Caracterização de acessos de Bourbon identificação de coleção nuclear do Banco de Germoplasma de café de Minas Gerais
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
No Brasil a cafeicultura vem passando por mudanças na sua conjuntura econômica, com os consumidores tornando-se mais exigentes e valorizando tipos especiais de café. Sendo assim, para a sobrevivência da cafeicultura brasileira, é imprescindível que o Brasil siga o caminho da qualidade, e um dos principais fatores a influenciar a qualidade da bebida é a constituição genética. As cultivares da espécie Coffea arabica apresentam bebida de qualidade superior, e entre estas cultivares está a cultivar Bourbon, que tem apresentado elevado potencial de qualidade de bebida nas regiões de melhor aptidão climática para o cultivo do cafeeiro. Diante do exposto, este trabalho objetivou a caracterização agronômica e morfológica, juntamente com estudos de divergência genética, dos acessos do grupo Bourbon do Banco de Germoplasma de Café de Minas Gerais, para melhor utilizá-los em cruzamentos posteriores. Foram avaliados 37 descritores morfoagronômicos e a distância generalizada de Mahalanobis foi usada para quantificar a divergência genética entre os acessos. Como estratégias de agrupamento foram empregadas, o agrupamento de Tocher, o método hierárquico UPGMA (Unweighted Pair-Group Method Using Arithmetic Averages) e a contribuição relativa das características pelo método de Singh (1981). Foi identificada também uma coleção nuclear dos 126 acessos avaliados. Os acessos mais dissimilares por meio da distância generalizada de Mahalanobis foram: MG 0045, MG 0101, MG 0103, MG 0110 e MG 0118. Houve similaridade entre os métodos de agrupamento de Tocher e UPGMA com a formação de 20 e 30 grupos respectivamente, evidenciando a variabilidade genética entre os acessos. A análise da contribuição relativa de cada característica para a dissimilaridade genética destacou as características altura de plantas (22,19%), cor da folha na fase jovem (15,98%) e vigor vegetativo no ano de 2009 (10,25%) como as que mais contribuíram para a divergência genética entre os acessos. O par de acessos mais dissimilares foi constituído por MG0045 e MG0101, sendo essa combinação considerada promissora em um possível cruzamento para gerar variabilidade genética na descendência. Foi formada uma coleção nuclear composta por 50 acessos, representando a variabilidade genética da população original.
In Brazil, the coffee culture has been undergoing changes in its economic conjuncture with consumers becoming more demanding and valuing special types of coffee. Thus, for the Brazilian coffee culture survival, it is indispensable that Brazil follows the path quality, and one of the main factors influencing the beverage quality is the genetic constitution. Cultivars of Coffea arábica species presents superior quality beverage, and among these cultivars are Bourbon, which has shown high quality beverage potential in the areas of better suitability climate for growing coffee. Given the above, this study had as objective to characterize morphological and agronomic, along with genetic diversity studies, the access group Bourbon Germplasm Bank of Coffee - Minas Gerais, for better use them in subsequent crosses. It was evaluate 37 morphoagronomics descriptors and Mahalanobis generalized distance was used to quantify the genetic divergence among accessions. As clustering strategies were used Tocher clustering, hierarchical method UPGMA (Unweighted Pair- Group Method Using Arithmetic Averages) and the relative characteristics contribution by method of Singh (1981). Also was identified a nuclear collection of 126 evaluated accesses. The most dissimilar access through Mahalanobis generalized distance were MG 0045, MG 0101, MG 0103, MG 0110 and MG 0118. There was similarity between the clustering methods Tocher and UPGMA with the formation of 20 and 30 groups respectively, indicating the genetic variability among accessions. The relative contribution analysis of each characteristic to the genetic dissimilarity highlighted, features plant height (22.19%), leaf color in the young stage (15.98%) and vegetative vigor in 2009 (10.25%) as those most contributed to the genetic divergence among accessions. The most dissimilar pair of access was constituted by MG0045 and MG0101, this combination is considered promising in a possible cross to generate genetic diversity in offspring. It was formed a nuclear collection consisting of 50 accessions representing the genetic variability of the original population.
In Brazil, the coffee culture has been undergoing changes in its economic conjuncture with consumers becoming more demanding and valuing special types of coffee. Thus, for the Brazilian coffee culture survival, it is indispensable that Brazil follows the path quality, and one of the main factors influencing the beverage quality is the genetic constitution. Cultivars of Coffea arábica species presents superior quality beverage, and among these cultivars are Bourbon, which has shown high quality beverage potential in the areas of better suitability climate for growing coffee. Given the above, this study had as objective to characterize morphological and agronomic, along with genetic diversity studies, the access group Bourbon Germplasm Bank of Coffee - Minas Gerais, for better use them in subsequent crosses. It was evaluate 37 morphoagronomics descriptors and Mahalanobis generalized distance was used to quantify the genetic divergence among accessions. As clustering strategies were used Tocher clustering, hierarchical method UPGMA (Unweighted Pair- Group Method Using Arithmetic Averages) and the relative characteristics contribution by method of Singh (1981). Also was identified a nuclear collection of 126 evaluated accesses. The most dissimilar access through Mahalanobis generalized distance were MG 0045, MG 0101, MG 0103, MG 0110 and MG 0118. There was similarity between the clustering methods Tocher and UPGMA with the formation of 20 and 30 groups respectively, indicating the genetic variability among accessions. The relative contribution analysis of each characteristic to the genetic dissimilarity highlighted, features plant height (22.19%), leaf color in the young stage (15.98%) and vegetative vigor in 2009 (10.25%) as those most contributed to the genetic divergence among accessions. The most dissimilar pair of access was constituted by MG0045 and MG0101, this combination is considered promising in a possible cross to generate genetic diversity in offspring. It was formed a nuclear collection consisting of 50 accessions representing the genetic variability of the original population.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Coffea arabica, Melhoramento genético, Divergência genética, Análise multivariada
GUEDES, J. M. Caracterização de acessos de Bourbon identificação de coleção nuclear do Banco de Germoplasma de café de Minas Gerais. 2012. 85 f. Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia-Fitotecnia) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2012.