Comportamento do cafeeiro arábica super-adensado, adensado e largo, sob irrigação por pivô central em plantio circular
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O crescimento e a produtividade do cafeeiro irrigado varia de acordo com as condições climáticas locais, em especial no que se refere à temperatura média nos meses de abril a agosto. Quando estas são superiores a 18/19ºC, ocorrem aumentos de crescimento e produtividade inicial da ordem de 30 a 50% com relação às regiões em que as temperaturas médias estão entre 14 e 16oC. Sob esses aspectos, plantios super-adensados ou adensados e até mesmo espaçamentos largos requerem manejo diferenciado quanto a podas e erradicação proporcional de linhas e, ainda, variáveis em função do porte e da arquitetura de copa das variedades comerciais atualmente utilizadas na cafeicultura. Dentro dessas perspectivas, este trabalho pretende estudar o cafeeiro irrigado nessas condições extremas de inverno "frio e seco" na região do Triângulo Mineiro, objetivando reunir dados que subsidiem tecnologia suficiente a recomendações práticas para a cafeicultura irrigada. Para isso, instalou-se um experimento na Fazenda Escola da Universidade de Uberaba, no município de Uberaba, MG, onde estão sendo testados os seguintes tratamentos: espaçamentos entre ruas de 1, 2 e 4 metros e entre plantas de 0,5, 0,75 e 1,0. Os desdobramentos desses tratamentos básicos se farão mediante o comportamento das variedades Catuaí e Mundo Novo Acaiá em estudo. Após 30 meses (primeira safra), verificou-se que nos espaçamentos mais adensados a variedade Catuaí apresentou as maiores produtividades, enquanto nos mais largos destacou-se Mundo Novo. Com relação aos espaçamentos, as maiores produtividade foram obtidas com os espaçamentos mais adensados (1,0 e 2,0 m entre linhas), para a variedade Catuaí, com valores superiores a 100 sc.ben/ha.
The growth and the productivity of the irrigated coffee plant varies in agreement with the local climatic conditions, especially in what it refers to the medium temperature the months of April and August. When these are superior to 18/19ºC, they happen growth increases and initial productivity of the order from 30 to 50% in relation to the areas in that the medium temperatures locate among 14/16oC. Under these aspects, plantings high density or density, and even wide spacings they request differentiated handling as to you prune and proportional eradication of lines, and still, variables in function of the load and architecture of cup of the commercial varieties now used in the coffee growing. Inside of these perspectives, that work intends to study the coffee plant irrigated in those extreme conditions of winter " cold and dry " in the area of the Triângulo Mineiro, aiming at to gather data to subsidize enough technology to practical recommendations for the irrigated coffee growing. For that, it settled an experiment in the Fazenda Escola - University of Uberaba, in the municipal district of Uberaba, MG, where the following treatments are being tested: spacings among streets of 1, 2 and 4 meters, and among plants of 0,5; 0,75 and 1,0. The unfoldings of those basic treatments will be made by the behavior of the varieties Catuaí and Mundo Novo Acaiá in study. After 30 months (first harvest), it was verified that in the spacings more density, the variety Catuaí presented the largest productivities, while in the more square, stood out the Mundo Novo. Regarding the spacings, the bigest productivity was obtained with the spacings more adensados (1.0 and 2.0 m among lines), for Catuaí, with superior values to 100 sc.ben/ha.
The growth and the productivity of the irrigated coffee plant varies in agreement with the local climatic conditions, especially in what it refers to the medium temperature the months of April and August. When these are superior to 18/19ºC, they happen growth increases and initial productivity of the order from 30 to 50% in relation to the areas in that the medium temperatures locate among 14/16oC. Under these aspects, plantings high density or density, and even wide spacings they request differentiated handling as to you prune and proportional eradication of lines, and still, variables in function of the load and architecture of cup of the commercial varieties now used in the coffee growing. Inside of these perspectives, that work intends to study the coffee plant irrigated in those extreme conditions of winter " cold and dry " in the area of the Triângulo Mineiro, aiming at to gather data to subsidize enough technology to practical recommendations for the irrigated coffee growing. For that, it settled an experiment in the Fazenda Escola - University of Uberaba, in the municipal district of Uberaba, MG, where the following treatments are being tested: spacings among streets of 1, 2 and 4 meters, and among plants of 0,5; 0,75 and 1,0. The unfoldings of those basic treatments will be made by the behavior of the varieties Catuaí and Mundo Novo Acaiá in study. After 30 months (first harvest), it was verified that in the spacings more density, the variety Catuaí presented the largest productivities, while in the more square, stood out the Mundo Novo. Regarding the spacings, the bigest productivity was obtained with the spacings more adensados (1.0 and 2.0 m among lines), for Catuaí, with superior values to 100 sc.ben/ha.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Resumos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. 181p. : il.
Café Plantio circular Densidade Irrigação por pivô central, Coffee Planting in circles Planting density Irrigation Center pivot
Fernandes, André Luís Teixeira; Santinato, Roberto; Drumond, Luís César Dias; Oliveira, Clênio Batista de; Santos, Wilson de Oliveira. Comportamento do cafeeiro arábica super-adensado, adensado e largo, sob irrigação por pivô central em plantio circular. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. (CD-ROM), p. 512-520.