Desenvolvimento de bebida láctea fermentada à basde de soro lácteo e café soluvél com atividade probiótica
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver, caracterizar físico- química e sensorialmente, bem como verificar o comportamento de uma bebida láctea fermentada à base de soro e café solúvel, fermentada com microrganismos probióticos, ao longo do período de armazenamento. Em uma etapa inicial de pré-testes sensoriais foram definidos os limites mínimos e máximos para as concentrações que seriam utilizadas de café solúvel. Posteriormente, foram elaboradas 11 diferentes formulações de bebidas lácteas, nas quais variaram a concentração de soro (20%, 35% e 50%), de açúcar (9%, 10.5% e 12%) e de café solúvel (0.2%, 0.5% e 0.8%). A análise multivariada dos dados permitiu a comparação dos resultados das análises físico-químicas com os resultados do teste de aceitação com consumidores. Os resultados revelaram que houve influência significativa negativa da concentração de café em relação aos atributos sabor, textura e impressão global, enquanto a concentração de açúcar influenciou significativamente de maneira positiva esse atributo. A concentração de café teve influencia positiva apenas sobre o atributo aroma. A partir dos resultados das análises físico-químicas e sensoriais e de maneira a ressaltar o objetivo do trabalho em aproveitar o resíduo da indústria de laticínios em um novo produto, selecionou-se a formulação cuja concentração de soro foi a máxima utilizada (50%) e cujas demais variáveis tiveram as concentrações mais bem aceitas pelos consumidores (0,2% café e 12% de açúcar) – para avaliar seu comportamento ao longo do armazenamento. A última etapa do estudo constituiu na análise da vida de prateleira da formulação selecionada por um período de 28 dias de armazenamento refrigerado a 4°C. Foram avaliados pH, acidez titulável (% ácido láctico), viabilidade das culturas probióticas utilizadas na fermentação do produto (Lactobacillus acidophilus e Bifidobacterium animalis), aceitação nos diferentes tempos de armazenamento (0, 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias) e comportamento reológico do produto. A análise dos resultados demonstrou não ter havido alteração significativa nos índices de pH e acidez titulável, que se mantiveram praticamente constantes. Apenas o L. acidophilus (entre 10 7 e 10 8 UFC/mL) apresentou número de células para classificação do produto como funcional conforme preconiza a legislação brasileira. Não houve diferença significativa na aceitação da bebida nos cinco diferentes tempos de armazenamento em que foi avaliada pelos consumidores. O comportamento reológico da bebida demonstrou não ter havido alteração significativa durante o armazenamento.
This study had as objective to develop, characterize the physical- chemical and sensory, as well as verify the fermented milk drink behavior based on whey and instant coffee, fermented with probiotics microorganisms, during the storage period. In the initial stage of pre-sensory tests were defined minimum and maximum limits for the concentrations that would be used for instant coffee. Subsequently, 11 different formulations of milk drinks were prepared, which varied in the whey concentration (20%, 35% and 50%), sugar (9%, 10.5%, and 12%) instant coffee (0.2%, 0.5 % and 0.8%). Data multivariate analysis allowed the results comparison of the physical-chemical analyzes with the acceptance results test with consumers. The results revealed that there was a significant negative influence of coffee concentration in relation to flavor, texture and overall impression, while the sugar concentration significantly influenced in a positive way this attribute. The coffee concentration had a positive influence just on the flavor attribute. From the physico-chemical and sensory results and in order to emphasize the main goal in take advantage of the residue from the dairy industry, it was selected the formulation which the whey concentration was used the maximum (50%) and other variables whose concentrations were more accepted by consumers (0.2% coffee and 12% sugar) - to assess their behavior during storage. The last step in this study was to analyze the shelf-life of the formulation selected for a period - 28 days of storage at 4°C. The pH, titratable acidity (% lactic acid), viability of probiotic cultures used in product fermentation (Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium animalis), acceptance in the different storage times (0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days) and rheological behavior of the product. The results showed that there was no significant change in levels of pH and titratable acidity, which remained almost constant. Only L. acidophilus (between 10 7 and 10 8 CFU/mL) showed a cell number to classify the product as functional as recommended by the Brazilian legislation. There was no significant difference in acceptance of the drink in five different storage periods in which it was evaluated by consumers. The rheology behavior of the drink, showed that there was no significant change during storage.
This study had as objective to develop, characterize the physical- chemical and sensory, as well as verify the fermented milk drink behavior based on whey and instant coffee, fermented with probiotics microorganisms, during the storage period. In the initial stage of pre-sensory tests were defined minimum and maximum limits for the concentrations that would be used for instant coffee. Subsequently, 11 different formulations of milk drinks were prepared, which varied in the whey concentration (20%, 35% and 50%), sugar (9%, 10.5%, and 12%) instant coffee (0.2%, 0.5 % and 0.8%). Data multivariate analysis allowed the results comparison of the physical-chemical analyzes with the acceptance results test with consumers. The results revealed that there was a significant negative influence of coffee concentration in relation to flavor, texture and overall impression, while the sugar concentration significantly influenced in a positive way this attribute. The coffee concentration had a positive influence just on the flavor attribute. From the physico-chemical and sensory results and in order to emphasize the main goal in take advantage of the residue from the dairy industry, it was selected the formulation which the whey concentration was used the maximum (50%) and other variables whose concentrations were more accepted by consumers (0.2% coffee and 12% sugar) - to assess their behavior during storage. The last step in this study was to analyze the shelf-life of the formulation selected for a period - 28 days of storage at 4°C. The pH, titratable acidity (% lactic acid), viability of probiotic cultures used in product fermentation (Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium animalis), acceptance in the different storage times (0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days) and rheological behavior of the product. The results showed that there was no significant change in levels of pH and titratable acidity, which remained almost constant. Only L. acidophilus (between 10 7 and 10 8 CFU/mL) showed a cell number to classify the product as functional as recommended by the Brazilian legislation. There was no significant difference in acceptance of the drink in five different storage periods in which it was evaluated by consumers. The rheology behavior of the drink, showed that there was no significant change during storage.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Soro lácteo, Café solúvel, Aceitação, Probióticos, Vida de prateleira, Reologia
MARQUES, A. P. Desenvolvimento de bebida láctea fermentada à basde de soro lácteo e café soluvél com atividade probiótica. 2012. 110 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência dos Alimentos) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2012.