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O café um dos principais produtos agrícolas brasileiro. O café cereja pode sofrer dois tipos de tratamento, um por via seca e outro por via úmida, durante seu processamento gera grandes quantidades de resíduos tais como a polpa e a casca de café respectivamente. Quando estes resíduos são descartado no meio ambiente, apresenta impacto ambiental. O resíduo produzido em grande quantidade apresenta potencial de aplicação em diversos processos tecnológicos. A utilização da polpa de café com intuito de obter produtos de valor acrescido, como enzimas, ácidos orgânicos e bioaromas. A caracterização química da matéria-prima é o primeiro passo para avaliar possíveis aplicações. Determinado os teores dos componentes passa-se a etapa de utilização dos mesmos em bioprocessos. Neste trabalho, após a caracterização da polpa de café foi realizada uma etapa de deslignificação também conhecido por pré-tratamento, com o intuito de disponibilizar a celulose para conversão da mesma em outros produtos. Para a composição da polpa de foram analisadas amostras de polpa de café obtidas junto a um produtor da região de Lavras/MG, em relação à sua composição centesimal e pH. Os resultados indicaram que o material pode ser utilizado com a finalidade de agregar valor ao mesmo. Com relação à deslignificação foram realizados cinco pré-tratamentos com diferentes substâncias alcalinas. Ao final pode-se se verificar que os melhores resultados foram aqueles que utilizaram hidróxido de bário e a combinação entre hidróxido de sódio e hidróxido de cálcio, pois estes apresentaram os maiores teores de celulose e menores teores de lignina.
The coffee one of the main agricultural products in Brazil. The cherries can undergo two types of treatment: one for dry and one wet, during the process generates large quantities of wastes such as pulp and coffee husk respectively. When these wastes are disposed into the environment, introduces environmental impact. The residue produced in large quantities has potential application in various technological processes. The use of coffee pulp in order to obtain added-value products such as enzymes, organic acids and bioaromas. Chemical characterization of raw materials is the first step to evaluate possible applications. Determined the levels of the components is set to stage their use in bioprocess. In this study, after characterization of coffee pulp was made a delignification also known as pre- treatment with the intention of converting cellulose to provide the same on other products. For the composition of pulp samples were analyzed coffee pulp obtained from a producer in the region of Lavras / MG, in relation to its chemical composition, acidity, pH, water activity and soluble solids. The results indicated that the material can be used with the aim of adding value to it. With respect to delignification was performed five different pre-treatments with alkaline substances. At the end you can verify that the best results were those using barium hydroxide and the combination of sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide, because they showed higher levels of cellulose and less lignin.
The coffee one of the main agricultural products in Brazil. The cherries can undergo two types of treatment: one for dry and one wet, during the process generates large quantities of wastes such as pulp and coffee husk respectively. When these wastes are disposed into the environment, introduces environmental impact. The residue produced in large quantities has potential application in various technological processes. The use of coffee pulp in order to obtain added-value products such as enzymes, organic acids and bioaromas. Chemical characterization of raw materials is the first step to evaluate possible applications. Determined the levels of the components is set to stage their use in bioprocess. In this study, after characterization of coffee pulp was made a delignification also known as pre- treatment with the intention of converting cellulose to provide the same on other products. For the composition of pulp samples were analyzed coffee pulp obtained from a producer in the region of Lavras / MG, in relation to its chemical composition, acidity, pH, water activity and soluble solids. The results indicated that the material can be used with the aim of adding value to it. With respect to delignification was performed five different pre-treatments with alkaline substances. At the end you can verify that the best results were those using barium hydroxide and the combination of sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide, because they showed higher levels of cellulose and less lignin.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
polpa de café, composição, pré-tratamento., coffee pulp, composition, pre-treatment.
Menezes, Evandro Galvão Tavares; Pimenta, Carlos José; Carmo, Juliana Ribeiro do; Alves, José Guilherme Lembi Ferreira; Oliveira, Roseane Maria Evangelista; Carvalho, Danúbia Aparecida de; Teixeira, Jaciara Thaís. Caracterização e pré-tratamento da polpa de café. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 5p.