Genética de Coffea. XVII - Herança do característico angustifólia em Coffea arabica L.
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Instituto Agronômico (IAC)
Mutantes angustifólia são encontrados tanto em viveiro como em plantações das diversas variedades de Coffea arabica L. Êstes mutantes apresentam folhas afiladas em ambas as extremidades e poucas domácias, e diferem em outros característicos, não constituindo, portanto, um grupo morfologicamente homogêneo. Efetuou-se a análise genética de duas plantas angustifólia (n.° 446 e RP 104) que diferem ligeiramente na aparência, tendo-se tomado a variedade typica de C. arabica como padrão. Achou-se que os principais característicos de cada uma dessas duas plantas angustifólia são controlados independentemente por dois fatôres genéticos recessivos, ag1ag1 e ag2ag2, e que êstes fatôres genéticos reduzem a produção e o vigor das plantas quando na condição homozigota. Êstes gens têm efeitos complementares, verificando-se que as progênies das plantas heterozigotas, de fôlhas normais e de constituição Ag1ag1Ag2ag2, são constituídas de plantas normais e angustifólia na relação de 9:7. Os cruzamentos efetuados entre outras oito plantas angustifólia com os cafeeiros 446 e RP 104, indicaram que duas delas são também homozigotas para os alelos ag1ag1. Cruzamentos recíprocos, envolvendo outras plantas angustifólia, deram resultados diferentes, ocorrendo plantas angustifólia apenas quando estes cafeeiros foram usados como planta-mãe. As progênies dêstes cafeeiros deram plantas normais e angustifólia, nas relações que se aproximam de 2:1 e 9:7. A progênie de uma das plantas angustifólia apresentou-se constituída apenas de plantas normais. Ainda não se encontrou explicação razoável para estas segregações anormais.
Angustifolia mutants have been found in coffee plantations and also among seedlings in nurseries of several varieties of Coffea arabica L. They all present narrow, pointed leaves with few domatias, but may differ in other characteristics and therefore do not constitute a morphologically homogeneous group. Genetic analysis of two angustifolia individuals was made using the typica variety (Coffea arábica L. var. typica Cramer) as a standard. It was found that the main characteristics of each of the two plants were controlled independently by two non-allele, recessive genes, namely ag1ag1 (plant n.° 446), and ag2ag2 (plant n.° RP 104), and that both, reduced yield and vigor of the plants when in a homozygous condition. The genes have complementary effects, for it was found that normal heterozygous Ag1ag1Ag2ag2 plants, when selfed, furnished normal and angustifólia F2 plants in the ratio of 9:7. Crosses of eight other angustifólia individuals with the plants 446 and RP 104 have shown so far that only two of them are also homozygous ag1ag1 and that no other plant is homozygous ag2ag2. Reciprocal crosses, involving some of these angustifólia individuals, gave different results, and angustifólia segregates were found only when these plants entered the crosses as the mother parent. Selfed progenies of these angustifólia mutants comprised normal and angustifólia seedlings in the aproximate ratios of 2:1 and 9:7. One selfed progeny presented only normal seedlings. A suitable explanation for the abnormal ratios here reported still remains to be found.
Angustifolia mutants have been found in coffee plantations and also among seedlings in nurseries of several varieties of Coffea arabica L. They all present narrow, pointed leaves with few domatias, but may differ in other characteristics and therefore do not constitute a morphologically homogeneous group. Genetic analysis of two angustifolia individuals was made using the typica variety (Coffea arábica L. var. typica Cramer) as a standard. It was found that the main characteristics of each of the two plants were controlled independently by two non-allele, recessive genes, namely ag1ag1 (plant n.° 446), and ag2ag2 (plant n.° RP 104), and that both, reduced yield and vigor of the plants when in a homozygous condition. The genes have complementary effects, for it was found that normal heterozygous Ag1ag1Ag2ag2 plants, when selfed, furnished normal and angustifólia F2 plants in the ratio of 9:7. Crosses of eight other angustifólia individuals with the plants 446 and RP 104 have shown so far that only two of them are also homozygous ag1ag1 and that no other plant is homozygous ag2ag2. Reciprocal crosses, involving some of these angustifólia individuals, gave different results, and angustifólia segregates were found only when these plants entered the crosses as the mother parent. Selfed progenies of these angustifólia mutants comprised normal and angustifólia seedlings in the aproximate ratios of 2:1 and 9:7. One selfed progeny presented only normal seedlings. A suitable explanation for the abnormal ratios here reported still remains to be found.
KRUG, C.A.; CARVALHO, A.; ANTUNES FILHO, H. Genética de Coffea. XVII - Herança do característico angustifólia em Coffea arabica L. Bragantia, Campinas, v. 14, n. 8, p. 71-85,1955.