Estaquia de cafeeiros arábicos de diferentes genótipos : tipo de estaca
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A propagação de cafeeiros através de estaquia vem sendo utilizada há vários anos para C. canephora, devido às vantagens proporcionadas por esta técnica em relação à propagação por semente. Recentemente, com a descoberta de heterose em cafeeiros arábicos está sendo dado maior importância à clonagem, tanto convencional como biotecnológica, também para C. arabica. Devido a isso, este trabalho objetivou determinar o melhor tipo de estaca para as espécies de Coffea cultivadas e avaliar o enraizamento de três genótipos híbridos de C. arabica que apresentam heterose. O experimento foi conduzido em telado com sistema de nebulização automático durante 90 dias em caixas com casca de arroz queimada. Os genótipos de C. arabica enraizaram 49% menos que os genótipos de C. canephora var. robusta, existindo diferenças também entre os genótipos dentro da mesma espécie. A amplitude de variação foi maior nos genótipos de C. arabica evidenciando diferenças marcantes entre os genótipos desta espécie. A estaca verde de ponteiro enraizou 63,4% menos que a estaca verde madura de um nó, indicando vantagens na sua utilização. Considerando a proporção de estacas com raízes e estacas com calos, apenas um dos genótipos de C. arabica diferiu estatisticamente dos genótipos de C. canephora, apesar do melhor desempenho desta última espécie. Isto indica que há necessidade das estacas permanecerem por um período maior que 90 dias no substrato enraizador no café arábica para obter enraizamento próximo ao do café robusta. Pelos resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que existem diferenças entre os genótipos e entre os tipos de estacas para o enraizamento e que apesar da grande diferença observada entre C. arabica e C. canephora, pode-se obter enraizamento no café arábica muito próximo ao observado no café robusta pela seleção do genótipo adequado e aumentando-se o tempo de permanência da estaca no substrato enraizador. Assim, abre a possibilidade de cultivo comercial de variedades clonais de C. arabica.
Vegetative propagation of coffe through cutting has being used for several years in C. canephora, due to the advantages provided by this technique in relation to propagation by seed. Recently, with heterosis discovery in arabic coffee, clonning is increasing for both conventional and biotechnologic ways. Therefore this work aimed at determine the best cutting type for the species of cultivated Coffea (C. arabica and C. canephora) and to evaluate the rooting of three hybrid genotypes of arabic coffee with heterosis. The experiment was grown in greenhouse with automatic system of irrigation by microaspersion during 90 days in boxes with burned peel of rice. The genotypes of arabic coffee took 49% less rooting than the genotypes of C. canephora var. robusta, also existing inside differences among the genotypes of the same species. The variation was larger in the genotypes of arabic coffee evidencing differences among the genotypes of this species. The green apice scion had 63,4% less rooting than the mature green scion nodes, indicating advantages in its use. Considering the proportion of cuttings with roots and with calli, only one of the genotypes of arabic coffee just differed statistically of the genotypes of C. canephora, in spite of the best performance of this last species. This indicates that the cuttings of arabic coffee must stay for a period larger than 90 days in the rooting substratum to obtain similar rooting as of the robust coffee. It can be concluded that there are differences among genotypes and between the types of scions used for rooting, and in spite of the great difference observed between arabic coffee and robusta coffee, it is possible to obtain rooting very similar in arabic coffee to the observed in the robusta coffee, by the selecting the appropriate genotypes. If the rooting time of the scion in the rooting substratum is appropriated, the rooting efficiency could be similar for the two species. Thus, this work opens the possibility of commercial cultivation of clonal varieties of arabic coffee.
Vegetative propagation of coffe through cutting has being used for several years in C. canephora, due to the advantages provided by this technique in relation to propagation by seed. Recently, with heterosis discovery in arabic coffee, clonning is increasing for both conventional and biotechnologic ways. Therefore this work aimed at determine the best cutting type for the species of cultivated Coffea (C. arabica and C. canephora) and to evaluate the rooting of three hybrid genotypes of arabic coffee with heterosis. The experiment was grown in greenhouse with automatic system of irrigation by microaspersion during 90 days in boxes with burned peel of rice. The genotypes of arabic coffee took 49% less rooting than the genotypes of C. canephora var. robusta, also existing inside differences among the genotypes of the same species. The variation was larger in the genotypes of arabic coffee evidencing differences among the genotypes of this species. The green apice scion had 63,4% less rooting than the mature green scion nodes, indicating advantages in its use. Considering the proportion of cuttings with roots and with calli, only one of the genotypes of arabic coffee just differed statistically of the genotypes of C. canephora, in spite of the best performance of this last species. This indicates that the cuttings of arabic coffee must stay for a period larger than 90 days in the rooting substratum to obtain similar rooting as of the robust coffee. It can be concluded that there are differences among genotypes and between the types of scions used for rooting, and in spite of the great difference observed between arabic coffee and robusta coffee, it is possible to obtain rooting very similar in arabic coffee to the observed in the robusta coffee, by the selecting the appropriate genotypes. If the rooting time of the scion in the rooting substratum is appropriated, the rooting efficiency could be similar for the two species. Thus, this work opens the possibility of commercial cultivation of clonal varieties of arabic coffee.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (1.: 2000 : Poços de Caldas, MG). Resumos expandidos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café; Belo Horizonte : Minasplan, 2000. 2v. (1490p.) : il.
Café Estaquia Híbrido Melhoramento Coffea arabica, Coffee Cuttings Hybrids Breeding Coffea arabica
Fadeli, Sérgio; Sera, Tumoru; Azevedo, José Alves de; Alteia, Marcos Zorzenon; Colombo, Larissa Abgariani; Mata, João Siqueira da. Estaquia de cafeeiros arábicos de diferentes genótipos : tipo de estaca. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (1.: 2000 : Poços de Caldas, MG). Resumos expandidos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café; Belo Horizonte : Minasplan, 2000. 2v. (1490p.), p. 104-107.