Aspectos microbiológicos, nutricionais, fisiológicos e bioquímicos em cafeeiro
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Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro
O trabalho foi dividido em dois capítulos. Capítulo 1: As plantas de cobertura proporcionam benefícios para a agricultura, entretanto se mal manejadas podem prejudicar o desenvolvimento da cultura. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: (a) avaliar, em condições de campo, a interferência que as plantas de cobertura cultivadas nas entrelinhas de Coffea canephora cv. Conilon impõem sobre as plantas espontâneas, bem como verificar seu comportamento fitossociológico; (b) avaliar a ciclagem de nutrientes, a fixação biológica de nitrogênio e o efeito que as plantas de cobertura podem causar em lavoura de C. canephora cv. Conilon, sob manejo orgânico; (c) avaliar as características químicas e microbiológicas do solo sob cafeeiros Conilon (C. canephora) em manejo orgânico e convencional. Plantas de cobertura foram semeadas nas entrelinhas de um cafezal de 6,5 anos, conduzido sob manejo orgânico, com espaçamento de 2,0 x 1,5 m. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, num arranjo fatorial com tratamentos adicionais: testemunha, milheto (Pennisetum glaucum) e as leguminosas feijão-de-porco (Canavalia ensiformis), mucuna-anã (Mucuna deeringiana) e feijão-guandu (Cajanus cajan), com e sem inoculação com Rizóbio. Foram determinadas a matéria seca das plantas de cobertura, o crescimento e as concentrações de nutrientes no cafeeiro. Determinou-se, ainda, a densidade, a freqüência e abundância relativa, o índice de valor de importância e de similaridade das plantas espontâneas. Efetuaram-se, também, análises químicas de solo e das partes vegetativas das plantas espontâneas e de cobertura, bem como as concentrações foliares do cafeeiro. A fixação biológica de nitrogênio (FBN) foi determinada pela técnica da abundância natural. Foram selecionadas duas áreas cultivadas com café Conilon (manejo orgânico e convencional) e uma área de fragmento de mata Atlântica, utilizada como referência. Realizou-se análise química, granulométrica, concentração do carbono e de nitrogênio da biomassa microbiana e respiratória atividade de microrganismos do solo, em janeiro e julho, nas profundidades de 0-10 cm e 10 a 20 cm. Os dados foram submetidos à análise multivariada e análise descritiva das variáveis. Foram identificadas 27 espécies, destacando-se Bidens subalternans e Commelina benghalensis. As plantas de cobertura promoveram modificações na dinâmica de sucessão de plantas espontâneas e não prejudicam o desenvolvimento do cafeeiro. Feijão-de-porco, mucuna-anã e milheto auxiliaram no controle de plantas espontâneas. A FBN contribuiu com cerca de 80% do N acumulado pelas leguminosas, sendo que a contribuição foi equivalente a 27 - 35 kg N ha -1 . Dessa forma, as leguminosas podem suprir parte da necessidade de nitrogênio do cafeeiro Conilon. Não se observou efeito significativo das plantas de cobertura sobre as concentrações de nutrientes e o crescimento do cafeeiro Conilon. A inoculação com rizóbio não influenciou a ciclagem de nutrientes e FBN. O carbono da biomassa microbiana foi o atributo microbiológico do solo que mais contribuiu para agrupar as diferentes formas de cultivo. O solo do fragmento de mata Atlântica, seguido pelo solo de café Conilon sob manejo orgânico, apresentaram os melhores índices de qualidade de solo. Os atributos microbiológicos variaram conforme a época do ano e profundidade do solo, apresentando maiores valores de carbono e nitrogênio da biomassa microbiana na camada superficial, no mês de janeiro. Do ponto de vista nutricional, os sistemas de manejo estudados (orgânico e convencional) apresentaram respostas similares. Capítulo 2: Temperaturas baixas positivas afetam diversos componentes fisiológicos e bioquímicos das plantas. Contudo, essas possuem mecanismos de aclimatação que conferem tolerância a essas condições limitantes e uma melhor capacidade de recuperação após o fim do estresse. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: (a) avaliar o impacto de baixas temperaturas positivas no aparato fotossintético, através da análise da composição lipídica das membranas dos cloroplastos e na taxa fotossintética, em dois genótipos de Coffea sp. submetidos a baixas temperaturas positivas; e (b) contribuir na caracterização das respostas fisiológicas e bioquímicas de dois importantes genótipos de C. canephora e um genótipo de C. arabica, submetidos a baixas temperaturas positivas e ao período de recuperação subseqüente, pemitindo elucidar os mecanismos envolvidos em diferentes suscetibilidades a baixas temperaturas. Plantas com cerca de 1 ano de idade foram colocadas em câmaras de crescimento, onde permaneceram em condições controladas, quais sejam: temperatura de 25/20oC (dia/noite), irradiância 700-900 μmol m -2 s -1 , atimosfera com 380 μL CO 2 L -1 , umidade relativa de 70% e fotoperíodo de 12h durante cerca de 10 dias. As plantas foram depois submetidas sucessivamente a um decréscimo gradual de 0,5oC diários da temperatura, desde 25/20oC até 13/8oC, um ciclo de 3 dias a 13/4oC e 14 dias de recuperação. Durante o experimento, foram avaliadas as trocas gasosas, a emissão de fluorescência da clorofila a, a atividade de algumas enzimáticas relacionadas com as vias fotossintéticas e respiratórias, assim como os teores de pigmentos fotossintéticos e de açúcares solúveis. Com a imposição das condições de baixas temperaturas observou-se a queda na taxa de fotossíntese líquida, acompanhada de um aumento da concentração interna de CO 2 . Assim, o decréscimo daquela pode estar associada a problemas não-estomáticos, nomeadamente, relacionados com o funcionamento das membranas. O Conilon clone 02 foi o genótipo mais afetado, apresentando maior perda de folhas e menor recuperação da fotossíntese líquida após o fim das condições de estresse, seguido pelo clone 153, sendo Catucaí o menos afetado nesses parâmetros. O Catucaí apresentou maior grau de insaturação de lipídios (18/13oC) e maior porcentagem de ácido linolênico no fosfatidilglicerol, entre o controle e 13/8oC, sugerindo uma maior fluidez membranar. Os genótipos estudados apresentam sensibilidade a baixas temperaturas, mas com tolerância e capacidade de recuperação diferente, o que, conjugado com a análise a outros parâmetros, pode contribuir para uma correta escolha de cultivares e no melhoramento do gênero Coffea no que diz respeito à tolerância a baixas temperaturas. Em relação aos genótipos estudados, observou- se que ocorre melhor recuperação do Catucaí IPR 102, em comparação ao Conilon clone 02, o que poderá estar associado, além de outros fatores, à maior taxa de atividade da ribulose-5P cinase (no período de recuperação), rubisco e malato desidrogenase (nos ciclos de baixas temperaturas e no início da recuperação), bem como a maiores concentrações de clorofilas e carotenóides totais (no período de recuperação), zeaxantina e luteína (em praticamente todos os pontos avaliados). A manutenção de maior grau de funcionalidade dos tecidos vegetais poderá, assim, estar ligada à manutenção da concentração da sacarose, com a imposição de baixas temperaturas. Por razões similares, o Conilon clone 153 apresentou melhor recuperação em comparação ao clone 02, sugerindo que, mesmo em diferentes genótipos selecionados a partir de uma mesma cultivar (C. canephora cv. Conilon), pode existir variabilidade genética relativamente aos mecanismos de proteção e aclimatação a baixas temperaturas. Em termos gerais, o genótipo Catucaí IPR 102 foi o que apresentou melhor recuperação (relativamente a diversos parâmetros, mas em particular à taxa de fotossíntese líquida) após o fim do período de estresse mais severo, seguindo-se o clone 153.
The work was divided into two chapters. Chapter 1: The plants provide coverage for benefits for agriculture, however if poorly managed can harm the development of culture. The objectives of this work were: (a) evaluate the effect that cover crops, associated with Coffea canephora cv. Conilon, imposes to weed community; (b) The objective of this work was to evaluate nutrient cycling, nitrogen’s biological fixation and the effect of cover crops over organic C. canephora cv. Conilon crops and (c) evaluate soil chemical and microbiological characteristics under conventional and organic management in Conilon (C. canephora) coffee areas. Cover crops were planted between the rows of an organic coffee plantation of 6.5 years old, with a 2.0 x 1.5 m arrange between coffee trees. The experiment was arranged in a complete randomized block design with four replicates in a factorial scheme with additional treatments: control, Pennisetum glaucum and legumes: Canavalia ensiformis, Mucuna deeringiana and Cajanus cajan with and without Rizobium inoculation. Cover crops dry weight, growth and nutrient contents on coffee trees were determined. Weeds density, frequency, relative abundance, importance value index and plant similarity index were also determined. The analysis of soil chemistry and vegetative parts of spontaneous and cover plants, as well as the coffee leaf nutrient concentration were also performed. Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) was determined by the natural abundance technique. Two areas cultivated with Conilon coffe (conventional and organic management) and one area of Atlantic Forest (used as reference), were selected. Chemical, texture, carbon and nitrogen microbial biomass and soil microorganism respiratory activity analysis were performed in January and July, at 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm depth. Multivariate and descriptive data analysis were performed. Twenty seven species were identified, with special emphasis on Bidens subalternans and Commelina benghalensis. Cover crops promote modifications on the succession dynamics of weeds and do not interfere with the development of coffee trees. Canavalia ensiformis, Mucuna deeringiana and Pennisetum glaucum help on weeds control. BNF contributed with near 80 % of the nitrogen accumulated by the leguminous plants, corresponding to 27 to 35 kg N ha -1 nitrogen contribution of dry biomass. Thus, leguminous plants may supply part of the Conilon coffee nitrogen requirements. No significant effect of the treatments over Conilon coffee nutrient concentration or growth was observed. Rhizobium inoculation did not influence nutrient cycling and BNF. Microbial biomass carbon was the soil attribute that contributed the most to cluster the different cultivation methods. Atlantic Forest soil followed by the Conilon coffee under organic management showed the best soil quality indexes. Microbiological attributes vary according to year season and soil depth, showing higher values of carbon and nitrogen of the microbial biomass on surface levels in January. From the nutritional point of view, the management systems studied (conventional and organic coffee) had similar results. Chapter 2: Low positive temperatures affect several plant physiological and biochemical components. However, the plants present acclimation mechanisms that confer tolerance to such limiting conditions and better recovery ability after the exposure to stress. The objectives of this work were: (a) evaluate the impact of low positive temperatures (chilling) in the photosynthetic machinery, through the analysis of the lipid composition of chloroplast membranes, of leaf loss and of leaf gas exchange and characterize the (b) physiological and biochemical responses of Coffea canephora and C. arabica genotypes submitted to low positive temperatures, allowing to elucidate the mechanisms involved in cold tolerance/sensitivity. One year old plants were placed under control conditions of 25/20oC (day/night), irradiance of 700-900 μmol m -2 s -1 , 380 μL de CO 2 L -1 , 70% relative humidity and a photoperiod of 12 h, for about 10 days. The plants were then and submitted successively to 1) a gradual temperature decrease (0.5oC per day) from 25/20oC to 13/8oC, 2) a 3 day chilling cycle (3 x 13/4oC) and to 3) a recovery period of 14 days. During the experiment were evaluated at leaf level the gas exchanges, fluorescence of chlorophyll a, some enzyme activities (relate to photosynthetic and respiratory pathways), as well as the contents of photosynthetic pigments and soluble sugars. TWith cold imposition was observed a decrease in the net photosynthetic rate, accompanied by a rise in the internal CO 2 concentration. In this way, such decrease will be associated to non-stomatal problems, namely with those related to the functioning of the membranes. Conilon clone 02 was the most affected genotype, showing the higher value of leaf loss and the lowest photosynthetic recovery after the stress imposition, followed by clone 153, being Catucaí the genotype less affected in these parameters. This genotype presented higher lipid unsaturation (18/13oC) and higher percentage of linolenic acid in phosphatidilglycerol between control and 13/8oC, suggesting a higher membrane fluidity. The studied genotypes present cold sensitivity but display differential tolerance and recovery capabilities, what, together with the analysis of other parameters may contribute for a correct selection of genotypes and to the breeding of Coffea genus in what concerns cold tolerance. In what concerns the studied genotypes, it observed that Catucaí IPR 102 presents a better recovery in comparison to Conilon clone 02, what might be associated, namely, to the higher activities of ribulose-5P kinase (during the recovery period), rubisco and malate dehydrogenase (during the low temperature cycles and in the beginning of recovery), as well as, due to higher total chlorophyll and carotenoid contents (under recovery), zeaxanthin and lutein (in almost of the evaluated data points). The maintenance of a higher functional status might be in turn related to the maintenance of sucrose contents during the cold imposition. By the same reasons clone 153 showed a better recovery in relation to clone 02, suggesting that even in genotypes selected from the same cultivar (C. canephora cv. Conilon) might exist genetic variability in relation to protection and acclimation mechanisms to low temperatures. In global terms the Catucaí IPR 102 genotype recovery better (concerning several parameters, in particular net photosynthetic rate) after the end of the stressful period, followed by the clone 153.
The work was divided into two chapters. Chapter 1: The plants provide coverage for benefits for agriculture, however if poorly managed can harm the development of culture. The objectives of this work were: (a) evaluate the effect that cover crops, associated with Coffea canephora cv. Conilon, imposes to weed community; (b) The objective of this work was to evaluate nutrient cycling, nitrogen’s biological fixation and the effect of cover crops over organic C. canephora cv. Conilon crops and (c) evaluate soil chemical and microbiological characteristics under conventional and organic management in Conilon (C. canephora) coffee areas. Cover crops were planted between the rows of an organic coffee plantation of 6.5 years old, with a 2.0 x 1.5 m arrange between coffee trees. The experiment was arranged in a complete randomized block design with four replicates in a factorial scheme with additional treatments: control, Pennisetum glaucum and legumes: Canavalia ensiformis, Mucuna deeringiana and Cajanus cajan with and without Rizobium inoculation. Cover crops dry weight, growth and nutrient contents on coffee trees were determined. Weeds density, frequency, relative abundance, importance value index and plant similarity index were also determined. The analysis of soil chemistry and vegetative parts of spontaneous and cover plants, as well as the coffee leaf nutrient concentration were also performed. Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) was determined by the natural abundance technique. Two areas cultivated with Conilon coffe (conventional and organic management) and one area of Atlantic Forest (used as reference), were selected. Chemical, texture, carbon and nitrogen microbial biomass and soil microorganism respiratory activity analysis were performed in January and July, at 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm depth. Multivariate and descriptive data analysis were performed. Twenty seven species were identified, with special emphasis on Bidens subalternans and Commelina benghalensis. Cover crops promote modifications on the succession dynamics of weeds and do not interfere with the development of coffee trees. Canavalia ensiformis, Mucuna deeringiana and Pennisetum glaucum help on weeds control. BNF contributed with near 80 % of the nitrogen accumulated by the leguminous plants, corresponding to 27 to 35 kg N ha -1 nitrogen contribution of dry biomass. Thus, leguminous plants may supply part of the Conilon coffee nitrogen requirements. No significant effect of the treatments over Conilon coffee nutrient concentration or growth was observed. Rhizobium inoculation did not influence nutrient cycling and BNF. Microbial biomass carbon was the soil attribute that contributed the most to cluster the different cultivation methods. Atlantic Forest soil followed by the Conilon coffee under organic management showed the best soil quality indexes. Microbiological attributes vary according to year season and soil depth, showing higher values of carbon and nitrogen of the microbial biomass on surface levels in January. From the nutritional point of view, the management systems studied (conventional and organic coffee) had similar results. Chapter 2: Low positive temperatures affect several plant physiological and biochemical components. However, the plants present acclimation mechanisms that confer tolerance to such limiting conditions and better recovery ability after the exposure to stress. The objectives of this work were: (a) evaluate the impact of low positive temperatures (chilling) in the photosynthetic machinery, through the analysis of the lipid composition of chloroplast membranes, of leaf loss and of leaf gas exchange and characterize the (b) physiological and biochemical responses of Coffea canephora and C. arabica genotypes submitted to low positive temperatures, allowing to elucidate the mechanisms involved in cold tolerance/sensitivity. One year old plants were placed under control conditions of 25/20oC (day/night), irradiance of 700-900 μmol m -2 s -1 , 380 μL de CO 2 L -1 , 70% relative humidity and a photoperiod of 12 h, for about 10 days. The plants were then and submitted successively to 1) a gradual temperature decrease (0.5oC per day) from 25/20oC to 13/8oC, 2) a 3 day chilling cycle (3 x 13/4oC) and to 3) a recovery period of 14 days. During the experiment were evaluated at leaf level the gas exchanges, fluorescence of chlorophyll a, some enzyme activities (relate to photosynthetic and respiratory pathways), as well as the contents of photosynthetic pigments and soluble sugars. TWith cold imposition was observed a decrease in the net photosynthetic rate, accompanied by a rise in the internal CO 2 concentration. In this way, such decrease will be associated to non-stomatal problems, namely with those related to the functioning of the membranes. Conilon clone 02 was the most affected genotype, showing the higher value of leaf loss and the lowest photosynthetic recovery after the stress imposition, followed by clone 153, being Catucaí the genotype less affected in these parameters. This genotype presented higher lipid unsaturation (18/13oC) and higher percentage of linolenic acid in phosphatidilglycerol between control and 13/8oC, suggesting a higher membrane fluidity. The studied genotypes present cold sensitivity but display differential tolerance and recovery capabilities, what, together with the analysis of other parameters may contribute for a correct selection of genotypes and to the breeding of Coffea genus in what concerns cold tolerance. In what concerns the studied genotypes, it observed that Catucaí IPR 102 presents a better recovery in comparison to Conilon clone 02, what might be associated, namely, to the higher activities of ribulose-5P kinase (during the recovery period), rubisco and malate dehydrogenase (during the low temperature cycles and in the beginning of recovery), as well as, due to higher total chlorophyll and carotenoid contents (under recovery), zeaxanthin and lutein (in almost of the evaluated data points). The maintenance of a higher functional status might be in turn related to the maintenance of sucrose contents during the cold imposition. By the same reasons clone 153 showed a better recovery in relation to clone 02, suggesting that even in genotypes selected from the same cultivar (C. canephora cv. Conilon) might exist genetic variability in relation to protection and acclimation mechanisms to low temperatures. In global terms the Catucaí IPR 102 genotype recovery better (concerning several parameters, in particular net photosynthetic rate) after the end of the stressful period, followed by the clone 153.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro.
Café, Ciclagem de nutrientes, Agricultura sustentável, Fisiologia vegetal, Bioquimica vegetal
PARTIELLI, F. L. Aspectos microbiológicos, nutricionais, fisiológicos e bioquímicos em cafeeiro. 2008. 227 f. Tese (Doutorado em Produção Vegetal) - Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Campos dos Goytacazes. 2008.