Fatores de contrle natural da cochonilha verde do café no ano de 2006.
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A cochonilha verde Coccus viridis constitui praga do cafeeiro, principalmente em mudas e em plantas e em partes do dossel que recebem baixa luminosidade como ocorre em plantio adensados. Os danos deste inseto-praga ao cafeeiro ocorre devido a sucção de seiva e introdução de toxinas no sistema vascular das plantas. Entre os pontos mais relevantes para geração de programas de manejo integrado de cochonilhas está o conhecimento dos fatores causadores de mortalidade natural destes insetos-praga. Uma das ferramentas de pesquisa mais adequadas para se atingir esses objetivos estão as tabelas de vida ecológicas as quais quantificam a mortalidade ocorrida nas populações de insetos em cada fase do seu ciclo de vida além de possibilitarem a determinação de fases críticas de mortalidade e de fatores-chave de mortalidade. Assim este trabalho teve por objetivo determinar a importância dos fatores de mortalidade ecológicos de C. viridis usando tabela de vida. Observou-se que no primeiro semestre de 2006 houve alta mortalidade da cochonilha verde C. viridis na face adaxial das folhas. A alta mortalidade na fase adaxial foi devido à ação de himenópteros parasitóides (100%) sendo de 0% a ação de predadores. A maior mortalidade na fase adaxial devido ação de himenópteros parasitóides sobre a cochonilha verde C. viridis ocorreu na fase ninfal (90%) com baixa incidência de parasitóides sobre adultos desta cochonilha (10%) (Figura 3). Durante a fase ninfal da cochonilha verde C. viridis a maior ação de himenópteros parasitóides ocorreu no 2º ínstar (75,62%).
The green scale Coccus viridis constitutes curse of the coffee, mainly in seedlings and in plants and in parts of the dossal that receive low brightness as it happens in planting densely. The damages of this insect-curse to the coffee happen due to sap suction and introduction of toxins in the vascular system of the plants. Among the most important points for generation of programs of integrated handling of cochonilhas is the knowledge of the factors causadores of natural mortality of these insect-curse. One of the more appropriate research tools to reach those objectives is the ecological life tables which quantify the mortality happened in the populations of insects in each phase of your life cycle besides they make possible the determination of critical phases of mortality and of mortality factor-key. This work had like this for objective to determine the importance of the ecological mortality factors of C. viridis using life table. It was observed that in the first semester of 2006 there was high mortality of the C. viridis in the face upper of the leaves. The discharge mortality in the phase upper was due to the action of himenopteros parasitoids (100%) being of 0% the action of predators. The largest mortality in the phase upper owed action of himenopteros parasitoids on C. viridis happened in the phase ninfal (90%) with low parasitoides incidence on adults of this C. viridis (10%). During the phase ninfal of the C. viridis the largest action of himenopteros parasitoids happened in the second ínstar (75,62%).
The green scale Coccus viridis constitutes curse of the coffee, mainly in seedlings and in plants and in parts of the dossal that receive low brightness as it happens in planting densely. The damages of this insect-curse to the coffee happen due to sap suction and introduction of toxins in the vascular system of the plants. Among the most important points for generation of programs of integrated handling of cochonilhas is the knowledge of the factors causadores of natural mortality of these insect-curse. One of the more appropriate research tools to reach those objectives is the ecological life tables which quantify the mortality happened in the populations of insects in each phase of your life cycle besides they make possible the determination of critical phases of mortality and of mortality factor-key. This work had like this for objective to determine the importance of the ecological mortality factors of C. viridis using life table. It was observed that in the first semester of 2006 there was high mortality of the C. viridis in the face upper of the leaves. The discharge mortality in the phase upper was due to the action of himenopteros parasitoids (100%) being of 0% the action of predators. The largest mortality in the phase upper owed action of himenopteros parasitoids on C. viridis happened in the phase ninfal (90%) with low parasitoides incidence on adults of this C. viridis (10%). During the phase ninfal of the C. viridis the largest action of himenopteros parasitoids happened in the second ínstar (75,62%).
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (5. : 2007 : Águas de Lindóia, SP). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2007.
Coccus viridis, controle natural, controle biológico, predadores, parasitóides, fungo entomopatogênico., Coccus viridis, natural control, control biological, predators, parasitoids, mushroom entomopatogenic.
Jander F. ROSADO; Marcelo C. PICANÇO; Darley C. COUTINHO; Hudson V. V. TOMÉ; Júlio C. MARTINS; Martha FREIRE. Fatores de contrle natural da cochonilha verde do café no ano de 2006. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (5. : Águas de Lindóia, SP : 2007). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa - Café, 2007. (1 CD-ROM), 4p