Caracterização radiométrica orbital da ferrugem e da fenologia do cafeeiro em diferentes sistemas de irrigação
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
O Brasil é o principal produtor de café do mundo, sendo Minas Gerais o estado que mais contribui para essa cultura de grande importância no agronegócio. O cafeeiro arábica (Coffea arabica L.) pode ter sua produção comprometida por vários fatores, como a ferrugem do cafeeiro (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Br.), que pode causar sérios danos à lavoura. Outro fator relevante é a fenologia da planta, importante para identificar as atividades necessárias no manejo e tratos culturais da lavoura. Uma ferramenta para auxiliar no manejo da cafeicultura é o sensoriamento remoto, o qual utiliza imagens de satélites, como o da missão Landsat, associados ao sistema de informação geográfica (SIG) para o processamento digital. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar a aplicabilidade do monitoramento de lavouras de cafeeiro sob diferentes sistemas de irrigação por radiometria orbital, caracterizando o padrão espectral, espacial e temporal da ferrugem e a fenologia do cafeeiro. No primeiro estudo realizado, foram utilizados produtos de imagens orbitais, as quais foram correlacionadas com os dados de incidência de ferrugem coletados em campo. Os valores de menor reflectância do infravermelho próximo (NIR) foram correspondentes aos maiores valores de incidência de ferrugem, e as áreas irrigadas e área de sequeiro apresentaram diferentes comportamentos nas regiões infravermelho médio - 1 (SWIR-1) e infravermelho médio - 2 (SWIR-2). No segundo estudo, foram utilizados mapas de composição colorida falsa cor e cor natural para interpretação visual da lavoura, juntamente com dados coletados em campo. Foi possível analisar as características das fases fenológicas do cafeeiro e aspectos dos diferentes ambientes, assim como a presença de bienalidade na produtividade.
Brazil is the main coffee producer, and Minas Gerais is the state that contributed most to this important crop in agribusiness. Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) may have its production compromised by several factors, such as coffee rust (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Br.) which can cause serious damage to the crop. Another factor to know is the phenology of the plant that is important to identify the necessary activities in the management and cultural treatments of the crop. A tool to assist in the management of coffee cultivation is remote sensing using satellite images, such as the Landsat mission, associated with the geographic information system (GIS) for digital processing. The objective of this study was to evaluate the applicability of coffee crop monitoring under different irrigation systems by orbital radiometry, characterizing the spectral, spatial and temporal patterns of rust and coffee phenology. In the first study, orbital imaging products were used and correlated with the data of coffee rust incidence collected in the field. The lower near infrared (NIR) reflectance values corresponded to the higher values of coffee rust incidence, and, irrigated areas and rainfed area presented different behaviors in the short-wave infrared 1 (SWIR-1) and short-wave infrared 2 (SWIR-2) regions. In the second study, false color and natural color composition maps were used for visual interpretation of the crop, associated to data collected in the field. It was possible to analyze the characteristics of the coffee phenological phases and aspects of the different environments, as well as the presence of biennial coffee productivity.
Brazil is the main coffee producer, and Minas Gerais is the state that contributed most to this important crop in agribusiness. Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) may have its production compromised by several factors, such as coffee rust (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Br.) which can cause serious damage to the crop. Another factor to know is the phenology of the plant that is important to identify the necessary activities in the management and cultural treatments of the crop. A tool to assist in the management of coffee cultivation is remote sensing using satellite images, such as the Landsat mission, associated with the geographic information system (GIS) for digital processing. The objective of this study was to evaluate the applicability of coffee crop monitoring under different irrigation systems by orbital radiometry, characterizing the spectral, spatial and temporal patterns of rust and coffee phenology. In the first study, orbital imaging products were used and correlated with the data of coffee rust incidence collected in the field. The lower near infrared (NIR) reflectance values corresponded to the higher values of coffee rust incidence, and, irrigated areas and rainfed area presented different behaviors in the short-wave infrared 1 (SWIR-1) and short-wave infrared 2 (SWIR-2) regions. In the second study, false color and natural color composition maps were used for visual interpretation of the crop, associated to data collected in the field. It was possible to analyze the characteristics of the coffee phenological phases and aspects of the different environments, as well as the presence of biennial coffee productivity.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Coffea arabica L, Hemileia vastatrix, Fenologia
PIRES, M. S. O. Caracterização radiométrica orbital da ferrugem e da fenologia do cafeeiro em diferentes sistemas de irrigação. 2018. 100 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2018.