Desempenho técnico-econômico de sistemas intercalares do feijoeiro-comum em lavouras de café (Coffea arabica) adensado
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
Visando estudar o efeito do número de linhas e da dose de adubação do feijoeiro no desempenho agronômico e econômico do cultivo intercalar da leguminosa com o cafeeiro, foram conduzidos três experimentos de campo na universidade federal de lavras, em um latossolo vermelho distroférrico típico. O delineamento experimental foi blocos ao acaso com três repetições e esquema fatorial 4x4 + 1, envolvendo quatro números de linhas do feijoeiro intercalar e quatro doses de adubação da leguminosa, mais um tratamento adicional (o monocultivo do cafeeiro ou do feijoeiro). O experimento foi conduzido em lavouras comerciais das cv. Catucaí recém-plantada, topázio em formação e acaiá recepado. A cultivar de feijoeiro foi a ‘brs-mg-talismã'. No feijoeiro foram avaliados os estandes inicial e final, a altura de plantas e o rendimento de grãos com seus componentes primários (número de vagens por planta, número de grãos por vagem e peso médio de cem grãos). No cafeeiro recém-plantado as características avaliadas foram a emissão de pares de folhas e os incrementos na altura de plantas e no diâmetro do caule, verificados entre a semeadura e a colheita do feijoeiro, além da mortalidade dos cafeeiros. Nos cafeeiros em formação e recepados foram avaliados a emissão de nós e o incremento no comprimento dos ramos ortotrópicos, plagiotrópicos e no diâmetro do caule. Para a análise econômica foi empregada a teoria de custos de produção, utilizando dados coletados durante a condução dos ensaios, na literatura e no mercado regional. Os resultados permitem concluir que o aumento do número de linhas de feijoeiro aumenta o rendimento de grãos da leguminosa, a receita e o lucro proporcionado pelo feijão, além de reduzir o custo de formação do cafeeiro e, por conseqüência, eleva o percentual de cobertura dos custos operacionais e totais de formação ou renovação do cafeeiro pelo lucro obtido com o cultivo intercalar do feijoeiro, independentemente do tipo de lavoura. O plantio de três e duas linhas intercalares de feijoeiro, respectivamente, em cafezal recém-plantado no espaçamento de 3m entre linhas e em cafezal em formação ou renovação no espaçamento de 2m entre, linhas são os números de linhas intercalares com melhor retorno econômico dos sistemas de cultivo intercalar estudados, sem grandes prejuízos ao desenvolvimento do cafeeiro. O aumento da adubação do feijoeiro, por outro lado, aumenta o custo de produção sem aumento significativo do rendimento de grãos e, consequentemente, da receita, este resultado, entretanto, deve ser interpretado com cuidado, pois, mesmo que a adubação da cultura intercalar não traga maiores rendimentos de feijão, pode evitar prejuízos no desenvolvimento e nas primeiras produções do cafeeiro.
Aiming to study the effect ofthe number ofrows and the dose of fertilization of the bean plant upon the agronomic and economic performance of the intercalary cultivation of the legume with the coffee tree, three field experiments were conducted in the federal university of lavras on a typical distroferríc red latosol. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with three replicates and 4 x 4+1 factorial scheme, involving four number of rows of the intercalary bean plant andfour doses offertilization of the legume plusanádditional treatment (the monocultivation of the coffee tree or bean plant). The experiment was conducted in commercial crops of the newly planted establishing cultivar catucaí, topázio and lopped acai. The bean cultivar was brs-mg talismã. Onthe bean plant, the initial and final stands, plant height and grain yield with its primary components (number of pod per plant, number of grain per pod and average weight of one hundred grains) were evaluated. On the newly planted coffee tree the evaluated characteristics were emission of pairs of leaves and increments in plant height and in stem diameter, verified between sowing and harvest of the bean plant, in addition to the mortality of the coffee trees. On the establishing and lopped coffee trees, the emission of nodes and the increment in the length of the orthotropic, plagiotropic branches and stem diameter were evaluated. For the economic analysis, the production cost theory was employed by utilizing data collected during the undertaken of the trialsin the literature and on the regional market. The results enable to conclude that the increase ofthe number ofrows of bean plant increases grain yield ofthe legume, income and profit provided by bean, in addition to reducing the establishment cost of the coffee tree and hence raises the percent of cover of the operacional and total costs ofthe establishment and renewal ofthe coffee tree bythe profit obtained from the interacalary cultivation ofthe bean plant, regardless ofthe sort ofcrop. The planting of three and two intercalary rows of bean plant, respectively, in a newly planted coffee plantation at the interrow 3m - spacing and in the establishing and renovating coffee tree at the interrow 2m- spacing yields best economicreturn withoutgreat lossesfor the development of the coffeetree. The increase of the fertilization of the bean plant, on the other hand, increases the production cost with a significant increase of grain yield and hence of the income. This result, nevertheless, should be interpreted carefully, since even the fertilization of the intercalary crop does not bring higher bean yields,may avoid losses in the development and at the first yieldsofthe coffee tree.
Aiming to study the effect ofthe number ofrows and the dose of fertilization of the bean plant upon the agronomic and economic performance of the intercalary cultivation of the legume with the coffee tree, three field experiments were conducted in the federal university of lavras on a typical distroferríc red latosol. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with three replicates and 4 x 4+1 factorial scheme, involving four number of rows of the intercalary bean plant andfour doses offertilization of the legume plusanádditional treatment (the monocultivation of the coffee tree or bean plant). The experiment was conducted in commercial crops of the newly planted establishing cultivar catucaí, topázio and lopped acai. The bean cultivar was brs-mg talismã. Onthe bean plant, the initial and final stands, plant height and grain yield with its primary components (number of pod per plant, number of grain per pod and average weight of one hundred grains) were evaluated. On the newly planted coffee tree the evaluated characteristics were emission of pairs of leaves and increments in plant height and in stem diameter, verified between sowing and harvest of the bean plant, in addition to the mortality of the coffee trees. On the establishing and lopped coffee trees, the emission of nodes and the increment in the length of the orthotropic, plagiotropic branches and stem diameter were evaluated. For the economic analysis, the production cost theory was employed by utilizing data collected during the undertaken of the trialsin the literature and on the regional market. The results enable to conclude that the increase ofthe number ofrows of bean plant increases grain yield ofthe legume, income and profit provided by bean, in addition to reducing the establishment cost of the coffee tree and hence raises the percent of cover of the operacional and total costs ofthe establishment and renewal ofthe coffee tree bythe profit obtained from the interacalary cultivation ofthe bean plant, regardless ofthe sort ofcrop. The planting of three and two intercalary rows of bean plant, respectively, in a newly planted coffee plantation at the interrow 3m - spacing and in the establishing and renovating coffee tree at the interrow 2m- spacing yields best economicreturn withoutgreat lossesfor the development of the coffeetree. The increase of the fertilization of the bean plant, on the other hand, increases the production cost with a significant increase of grain yield and hence of the income. This result, nevertheless, should be interpreted carefully, since even the fertilization of the intercalary crop does not bring higher bean yields,may avoid losses in the development and at the first yieldsofthe coffee tree.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Consorciação de cultura, Aspectos econômicos, Feijão - Cultivo, Rotação de cultivos agrícolas, Café - Cultivo, Culture Consortium, Beans - Cultivation, Coffee - Cultivation
CARVALHO, Abner José de. Desempenho técnico-econômico de sistemas intercalares do feijoeiro-comum em lavouras de café (Coffea arabica) adensado. 2005. 187 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia/Fitotecnia) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2005.