Deposição de calda aplicada em folhas de cafeeiro com diferentes volumes e pontas pulverização
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Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
A cafeicultura é no Brasil uma importante atividade agrícola e econômica. O País é o maior produtor e exportador mundial, tendo o estado de Minas Gerais como o principal produtor nacional. Um dos grandes problemas enfrentados pelos cafeicultores é a suscetibilidade das plantas a várias pragas e doenças. Dentre estas, destaca-se o bicho-mineiro, considerado praga-chave da cultura, ocorrendo em praticamente todas as regiões produtoras. Para o manejo desta praga, tem sido empregado o controle químico, no entanto a cultura apresenta diversos desafios para a tecnologia de aplicação dos produtos fitossanitários; as plantas apresentam densa folhagem e variações nos aspectos da copa. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a deposição de calda pulverizada em folhas de cafeeiro (Coffea arábica L.) e a perda para o solo proporcionada pela aplicação com dois volumes de calda e dois tipos de pontas de pulverização. O trabalho foi conduzido na Fazenda do Glória, de propriedade da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, em Uberlândia-MG, em lavoura de café arábica cultivar Catuaí IAC 99 com 11 anos de idade, em setembro de 2012. O experimento foi instalado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e oito repetições, em esquema fatorial 2x2, com duas pontas de pulverização, jato cônico vazio (ATR) e jato cônico vazio com indução de ar (TVI), e dois volumes de calda, 200 e 500 L ha-1. Adicionou-se à calda o traçador Azul Brilhante, em dose fixa de 300 g ha-1. Foram coletadas folhas das metades superior e inferior da copa das plantas, bem como lâminas de vidro posicionadas no solo sob a copa das mesmas, das quais foi retirado e quantificado o traçador contido nas amostras por espectrofotometria de absorção de luz. Foi conduzido também um estudo de Controle Estatístico de Processo (CEP), que permitiu avaliar o comportamento das variáveis em suas repetições dentro dos tratamentos. O uso de pontas de jato cônico vazio com indução de ar mostrou-se viável quanto à deposição de calda no cafeeiro, principalmente junto com o uso do maior volume de calda (500 L ha-1). Na parte inferior da cultura, a deposição de calda foi semelhante empregando-se 200 L ha-1 ou 500 L ha-1, o que demonstra a viabilidade do uso do volume de calda reduzido. O uso da ponta de jato cônico vazio com indução de ar proporcionou maiores perdas para o solo. A análise das cartas de controle referentes aos tratamentos avaliados mostrou que não ocorreu grande variabilidade entre os pontos amostrais, indicando bom padrão de qualidade sob o ponto de vista estatístico.
Coffee crop is an important agricultural and economic activity in Brazil. The country is the greatest coffee producer and exporter, and has in the state of Minas Gerais the major national producer. One of the biggest problems faced by coffee farmers is the susceptibility of the plants to several pests and diseases. Among these, the leaf-miner, considered a key pest of the crop, occurs in almost all producing regions. Pest management has been successful by employing chemical control; however, the crop presents many challenges for application technology, such as dense foliage development and variations in the canopy. This study evaluated spray deposition on leaves of coffee arabica (Coffea arabica L.), and its loss to soil resulting from the pulverization of two application volumes and two spray nozzle types. The work was conducted at Glória’s farm, property of the Federal University of Uberlândia, Uberlândia-MG, in 11 years old coffee arabica cultivar Catuaí IAC 99, in september 2012. The experiment was a 2x2 factorial, with two nozzles, (ATR) hollow cone and (TVI) hollow cone with air induction, and two volumes, 200 L ha-1 and 500 L ha-1. Brilliant Blue coloring was added to the tank mixture, at a fixed concentration of 300 g ha-1. Leaves were collected from upper and lower halves of plant canopies and glass slides were positioned on the ground under the plant canopy to collect spray drippings. The concentration contained in the samples was determined by light absorption spectrophotometry. Also, a study of statistical process control (SPC) was conducted, allowing the evaluation of the behavior of the variables in their repetitions within treatments. The use of hollow cone tips with air induction together with greater spray volume (500 L ha-1) was a good option for spray deposition in coffee leaves. At the lower half of the canopy, spray deposition was similar using both 200 L ha-1 and 500 L ha-1, which demonstrates the feasibility of using the reduced spray volume. The hollow cone with air induction nozzle resulted in greater losses to the soil. The analysis of the control charts (SPC) related to treatments showed that no great variability among the sampling points was found, indicating good quality standard from the statistical point of view.
Coffee crop is an important agricultural and economic activity in Brazil. The country is the greatest coffee producer and exporter, and has in the state of Minas Gerais the major national producer. One of the biggest problems faced by coffee farmers is the susceptibility of the plants to several pests and diseases. Among these, the leaf-miner, considered a key pest of the crop, occurs in almost all producing regions. Pest management has been successful by employing chemical control; however, the crop presents many challenges for application technology, such as dense foliage development and variations in the canopy. This study evaluated spray deposition on leaves of coffee arabica (Coffea arabica L.), and its loss to soil resulting from the pulverization of two application volumes and two spray nozzle types. The work was conducted at Glória’s farm, property of the Federal University of Uberlândia, Uberlândia-MG, in 11 years old coffee arabica cultivar Catuaí IAC 99, in september 2012. The experiment was a 2x2 factorial, with two nozzles, (ATR) hollow cone and (TVI) hollow cone with air induction, and two volumes, 200 L ha-1 and 500 L ha-1. Brilliant Blue coloring was added to the tank mixture, at a fixed concentration of 300 g ha-1. Leaves were collected from upper and lower halves of plant canopies and glass slides were positioned on the ground under the plant canopy to collect spray drippings. The concentration contained in the samples was determined by light absorption spectrophotometry. Also, a study of statistical process control (SPC) was conducted, allowing the evaluation of the behavior of the variables in their repetitions within treatments. The use of hollow cone tips with air induction together with greater spray volume (500 L ha-1) was a good option for spray deposition in coffee leaves. At the lower half of the canopy, spray deposition was similar using both 200 L ha-1 and 500 L ha-1, which demonstrates the feasibility of using the reduced spray volume. The hollow cone with air induction nozzle resulted in greater losses to the soil. The analysis of the control charts (SPC) related to treatments showed that no great variability among the sampling points was found, indicating good quality standard from the statistical point of view.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Tecnologia de aplicação, Bico de pulverização, Pulverizador hidropneumático, Volume de aplicação, Controle estatístico de processo
SILVA, J. E. R. Deposição de calda aplicada em folhas de cafeeiro com diferentes volumes e pontas pulverização. 2013. 41 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia) - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia. 2013.