Observações microclimáticas de geadas em viveiros de café
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As geadas do mês de julho/2000 afetaram centenas de viveiros, destruindo milhões de mudas de café no Paraná. O viveiro do IAPAR em Londrina foi protegido e as mudas produzidas em sacolinha, em canteiros baixos cobertos com pano/plástico de colheita feito de polipropileno trançado, foram totalmente salvas. As mudas produzidas em "tubetes", em canteiros com bandejas a 1,20m de altura do solo foram parcialmente afetadas, dependendo do tipo de cobertura. A fim de avaliar as temperaturas mínimas neste viveiro, instalou-se termômetros de par termoelétrico cobre-constantã nas folhas e raízes de mudas. Na madrugada do dia 24/07/2000, os resultados observados foram:
1- Mudas de sacolinha ao relento: -0,9 ºC
2- Mudas de sacolinha no viveiro sombrite: 0,5 ºC
3- Mudas de sacolinha cobertas com pano/plástico-branco de colheita: 3,2 ºC
4- Mudas de "tubete" com plástico preto e pano de colheita: 2,2 ºC
5- Mudas de "tubete" com plástico preto: 0,2 ºC
6- Mudas de "tubete" cobertas com cobertura alta de sombrite: -0,2 ºC
7- Raiz da muda de "tubete" com cobertura alta de sombrite: 0,6 ºC.
Os resultados observados permitem algumas considerações microclimáticas:
- A diferença de 4,2 ºC entre as mudas em sacolinhas cobertas e ao relento explicam o escape das mudas protegidas durante as geadas.
- As baixas temperaturas na folha e raiz das mudas em "tubetes" ao relento ou cobertas apenas com plástico de polietileno preto, em relação às mudas de sacolinhas, explicam porque as mudas em "tubetes" estão foram mais afetadas pelas geadas.
Conclui-se que as mudas de sacolinhas em canteiros baixos podem ser facilmente protegidas contra geadas, por meio da cobertura com túneis de pano/plástico de polipropileno trançado para efeito de isolamento. Por outro lado, as mudas em "tubetes" em canteiros altos, além da proteção do tipo túnel, necessitam de aquecimento extra, devido à sua maior exposição às baixas temperaturas.
The frosts occurred in July 2000 damaged hundreds of coffee nurseries, destroying millions of coffee seedlings in Parana State, Brazil. In the nursery at the IAPAR farm, in Londrina, seedlings grown in plastic bags were covered with interlaced white polipropilen sheets used for coffee harvesting and they were protected. Seedlings grown in tubets, in suspended trays at the height of 1.2 m were partially damaged, depending on the type of cover. Aiming at evaluating minimum temperatures in this nursery, thermocouples made of cooper-constantan were used to monitor leaf and root temperature of the seedings. In the morning of July 24, the following results were observed: 1.Seedlings in plastic bags exposed: -0,9 ºC 2.Seedlings in plastic bags in the nursery, covered with 50% plastic screen at the height of 2.2 m: 0,5 ºC 3. Seedlings in plastic bags in the nursery covered with interlaced white polipropilen: 3,2 ºC 4.Seedlings in tubets covered with black polietilen and interlaced white polipropilen: 2,2 ºC 5.Seedlings in tubets coverd with black polietilen: 0,2 ºC 6.Seedlings in tubets covered with plastic screen with 50% of porosity, at the height of 2.2 m: -0,2 ºC 7.Root temperature in tubets covered with plastic screen with 50% of porosity, at the height of 2.2 m: 0,6 ºC. The results obtained lead to the following conclusions: 1. The difference of 4.2oC, between seedlings in plastic bags exposed and covered, explains why the protected ones did not suffer damages during the frosts. 2. The low temperatures on the leaves and roots of the seedlings in tubets exposed or covered only with black polietilen explain why the seedlings in tubets were more damaged by frosts. It is concluded that seedlings in plastic bags can be easily protected against frost with the same kind of plastic used for coffee harvest. On the other hand, seedlings from tubets in suspended trays will need other kind of protection such as heating to survive during severe frost.
The frosts occurred in July 2000 damaged hundreds of coffee nurseries, destroying millions of coffee seedlings in Parana State, Brazil. In the nursery at the IAPAR farm, in Londrina, seedlings grown in plastic bags were covered with interlaced white polipropilen sheets used for coffee harvesting and they were protected. Seedlings grown in tubets, in suspended trays at the height of 1.2 m were partially damaged, depending on the type of cover. Aiming at evaluating minimum temperatures in this nursery, thermocouples made of cooper-constantan were used to monitor leaf and root temperature of the seedings. In the morning of July 24, the following results were observed: 1.Seedlings in plastic bags exposed: -0,9 ºC 2.Seedlings in plastic bags in the nursery, covered with 50% plastic screen at the height of 2.2 m: 0,5 ºC 3. Seedlings in plastic bags in the nursery covered with interlaced white polipropilen: 3,2 ºC 4.Seedlings in tubets covered with black polietilen and interlaced white polipropilen: 2,2 ºC 5.Seedlings in tubets coverd with black polietilen: 0,2 ºC 6.Seedlings in tubets covered with plastic screen with 50% of porosity, at the height of 2.2 m: -0,2 ºC 7.Root temperature in tubets covered with plastic screen with 50% of porosity, at the height of 2.2 m: 0,6 ºC. The results obtained lead to the following conclusions: 1. The difference of 4.2oC, between seedlings in plastic bags exposed and covered, explains why the protected ones did not suffer damages during the frosts. 2. The low temperatures on the leaves and roots of the seedlings in tubets exposed or covered only with black polietilen explain why the seedlings in tubets were more damaged by frosts. It is concluded that seedlings in plastic bags can be easily protected against frost with the same kind of plastic used for coffee harvest. On the other hand, seedlings from tubets in suspended trays will need other kind of protection such as heating to survive during severe frost.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (1.: 2000 : Poços de Caldas, MG). Resumos expandidos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café; Belo Horizonte : Minasplan, 2000. 2v. (1490p.) : il.
Café Proteção contra geadas Viveiro Tubetes, Coffee seedlings Frost protection Nursery Tubets
Carneiro Filho, Francisco; Morais, Heverly; Caramori, Paulo H.; Androcioli Filho, Armando. Observações microclimáticas de geadas em viveiros de café. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (1.: 2000 : Poços de Caldas, MG). Resumos expandidos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café; Belo Horizonte : Minasplan, 2000. 2v. (1490p.), p. 80-82.