Himenópteros parasitóides em áreas de cafeiro em transição agroecológica no sul de Minas Gerais e a construção conjunta do conhecimento
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
O Brasil é o país que mais produz café no mundo, Minas Gerais é o Estado que concentra a maior produção, sendo o Sul do Estado a maior região produtora de café, Coffea arábica, com uma alta representatividade de café orgânico ou em transição agroecológica. O cafeeiro pode ser hospedeiro de uma ampla gama de artrópodes e alguns deles constituem-se pragas-chave da cultura, ocasionando grandes perdas em virtude dos danos que provocam. Os inimigos naturais, especialmente, os micro-himenópteros parasitoides exercem importante papel na regulação dessas pragas, sendo indispensáveis na produção agroecológica. Neste sentido, este trabalho teve como objetivo a construção conjunta do conhecimento associado à avaliação de himenópteros parasitoides em cafeeiros em processo de transição (convencional para agroecológico) no Sul do Estado de Minas Gerais. Os levantamentos foram realizados em 24 unidades demonstrativas, distribuídos em quatro sistemas de cultivos, Convencional, SAT, Orgânico pleno sol e orgânico sombreado, totalizando uma área de 6,0 ha, em áreas de reforma agrária, nos municípios de Campo do Meio e Guapé. Todas as áreas estudadas estavam em processo de transição desde fevereiro de 2013. As coletas foram realizadas com auxílio dos agricultores, utilizando armadilhas de moericke, no período de janeiro de 2014 a dezembro de 2014. Durante o período de coletas, outras atividades foram desenvolvidas um curso com o titulo: “Construção conjunta do conhecimento para transição agroecológica”, dividido em dois módulos e intercâmbios das famílias participantes do projeto em outras áreas de produção de café orgânico. Os parasitoides coletados foram identificados em famílias e separados em morfoespécies. Foram coletados, no total, 4450 insetos de nove superfamílias, 26 famílias e 143 morfoespécies no total entre todos os tratamentos. No tratamento Convencional foram coletados 1013 insetos; no Orgânico a pleno sol 933; no Orgânico sombreado 1310; e no tratamento sem agrotóxicos (SAT) 1194. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo permitiram concluir que cafeeiros em transição agroecológica são ambientes favoráveis para a manutenção e preservação de inimigos naturais himenópteros parasitoides e que a construção conjunta do conhecimento contribui com o desenvolvimento da agroecologia, respeitando o saber popular e direcionando-o ao manejo ecológico de pragas em cafeeiros.
Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world. Minas Gerais is the state that has the largest production. The southern region of the state is the largest coffee producing region - Coffea Arabic - demonstrating high representation of organic coffee or in agro-ecological transition. The coffee tree may be the host of arthropod broad range and some of them constitute key-pest of the crop, causing major losses due to the damage they cause. The natural enemies, especially micro-hymenopteran parasitoids play an important role in regulating these pests, as well as, being indispensable in the agro-ecological production. Thus, in this study has as an objective the jointly development of knowledge associated with the hymenoptera parasitoids evaluation in coffee in transition process (conventional to agro-ecological) in the southern state of Minas Gerais. This study was conducted on 24 demonstration units distributed in four cropping systems, Conventional, SAT, Full Sunlight Organic and Shaded Organic, in a total area 6.0 ha on agrarian reform in the municipalities of Campo do Meio and Guapé. Every studied areas were in transition process since February 2013. Samples were performed with the help of farmers using Moericke traps from January 2014 to December 2014. During the collection period other activities were developed, such as a course with the title: “Jointly development of knowledge to agro-ecological transition”, divided into two modules and exchanges of families that participating of the projects in other fields from organic coffee production. The parasitoids collected were identified in families and separated into morphospecies. A total of 4450 insects from nine super-families were collected - among all treatments - 26 families and 143 morphospecies. In the Conventional treatment were collected 1013 insects; Full Sunlight Organic 933; Shaded Organic 1310; and in the treatment with no pesticide (SAT) 1194. The obtained results in this study allowed concluding that coffee trees in agro-ecological transition are favorable environments for the maintenance and preservation of natural enemies hymenoptera parasitoids and the jointly development of knowledge contributes to the development of agro- ecology, respecting the popular knowledge and directing it to the pest ecological management in coffee trees.
Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world. Minas Gerais is the state that has the largest production. The southern region of the state is the largest coffee producing region - Coffea Arabic - demonstrating high representation of organic coffee or in agro-ecological transition. The coffee tree may be the host of arthropod broad range and some of them constitute key-pest of the crop, causing major losses due to the damage they cause. The natural enemies, especially micro-hymenopteran parasitoids play an important role in regulating these pests, as well as, being indispensable in the agro-ecological production. Thus, in this study has as an objective the jointly development of knowledge associated with the hymenoptera parasitoids evaluation in coffee in transition process (conventional to agro-ecological) in the southern state of Minas Gerais. This study was conducted on 24 demonstration units distributed in four cropping systems, Conventional, SAT, Full Sunlight Organic and Shaded Organic, in a total area 6.0 ha on agrarian reform in the municipalities of Campo do Meio and Guapé. Every studied areas were in transition process since February 2013. Samples were performed with the help of farmers using Moericke traps from January 2014 to December 2014. During the collection period other activities were developed, such as a course with the title: “Jointly development of knowledge to agro-ecological transition”, divided into two modules and exchanges of families that participating of the projects in other fields from organic coffee production. The parasitoids collected were identified in families and separated into morphospecies. A total of 4450 insects from nine super-families were collected - among all treatments - 26 families and 143 morphospecies. In the Conventional treatment were collected 1013 insects; Full Sunlight Organic 933; Shaded Organic 1310; and in the treatment with no pesticide (SAT) 1194. The obtained results in this study allowed concluding that coffee trees in agro-ecological transition are favorable environments for the maintenance and preservation of natural enemies hymenoptera parasitoids and the jointly development of knowledge contributes to the development of agro- ecology, respecting the popular knowledge and directing it to the pest ecological management in coffee trees.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Agroecologia, Coffea arábica, Hymenoptera, Agricultura Orgânica
SILVA, G. R. Himenópteros parasitóides em áreas de cafeiro em transição agroecológica no sul de Minas Gerais e a construção conjunta do conhecimento. 2016. 62 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Extensão) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2016.