Consumo de café cafeinado e descafeinado por indivíduos adultos: parâmetros bioquímicos, fisiológicos, físicos e antropométricos
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
O café na atualidade vem sendo reconhecido como benéfico à saúde humana, por agir como estimulador em várias partes do organismo, sendo considerada uma planta funcional nutracêutica. Dessa forma, nesta pesquisa, objetivou-se estudar os efeitos do consumo de café cafeinado e descafeinado, sobre a saúde de indivíduos adultos, ativos e sedentários, avaliando parâmetros clínicos, ergométricos, antropométricos e suas características como alimento funcional. Para tanto, foram envolvidos 48 indivíduos, os quais foram separados em grupos de acordo com as faixas etárias 20 a 29, 30 a 39 e 40 a 50 anos, em ativos e sedentários e tipo de consumo da bebida cafeinada ou descafeinada. Após a formação dos grupos, foram orientados sobre a forma de preparar a bebida do café e a quantidade a ser consumida ao dia por um período de seis meses. Os exames clínicos, físicos e antropométricos foram realizados no início e após os seis meses de dieta. Pelos resultados, verificou-se que: o nível de glicose não foi alterado. Houve redução nos níveis de colesterol total, colesterol da HDL e da LDL, ácido úrico, plaquetas e hematócritos e aumento nos leucócitos independente do tipo de café consumido, faixa etária e atividade física. Houve aumento no tempo da duração da prova, distância percorrida, VO2, no equivalente metabólico (MET) e da pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), com o consumo do café descafeinado, e houve redução da pressão arterial sistólica, frequência cardíaca (FC) quando do consumo do café cafeinado. O consumo de café, cafeinado e descafeinado, promoveu melhoria ou não interferiu nos parâmetros avaliados: exames laboratoriais, medidas antropométricas e no teste ergométrico, evidenciando que a cafeína não é o componente responsável pelas alterações ocorridas e que o café apresenta características que permitem o seu enquadramento como alimento funcional.
Coffee, nowadays, has been recongnized as a benefit for human health, once it acts as a stimulator in several parts of the organism, being considered a functional nutraceutic plant. This way, in this research one aimed to study the effects of the consumption of caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee on adult active and sedentary individuals’ health evaluating the clinical, ergometric, anthropometric parameters and their features as functional food. Therefore, forty-eight individuals were involved which were separated in groups according to age rates from 20 to 29, 30 to 39, 40 to 49, and 50 to 59 years old in active and sedentary ones, and kinds of consumption of the caffeinated and decaffeinated beverage. After forming the groups, these ones were directed about the way of preparing the coffee beverage and the amount to be consumed by day for a period of six months. The clinical physical and anthropometric exams were accomplished at the beginning and after the six months of diet. From the results, one certified that the level of glucose was not modified. There was reduction in the levels of the whole cholesterol, cholesterol HDL and LDL, uric acid, blood platelet and hematocrits and increase of leucocytes independently of the kind of coffee consumed, age rate and physical activity. There was an increase of the time of duration of the proof, travelled distance and VO2, metabolic equivalent (MET), and systolic blood pressure (SBP) with the consumption of decaffeinated coffee and there was reduction of the systolic blood pressure, heart rate (HR) when consuming caffeinated coffee. The consumption of caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee promoted improvement or did not interfere on the parameters evaluated: laboratory exams, anthropometric measures and ergometric exam, making clear that the caffeine is not the component responsible for the alterations occurred and that coffee presents features that allow it’s framing as a functional food.
Coffee, nowadays, has been recongnized as a benefit for human health, once it acts as a stimulator in several parts of the organism, being considered a functional nutraceutic plant. This way, in this research one aimed to study the effects of the consumption of caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee on adult active and sedentary individuals’ health evaluating the clinical, ergometric, anthropometric parameters and their features as functional food. Therefore, forty-eight individuals were involved which were separated in groups according to age rates from 20 to 29, 30 to 39, 40 to 49, and 50 to 59 years old in active and sedentary ones, and kinds of consumption of the caffeinated and decaffeinated beverage. After forming the groups, these ones were directed about the way of preparing the coffee beverage and the amount to be consumed by day for a period of six months. The clinical physical and anthropometric exams were accomplished at the beginning and after the six months of diet. From the results, one certified that the level of glucose was not modified. There was reduction in the levels of the whole cholesterol, cholesterol HDL and LDL, uric acid, blood platelet and hematocrits and increase of leucocytes independently of the kind of coffee consumed, age rate and physical activity. There was an increase of the time of duration of the proof, travelled distance and VO2, metabolic equivalent (MET), and systolic blood pressure (SBP) with the consumption of decaffeinated coffee and there was reduction of the systolic blood pressure, heart rate (HR) when consuming caffeinated coffee. The consumption of caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee promoted improvement or did not interfere on the parameters evaluated: laboratory exams, anthropometric measures and ergometric exam, making clear that the caffeine is not the component responsible for the alterations occurred and that coffee presents features that allow it’s framing as a functional food.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Alimento funcional, Teste de esforço, Análises clínicas
OLIVEIRA, R. M. E. Consumo de café cafeinado e descafeinado por indivíduos adultos: parâmetros bioquímicos, fisiológicos, físicos e antropométricos . 2009. 103 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência dos Alimentos) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2009.