Descritores químicos e sensoriais para discriminação da qualidade da bebida de café arábica de diferentes genótipos e métodos de processamento
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
Os impactos das diferentes formas de se produzir café sobre a qualidade da bebida têm sido debatidos há anos, e seguramente continuarão sendo objeto de estudo nas próximas décadas, principalmente por se tratar de um fenômeno de alta complexidade. Os fatores safra, altitude, face de exposição ao sol da lavoura, cor do fruto, genótipo, método de processamento, assim como a composição química do grão cru e sua relação com a qualidade da bebida, serão abordados neste estudo buscando responder a uma das perguntas mais frequentes no mercado consumidor: quais as razões para a qualidade do café? Assim, foi desenvolvido um estudo inicial para caracterizar a qualidade a partir de descritores sensoriais do café. Durante as safras 2010 e 2011, foi analisada a qualidade da bebida de variedades de fruto vermelho e amarelo (Coffea arabica L.) cultivadas em ambientes com diferentes faces de exposição ao sol (vertente) e altitude variando entre 932 m e 1391 m. Com base nos resultados encontrados no primeiro estudo, foram desenvolvidos dois novos estudos para as safras 2010, 2011 e 2012, com foco na caracterização do perfil de ácidos orgânicos associado com os bioativos e também do perfil de ácidos graxos, presentes no grão cru. Foi investigado também o potencial desses grupos químicos na discriminação da qualidade sensorial do café, comparando o desempenho dos genótipos Bourbon Amarelo e Acaiá submetidos aos métodos de processamento: via seca e via úmida com descascamento e desmucilamento mecânico do fruto. Todos os procedimentos de colheita e pós-colheita foram realizados conforme as principais tecnologias para produção de cafés especiais. As análises sensoriais foram realizadas utilizando-se a metodologia proposta pela Associação Americana de Cafés Especiais (SCAA). As análises químicas foram feitas por meio de cromatografia líquida e gasosa. A qualidade do café se diferencia com perfis sensoriais únicos em ambientes de cultivo correspondentes a altitudes acima de 1100 m. Os descritores sensoriais, sabor, acidez, corpo e doçura correspondem ao ambiente de cultivo e variam em função do método de processamento e cor do fruto. Foi possível discriminar a qualidade sensorial do café descascado e desmucilado mecanicamente a partir do perfil de ácidos orgânicos associado com os bioativos, cafeína, trigonelina e ácidos clorogênicos (3,4 e 5-CQA), determinados no grão cru. Não foi possível discriminar a qualidade da bebida do café proveniente dos genótipos Bourbon Amarelo e Acaiá, processados por via úmida e via seca, por meio da análise do perfil de ácidos graxos determinados no grão cru.
The impacts of different ways of producing coffee on the beverage quality have been debated for years and will surely continue to be studied in the next decades, mainly because it is a phenomenon of high complexity. Crop season, altitude, slope exposure, fruit color, genotype, processing method, as well as the chemical composition of green coffee and its relation with the sensory quality will be addressed in this study to answer one of the most frequent questions in the consumer market: what are the reasons for coffee quality? Therefore, an initial study was developed to characterize the quality from the sensorial descriptors of coffee. During the 2010 and 2011 crop seasons, it was analyzed the sensorial quality of varieties of red and yellow fruit (Coffea arabica L.) cultivated in environments with different slopes exposure and altitude between 932 m and 1,391 m. Based on the results found in the first study, two new studies were developed for the 2010, 2011, and 2012 crop seasons, aiming to characterize the profile of organic acids associated with bioactives and also the profile of fatty acids present in green coffee. It was also investigated the potential of these chemical groups in discriminating the sensorial quality of coffee, comparing the performance of the Yellow Bourbon and Acaiá genotypes submitted to both dry and wet processing methods (mechanically pulped and demucilaged coffee). All harvesting and post-harvesting procedures were performed according to the main technologies for the production of specialty coffees. The sensorial analyzes were performed using the methodology proposed by the American Association of Special Coffees (SCAA). The chemical analyses were performed by liquid and gas chromatography. The quality of coffee differs with unique sensorial profiles in growing environments corresponding to altitudes above 1100 m. Sensory descriptors, taste, acidity, body, and sweetness correspond to the growing environment and range depending on the processing method and color of the fruit. It was possible to discriminate the sensory quality of coffee processed by the wet method with mechanical removal of the skin and mucilage of fruits by analyzing the organic acids profile associated with the bioactives, caffeine, trigonelline and chlorogenic acids (3,4 and 5-CQA), determined in green coffee. It was not possible to discriminate the sensory quality of coffee from the fatty acid profile determined in the green coffee for the Yellow Bourbon and Acaiá genotypes by neither the wet nor the dry process.
The impacts of different ways of producing coffee on the beverage quality have been debated for years and will surely continue to be studied in the next decades, mainly because it is a phenomenon of high complexity. Crop season, altitude, slope exposure, fruit color, genotype, processing method, as well as the chemical composition of green coffee and its relation with the sensory quality will be addressed in this study to answer one of the most frequent questions in the consumer market: what are the reasons for coffee quality? Therefore, an initial study was developed to characterize the quality from the sensorial descriptors of coffee. During the 2010 and 2011 crop seasons, it was analyzed the sensorial quality of varieties of red and yellow fruit (Coffea arabica L.) cultivated in environments with different slopes exposure and altitude between 932 m and 1,391 m. Based on the results found in the first study, two new studies were developed for the 2010, 2011, and 2012 crop seasons, aiming to characterize the profile of organic acids associated with bioactives and also the profile of fatty acids present in green coffee. It was also investigated the potential of these chemical groups in discriminating the sensorial quality of coffee, comparing the performance of the Yellow Bourbon and Acaiá genotypes submitted to both dry and wet processing methods (mechanically pulped and demucilaged coffee). All harvesting and post-harvesting procedures were performed according to the main technologies for the production of specialty coffees. The sensorial analyzes were performed using the methodology proposed by the American Association of Special Coffees (SCAA). The chemical analyses were performed by liquid and gas chromatography. The quality of coffee differs with unique sensorial profiles in growing environments corresponding to altitudes above 1100 m. Sensory descriptors, taste, acidity, body, and sweetness correspond to the growing environment and range depending on the processing method and color of the fruit. It was possible to discriminate the sensory quality of coffee processed by the wet method with mechanical removal of the skin and mucilage of fruits by analyzing the organic acids profile associated with the bioactives, caffeine, trigonelline and chlorogenic acids (3,4 and 5-CQA), determined in green coffee. It was not possible to discriminate the sensory quality of coffee from the fatty acid profile determined in the green coffee for the Yellow Bourbon and Acaiá genotypes by neither the wet nor the dry process.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Cafés especiais, Qualidade, Composição química
RIBEIRO, D. E. Descritores químicos e sensoriais para discriminação da qualidade da bebida de café arábica de diferentes genótipos e métodos de processamento. 2016. 132 f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2016.