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Objetivou-se no presente trabalho, determinar as curvas de umidade de equilíbrio de dessorção, e selecionar os modelos matemáticos que mais se ajustem ao comportamento dos exocarpos (casca) e endocarpos (pergaminho) de café arábica. Os exocarpos e endocarpos de café, armazenado por um período de um ano, foram embebidos em água durante uma hora. Após esse período foram deixados expostos ao ar ambiente em uma peneira por um período de trinta minutos com o objetivo de se retirar o excesso de água presente na sua superfície. Utilizaram-se três amostras de 50g de exocarpo e endocarpo, para cada tratamento. As amostras foram colocadas para entrar em equilíbrio com o fluxo de ar em condições previamente estabelecidas, realizando pesagens regulares até que a variação da massa da amostra fosse igual ou inferior 0,001g. As umidades de equilíbrio higroscópico do produto para as condições de cada tratamento foram determinadas pelo método da estufa. Os tratamentos de dessorção de umidade foram dispostos em um esquema fatorial 3 x 4, com três níveis de temperatura (25, 35 e 45°C) e quatro níveis de umidade relativa (25, 40, 55 e 70%), no delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Em todos os tratamentos foi utilizado um Sistema Condicionador de Ar de Laboratório “SCAL", dotada de dispositivos para o controle da temperatura e umidade relativa do ar fornecido. O fluxo de ar utilizado foi de, aproximadamente, 20 m3.min.-1.m-2. A temperatura massa de ar foi determinada e monitorada utilizando-se um termômetro de mercúrio, instalado no interior da bandeja contendo as amostras do produto. A umidade relativa do ar foi calculada por meio de um programa computacional (GRAPSI). Aos dados experimentais de higroscopicidade, foram ajustados modelos matemáticos. Os modelos ajustados foram: Halsey-Iglesias e Sigma- Copace. Para o ajuste dos modelos matemáticos, foi feita análise de regressão não linear, pelo método Quasi-Newton, utilizando-se o programa computacional R 2.4.1. A partir dos resultados, verificou-se que os modelos selecionados tiveram ajustes satisfatórios aos dados experimentais, uma vez que apresentou coeficiente de determinação (R2) elevado e erros relativos e estimados baixos. Escolheu-se o modelo de Sigma-Copace por este apresentar menor complexidade de cálculos.
The objective of this work is to determine the curves of equilibrium moisture content of desorption, and select the models that best fit the behavior of the exocarps (peel) and endocarps (parchment) of arabica coffee. The exocarps and endocarps of coffee, stored for a period of one year, were soaked in water for one hour. After that were left exposed to ambient air in a sieve for a period of thirty minutes in order to remove the excess water in their area. We used three samples of 50g of exocarp and endocarp for each treatment. The samples were placed to come into equilibrium with the air flow under conditions previously established by conducting regular weighings until the variation of the mass of the sample was less than 0001g. The hygroscopic equilibrium moisture of the product to the conditions of each treatment was determined by the method of the oven. The desorption of moisture treatments were arranged in a factorial 3 x 4 with three levels of temperature (25, 35 and 45°C) and four levels of relative humidity (25, 40, 55 and 70%), the design fully randomized. In all treatments we used a system of air-conditioners Laboratory "SCAL", with devices to control the temperature and relative humidity provided. The flow of air used was approximately 20 m3.min.-1.m-2. The temperature of air mass was determined and monitored using a mercury thermometer, installed in the tray containing the samples of the product. The relative humidity was calculated using a computer program (GRAPSI). The hygroscopic of experimental data, mathematical models have been adjusted. The adjusted models were: Halsey-Iglesias and Sigma-Copace. For the fit of models was made of nonlinear regression analysis, the Quasi-Newton method, using the software R 2.4.1. From the results it was found that the models selected were satisfactory adjustment to the experimental data, presented as coefficient of determination (R2) and high relative errors and estimated low. Picked up the model of the Sigma-Copace by the present lower complexity of calculations.
The objective of this work is to determine the curves of equilibrium moisture content of desorption, and select the models that best fit the behavior of the exocarps (peel) and endocarps (parchment) of arabica coffee. The exocarps and endocarps of coffee, stored for a period of one year, were soaked in water for one hour. After that were left exposed to ambient air in a sieve for a period of thirty minutes in order to remove the excess water in their area. We used three samples of 50g of exocarp and endocarp for each treatment. The samples were placed to come into equilibrium with the air flow under conditions previously established by conducting regular weighings until the variation of the mass of the sample was less than 0001g. The hygroscopic equilibrium moisture of the product to the conditions of each treatment was determined by the method of the oven. The desorption of moisture treatments were arranged in a factorial 3 x 4 with three levels of temperature (25, 35 and 45°C) and four levels of relative humidity (25, 40, 55 and 70%), the design fully randomized. In all treatments we used a system of air-conditioners Laboratory "SCAL", with devices to control the temperature and relative humidity provided. The flow of air used was approximately 20 m3.min.-1.m-2. The temperature of air mass was determined and monitored using a mercury thermometer, installed in the tray containing the samples of the product. The relative humidity was calculated using a computer program (GRAPSI). The hygroscopic of experimental data, mathematical models have been adjusted. The adjusted models were: Halsey-Iglesias and Sigma-Copace. For the fit of models was made of nonlinear regression analysis, the Quasi-Newton method, using the software R 2.4.1. From the results it was found that the models selected were satisfactory adjustment to the experimental data, presented as coefficient of determination (R2) and high relative errors and estimated low. Picked up the model of the Sigma-Copace by the present lower complexity of calculations.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Umidade de equilíbrio, dessorção, exocarpo, endocarpo, café., Equilibrium moisture, desorption, exocarp, endocarp, coffee.
Oliveira, Pedro Damasceno de; Isquierdo, Eder Pedroza; Ribeiro, Fabiana Carmanini; Figueiredo, Luiza Pereira; Barbosa, Juliana Neves; Borém, Flávio Meira. Caracterização das isotermas de dessorção do exocarpo e endocarpo de café arábica. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 6p.