Deficiências isoladas e simultâneas de K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu e Zn: sintomas, crescimento, características anatômicas e teores foliares em cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.)
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
Conduzido em casa de vegetação, o presente trabalho objetivou estudar o desenvolvimento fitotécnico, os teores foliares, os sintomas visuais de deficiência, bem como as mudanças anatômicas foliares de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L.) submetidos a omissão isolada e simultânea de K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu e Zn. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições e oito tratamentos, sendo as parcelas constituídas de uma planta por vaso de 2 L. Foram utilizadas plantas de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L.), cultivar Topázio MG 1190, e os tratamentos constituídos de: solução nutritiva completa (Hoagland & Arnon, 1950), solução com omissão individual de K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu e Zn e omissão dupla simultânea de K e Mg; Ca e Mg; Ca e B; Cu e Zn; B e Zn. A ausência dos nutrientes na solução promoveu redução de sua concentração nas folhas, independente de estar isolado ou associado a outro. Os teores foliares médios de K (4,95 g/kg), Ca (2,02 g/kg), Mg (1,22 g/kg) e B (14,98 mg/kg), Cu (0,91 mg/kg) e Zn (3,15 mg/kg), foram sempre inferiores aos apresentados pelas plantas do tratamento completo. A ausência destes nutrientes na solução nutritiva comprometeu o desenvolvimento das plantas, levando a modificações morfológicas com sintomas característicos de deficiência de cada nutriente. Os sintomas de deficiência identificados foram semelhantes aos já descritos na literatura para o cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.), com exceção da deficiência de magnésio. A análise visual dos sintomas de deficiência nutricional deve ser confirmada pela diagnose foliar, pois, em condições de campo há possibilidade de ocorrência isolada ou simultânea de deficiência. A redução na matéria seca total das plantas de cafeeiro foi influenciada na seguinte ordem: B>(Ca+B)>(B+Zn)>Cu>Zn>(Cu+Zn)>K>(K+Mg)>Ca>Mg>(Ca+Mg). A deficiência isolada de K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu e Zn promoveu mudanças anatômicas foliares no cafeeiro. A espessura das epidermes da face abaxial e adaxial, do parênquima esponjoso e paliçádico, do limbo foliar, assim como o diâmetro polar e equatorial dos estômatos, e a relação entre eles, foram as características anatômicas influenciadas.
This research was conducted in greenhouse and aimed to study some field growth aspects, the visual deficiency symptoms, the leaf nutrient levels, as well as the leaf anatomical modifications of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) submitted to isolated and simultaneous omission of K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu and Zn. The experimental design used was the fully randomized containing four replicates and eight treatments, being the plots composed by a plant per pot 2L. There were used coffee (Coffea arabica L.), cultivar Topázio MG 1192,, and the treatments were composed by: nutritive complete solution (Hoagland & Arnon, 1950), solution with individual omission of K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu and Zn, and double simultaneous omission of K and Mg; Ca and Mg; Ca and B; Cu and Zn; B and Zn. The absence of nutrients in the solution caused the reduction of its concentrations in leaves, independently to be isolated or associated with other nutrient. The mean of leaf nutrient levels was for K (4,59g/kg), Ca (2,02g/kg), Mg (1,22g/kg), B (14,98 mg/kg), Cu (0,91 mg/kg) and Zn (3,15 mg/kg), were always lower than ones from plants which received the complete solution. The absence of these nutrients in the nutritive solution reduced the plant development, causing morphological modifications with characteristics symptoms of deficiency for each nutrient. The deficiency symptoms were similar from that ones already described in literature for coffee (Coffea arabica L.), except for magnesium deficiency. The visual analysis of nutritional symptoms can be confirmed by leaf diagnosis, because in field conditions there is a possibility to occur the deficiency isolated or simultaneous. The reduction plant total dry mass of coffee was influenced in the following order: B>(Ca+B)>(B+Zn)>Cu>Zn>(Cu+Zn)>K>(K+Mg)>Ca>Mg>(Ca+Mg). The isolated deficiency of K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu e Zn promoted the anatomical changes in coffee leaf. The epiderm thickness of abaxial and adaxial face, the palissadic and spongious parenchyma, the leaf, as well as the plar and equatorial diameter of stomates, and the relations among them, were the characteristics influenced.
This research was conducted in greenhouse and aimed to study some field growth aspects, the visual deficiency symptoms, the leaf nutrient levels, as well as the leaf anatomical modifications of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) submitted to isolated and simultaneous omission of K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu and Zn. The experimental design used was the fully randomized containing four replicates and eight treatments, being the plots composed by a plant per pot 2L. There were used coffee (Coffea arabica L.), cultivar Topázio MG 1192,, and the treatments were composed by: nutritive complete solution (Hoagland & Arnon, 1950), solution with individual omission of K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu and Zn, and double simultaneous omission of K and Mg; Ca and Mg; Ca and B; Cu and Zn; B and Zn. The absence of nutrients in the solution caused the reduction of its concentrations in leaves, independently to be isolated or associated with other nutrient. The mean of leaf nutrient levels was for K (4,59g/kg), Ca (2,02g/kg), Mg (1,22g/kg), B (14,98 mg/kg), Cu (0,91 mg/kg) and Zn (3,15 mg/kg), were always lower than ones from plants which received the complete solution. The absence of these nutrients in the nutritive solution reduced the plant development, causing morphological modifications with characteristics symptoms of deficiency for each nutrient. The deficiency symptoms were similar from that ones already described in literature for coffee (Coffea arabica L.), except for magnesium deficiency. The visual analysis of nutritional symptoms can be confirmed by leaf diagnosis, because in field conditions there is a possibility to occur the deficiency isolated or simultaneous. The reduction plant total dry mass of coffee was influenced in the following order: B>(Ca+B)>(B+Zn)>Cu>Zn>(Cu+Zn)>K>(K+Mg)>Ca>Mg>(Ca+Mg). The isolated deficiency of K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu e Zn promoted the anatomical changes in coffee leaf. The epiderm thickness of abaxial and adaxial face, the palissadic and spongious parenchyma, the leaf, as well as the plar and equatorial diameter of stomates, and the relations among them, were the characteristics influenced.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Nutrição, Teor foliar, Deficiência simultânea, Sintoma visual, Anatomia foliar
GONTIJO, R. A. N. Deficiências isoladas e simultâneas de K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu e Zn: sintomas, crescimento, características anatômicas e teores foliares em cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.). 2007. 58 f. Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia-Fitotecnia) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2007.