ha -1 of N remained available for the next years(soil and litter), and only 20 kg.ha -1 of N were effectively lost (volatilization and leaching).
Although the management of the coffee crop is well established in Brazil, there is still room for its improvement in relation natural resources available in each region, aiming the increase in productivity. Here are presented results regarding the fate of the fertilizer nitrogen (N) applied to a coffee plantation related to the prevailing soil water conditions. Soil water balances are discussed, which allowed evaluation of the root distribution, determinations of the crop coefficient and of the soil water conditions during the development of the crop. Approximately, 60% of the root system was distributed in the 0-0.3 m soil layer and the average crop coefficient was 1.1 for 3 to 5 year old plants. Using an N label, the 15 N, it was possible to study the distribution of N in the plant and in the soil and establishes general N balances, which also include losses like leaching and volatilization. After two years of ammonium sulfate application, at rates of 280 (1st year) and 350 (2nd year) kg.ha -1 of N, in four equal application performed during the period of positive growth rate, the recuperation of fertilizer N were 19.1% by the aerial plant part and 9.4% by the roots, 12.6% remained in the soil and 11.2% in the litter; 0.9% was lost by volatilization and 2.3% by leaching; 26.3% was exported through harvesting and 18.2% remained in non evaluated compartments. From the applied 630 kg.ha -1 of N during the two years, 180 kg.ha -1 of N were found in the plant (shoot and root), which corresponds to 28.6%; 150 kg.ha -1 of N remained available for the next years(soil and litter), and only 20 kg.ha -1 of N were effectively lost (volatilization and leaching).
Balanço hídrico, Balanço de nitrogênio, Água no solo, Lixiviação, Volatilização, Coffea arabica
REICHARDT, K. et al. Relação entre a adubação nitrogenada e as condições híbricas so solo para um cafezal de Piracicaba, SP. Coffee Science, Lavras, v. 4, n. 1, p. 41-55, jan./jun. 2009.