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A microrregião do Caparaó apresenta relevante participação na cafeicultura capixaba, sendo uma das principais áreas produtoras de café arábica no Estado do Espírito Santo. Os teores dos nutrientes minerais nas folhas de plantas altamente produtivas, conforme encontradas nessa microrregião, podem servir de Padrão de Referência ou Normas do DRIS (Sistema Integrado de Diagnose e Recomendação). Essa técnica orienta a interpretação de resultados de análise foliar das lavouras a serem diagnosticadas, possibilitando calcular os índices DRIS e ordenar os nutrientes, em função de sua importância na limitação da produção, numa sequência de deficiência à excesso, sem interferência de fatores de variabilidade que podem mascarar a interpretação dos resultados analíticos. O DRIS inclui também o conceito de índice do balanço nutricional (IBN), o qual permite verificar limitações na produção das lavouras de origem não nutricional. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer as Normas de Referência do DRIS para o cafeeiro arábico, a partir de 40 lavouras de altas produtividades (acima de 40 sacas de café beneficiado por hectare) encontradas em sete municípios (Guaçuí, Dores do Rio Preto, Ibitirama, Iúna, Irupi, Ibatiba e Muniz Freire) produtores de café arábica da microrregião do Caparaó. Em cada lavoura, foram feitas, aleatoriamente, coletas de 600 folhas situadas no 3o e 4o nós, contados a partir do ápice de ramos plagiotrópicos, localizados no terço mediano das plantas, para se proceder às análises laboratoriais dos teores dos elementos minerais N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Fe, Zn, B e Mn. A amplitude dos coeficientes de variação das produções das lavouras foi relativamente pequena. A partir dos resultados das análises dos teores de nutrientes calcularam-se as médias, os coeficientes de variações e os desvios padrões das relações dois a dois entre todos os nutrientes, tanto na sua forma direta quanto inversa, sendo esses valores considerados como Normas do DRIS para o cafeeiro arábica.
The microregion Caparaó presents relevant participation in Capixaba coffee, one of the main producing areas of Arabic coffee in the State of Espírito Santo. The levels of nutrients in the leaves of plants highly productive, as found in micro, can serve as a reference standard or standards of DRIS (Integrated System for Diagnosis and Recommendation). This technique guides the interpretation of results of leaf analysis of crops to be diagnosed, allowing the calculation of DRIS indices and order the nutrients, according to its importance in limiting the production, a sequence of increasing disability to excess, without interference of factors of variability that may mask the interpretation of analytical results. The DRIS also includes the concept of nutritional balance index (NBI), which shows limitations in the production of crops for non-nutritional origin. The objective was to establish the standards of reference for the DRIS Arabic coffee, from 40 crops of high yield (over 40 bags of coffee per hectare benefited) found in seven municipalities (Guaçuí, Dores do Rio Preto, Ibitirama, Iúna, Irupi, Ibatiba and Muniz Freire) producers of Arabic coffee in the microregion Caparaó. In each crop, were made at random, collection of 600 leaves 3 and 4 located in us, starting from the apex of plagiotropic branches, located in the middle third of the plants, to make the laboratory analysis of the contents of mineral elements N, P , K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Fe, Zn, B and Mn. The magnitude of the coefficients of variation in crop production was relatively small. From the results of the analysis of nutrient content is calculated the averages, the coefficients of variation and standard deviations of two to two relations between all nutrients, both in its form as direct inverse, and these values considered as standards of DRIS for the Arabic coffee.
The microregion Caparaó presents relevant participation in Capixaba coffee, one of the main producing areas of Arabic coffee in the State of Espírito Santo. The levels of nutrients in the leaves of plants highly productive, as found in micro, can serve as a reference standard or standards of DRIS (Integrated System for Diagnosis and Recommendation). This technique guides the interpretation of results of leaf analysis of crops to be diagnosed, allowing the calculation of DRIS indices and order the nutrients, according to its importance in limiting the production, a sequence of increasing disability to excess, without interference of factors of variability that may mask the interpretation of analytical results. The DRIS also includes the concept of nutritional balance index (NBI), which shows limitations in the production of crops for non-nutritional origin. The objective was to establish the standards of reference for the DRIS Arabic coffee, from 40 crops of high yield (over 40 bags of coffee per hectare benefited) found in seven municipalities (Guaçuí, Dores do Rio Preto, Ibitirama, Iúna, Irupi, Ibatiba and Muniz Freire) producers of Arabic coffee in the microregion Caparaó. In each crop, were made at random, collection of 600 leaves 3 and 4 located in us, starting from the apex of plagiotropic branches, located in the middle third of the plants, to make the laboratory analysis of the contents of mineral elements N, P , K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Fe, Zn, B and Mn. The magnitude of the coefficients of variation in crop production was relatively small. From the results of the analysis of nutrient content is calculated the averages, the coefficients of variation and standard deviations of two to two relations between all nutrients, both in its form as direct inverse, and these values considered as standards of DRIS for the Arabic coffee.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
café, nutrição mineral, adubação, análise foliar, diagnose nutricional, Coffee, mineral nutrition, manuring, analysis to foliate, nutritional diagnosis.
Mendonça, Gilson Pinel de; Amaral, José Augusto Teixeira do; Amaral, José Francisco Teixeira do; Tomaz, Marcelo Antonio. Normas dos dris do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) na microrregião do Caparaó-ES. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 5p.