Modelagem do diâmetro de copa do cafeeiro podado cultivado em diferentes densidades e regimes hídricos
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O objetivo neste trabalho foi descrever e analisar, por meio dos modelos Brody e Logístico, a evolução do diâmetro de copa de plantas do cafeeiro, cultivadas em duas densidades de plantio e submetidas a cinco regimes de irrigação, após a poda por esqueletamento e decote. Os dados analisados são provenientes de experimento realizado na Universidade Federal de Lavras, em Lavras, Minas Gerais. Após a poda da lavoura, os dados foram coletados trimestralmente no período que compreendeu fevereiro de 2008 a novembro de 2010, totalizando 12 medições. Com base no coeficiente de determinação e critério de informação de Akaike corrigido, o modelo não linear Logístico destacou-se como mais eficiente na descrição do diâmetro de copa do cafeeiro podado. Em todos os regimes de irrigação estudados o adensamento não afetou negativamente o crescimento das plantas. As maiores estimativas para o diâmetro de copa assintótico e índice de crescimento foram obtidas com os regimes irrigados, indicando que a irrigação pode contribuir para a plena recuperação da lavoura podadas.
The objective of authors was to describe and analyze, by means of the Brody and Logistics models, the evolution of the diameter of the canopy of coffee plants, cultivated in two planting densities and submitted to five irrigation regimes, after pruning. The analyzed data are originated from an experiment performed at the Universidade Federal de Lavras, in Lavras, Minas Gerais. After pruning the crop, the data were collected quarterly during the period that comprised February of 2008 to November of 2010, totalizing 12 measurements. Based on the coefficient of determination and corrected Akaike information criterion, the Logistic non-linear model was more efficient in describing the growth of the pruned coffee tree. In all studied irrigation systems, the increase in plantation density did not affect plant growth negatively. The highest estimations for asymptotic canopy diameter and growth index were obtained with the irrigated systems, showing that irrigation can contribute for the full recovery of pruned crops.
The objective of authors was to describe and analyze, by means of the Brody and Logistics models, the evolution of the diameter of the canopy of coffee plants, cultivated in two planting densities and submitted to five irrigation regimes, after pruning. The analyzed data are originated from an experiment performed at the Universidade Federal de Lavras, in Lavras, Minas Gerais. After pruning the crop, the data were collected quarterly during the period that comprised February of 2008 to November of 2010, totalizing 12 measurements. Based on the coefficient of determination and corrected Akaike information criterion, the Logistic non-linear model was more efficient in describing the growth of the pruned coffee tree. In all studied irrigation systems, the increase in plantation density did not affect plant growth negatively. The highest estimations for asymptotic canopy diameter and growth index were obtained with the irrigated systems, showing that irrigation can contribute for the full recovery of pruned crops.
Coffea arabica, Característica vegetativa, Irrigação, Adensamento, Regressão não linear
PEREIRA, A. A. et al. Modelagem do diâmetro de copa do cafeeiro podado cultivado em diferentes densidades e regimes hídricos. Coffee Science, Lavras, v. 11, n. 4, p. 495-501, out./dez. 2016.