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As cochonilhas Planococcus citri e Planococcus minor têm sido relatadas no Brasil, atacando as rosetas do cafeeiro, Coffea spp. São espécies crípticas, ocorrem na mesma planta hospedeira e causam danos similares, o que dificulta sua separação. Estudos de morfometria e moleculares fazem-se necessários neste caso, para determinar as diferenças entre as espécies, tendo em vista que a identificação especifica é importante ao implementar um programa de controle biológico. Para os estudos morfométricos utilizou-se o índice de Cox & Freeston, que considera a atribuição de pesos à diversos caracteres morfológicos. Constatou-se que P. citri pode ocorrer em citros, videira e cafeeiro e P. minor em cafeeiro e cacau. Contudo, alguns caracteres morfológicos da população de P. minor proveniente de cacau extrapolaram a amplitude para a espécie, havendo sobreposição com P. citri. Dessa forma, essas constatações não possibilitaram a separação das espécies por meio de estudos morfométricos, o que levou a realização de estudos moleculares. Exemplares de Planococcus foram analisados por PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction Restriction, Fragment Lenght Polymorphism) com o gene mitocondrial COI e o gene do endosimbionte 16S. Posteriormente os fragmentos de ADN amplificados e seqüenciados. Os resultados mostraram alguns padrões polimórficos para a separação de ambas espécies.
The mealybugs Planococcus citri e Planococcus minor have been reported in Brazil, attacking cherries of coffee plants, Coffea spp. Both species are cryptic, occurring on the same hosts, causing similar damages, and by consequence difficult to separate. Morphometric and molecular studies are necessary to determine the differences between species. The correct identification is useful to any biological control program due to the specificity of many parasitoids. Morphometric studies used several anatomical characters, each with a ponderated score, that it is known as Cox and Freeston Score. Only a final score gives a good approximation to identify the species, however, a superposition zone occurs where is impossible to take a decision. P. minor was found in cacao and coffee, while P. citri was found in citrus, coffee and grapes. Planococcus specimens were also analyzed by PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction Restriction, Fragment Lenght Polymorphism) with the mitochondrial gene COI and the endosimbiont gen 16S. The fragments were amplified and sequenced. The PCR amplification of both gens produced polymorphic patterns that distinguished both species.
The mealybugs Planococcus citri e Planococcus minor have been reported in Brazil, attacking cherries of coffee plants, Coffea spp. Both species are cryptic, occurring on the same hosts, causing similar damages, and by consequence difficult to separate. Morphometric and molecular studies are necessary to determine the differences between species. The correct identification is useful to any biological control program due to the specificity of many parasitoids. Morphometric studies used several anatomical characters, each with a ponderated score, that it is known as Cox and Freeston Score. Only a final score gives a good approximation to identify the species, however, a superposition zone occurs where is impossible to take a decision. P. minor was found in cacao and coffee, while P. citri was found in citrus, coffee and grapes. Planococcus specimens were also analyzed by PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction Restriction, Fragment Lenght Polymorphism) with the mitochondrial gene COI and the endosimbiont gen 16S. The fragments were amplified and sequenced. The PCR amplification of both gens produced polymorphic patterns that distinguished both species.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Planococcus citri, P. minor, Pseudococcidae, Coffea spp., sequenciação, DNA., Planococcus citri, P. minor, Pseudococcidae, Coffea spp., sequencing, DNA.
Prado, Ernesto; Malaussa, Thibaut; Cecília, Flávia V. S.; Souza, Brígida; Santa-Cecília, Lenira V. Costa. identificação das cochinilhas, Planococcus citri e Planococcus minor mediante estudos morfométricos e moleculares. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 4p.