Validação do questionário de expectativa à cafeína para a população brasileira e associação aos polimorfismos dos genes CYP1A2 e ADORA2A
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Universidade de Brasília
A expectativa de efeitos da cafeína pode ser registrada em questionários validados para observar padrões favoráveis, ou não, ao uso de fontes cafeína. Esta individualidade biológica está relacionada com os polimorfismos genéticos podem interferir no modo como os indivíduos metabolizam a cafeína, gene CYP1A2 (rs 762551), genótipo AA, fenótipo rápidos metabolizadores, e a sua ação nos receptores de adenosina ADORA2A (rs 5751876), genótipo TT, fenótipo maior sensibilidade. Portanto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a capacidade do CaffEQ-BR na diferenciação dos polimorfismos dos genes CYP1A2 e ADORA2A, conforme as expectativas de efeito da cafeína medidas pelo instrumento. O estudo foi composto por três etapas: (i) processo de tradução com dois tradutores bilingues, validação semântica por meio de técnica de juízes (n = 20), análise de reprodutibilidade e consistência interna com amostra de conveniência (n = 50) e validação externa por meio da análise fatorial confirmatória com amostra composta por 4.202 participantes de todas as Unidades da Federação; (ii) desenvolvimento e validação da versão curta do instrumento (B-CaffEQ-BR); (iii) aplicação do CaffEQ-BR (versão completa e curta) a uma amostra (n = 71) de atletas brasileiros treinados em desenvolvimento, consumidores habituais de cafeína com determinação prévia para os polimorfismos dos genes CYP1A2 e ADORA2A. O questionário se mostrou adequado quanto à confiabilidade, clareza e compreensão. A reprodutibilidade e a validação foram confirmadas pelo alfa de Cronbach (α) de 0,948, e foi observado um coeficiente de correlação intraclasse de 0,976. Os sete fatores apresentaram um bom ajuste para a raiz do erro quadrático médio de aproximação – RMSEA = 0,0332 (IC 95%: 0,0290–0,0375). Após a validação externa, o CaffEQ-BR passou por modelagem estatística com vistas a reduzir o número de itens, com três itens por fator, mantendo os sete fatores (CaffEQ-BR versão curta com 21 itens) com reprodutibilidade interobservador e a consistência interna tão satisfatória quanto o CaffEQ-BR (α de Cronbach ≥ 0,729) e reprodutibilidade global (ICC ≥ 0,915) para todo o questionário e seus sete fatores. As versões completa e curta foram aplicados em indivíduos (n = 71) com genotipagem prévia para os polimorfismos dos genes CYP1A2 e ADORA2A. A frequência observada dos genótipos AA para o gene CYP1A2 foi de 47,9% (n=34) e portadores do alelo C (AC e CC) foi de 52,1% (n=37). Para o gene ADORA2A foi observado 22,7% (n=15) como portadores do genótipo TT e 77,3% vii (n=51) portadores C (TC e CC). Com exceção ao fator “ansiedade/efeitos físicos negativos”, os demais escores do CaffEQ-BR (completo e curto), obtiveram ICC > 0,75. Indivíduos que pontuaram > 4 na escala Likert (“um pouco provável”) no fator ansiedade/efeitos negativos no B-CaffEQ-BR apresentaram capacidade discriminatória para o genótipo TT para ADORA2A (p = 0,01) de acordo com a curva ROC, mas com representatividade muito baixa (n = 2). Portanto, na presente amostra estudada, o CaffEQ-BR não foi capaz de diferenciar, por meio da expressão dos fenótipos de rápida metabolização hepática e maior sensibilidade na ação da cafeína nos receptores de adenosina, associado aos genótipos para os genes CYP1A2 e ADORA2A em amostra de conveniência de atletas brasileiros treinados em desenvolvimento. Sugere-se que pesquisas futuras utilizem amostras mais amplas, com grupo controle composto por indivíduos com consumo baixo ou irregular consumo de cafeína, calibrando o questionário com maior foco em aspectos da ansiedade e efeitos negativos na busca em diferenciar o genótipo TT para ADORA2A.
The expected effects of caffeine can be recorded in validated questionnaires to observe patterns favorable or not to the use of caffeine sources. Genetic polymorphisms can interfere with how individuals metabolize caffeine, CYP1A2 gene (rs 762551), AA genotype, rapid metabolizer phenotype, and its action on adenosine receptors ADORA2A (rs 5751876), TT genotype, increased sensitivity phenotype. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the ability of CaffEQ-BR to measure the CYP1A2 and ADORA2A polymorphism genes, according to the effects of caffeine. The study consisted of three stages: (i) translation process with two bilingual translators, semantic validation using the judges' technique (n = 20), reproducibility and internal consistency analysis with a convenience sample (n = 50) and validation external through confirmatory factor analysis with a sample composed of 4,202 participants from all Federation Units; (ii) development and validation of the instrument's brief version (BCaffEQ-BR); (iii) application of CaffEQ-BR (complete and brief version) to a sample (n = 71) of Brazilian trained/developmental athletes habitual caffeine consumers with previous determination for CYP1A2 and ADORA2A gene polymorphisms. The questionnaire proved adequate in terms of reliability, clarity, and understanding. Reproducibility and validation were confirmed by Cronbach's alpha (α) of 0.948, and an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.976 was observed. The seven factors showed a good fit for the root mean square error of approximation – RMSEA = 0.0332 (95% CI: 0.0290–0.0375). After external validation, the CaffEQ-BR underwent statistical modeling to reduce the number of items, with three items per factor, keeping the seven factors (CaffEQ-BR short version with 21 items) with inter-observer reproducibility and internal consistency as satisfactory as the CaffEQ-BR (Cronbach's α ≥ 0.729) and global reproducibility (ICC ≥ 0.915) for the entire questionnaire and its seven factors. The full and brief versions were applied to individuals (n = 71) with previous genotyping for CYP1A2 and ADORA2A gene polymorphisms. The observed frequency of AA genotypes for the CYP1A2 gene was 47.9% (n=34), and the frequency of carriers of the C allele (AC and CC) was 52.1% (n=37). For the ADORA2A gene, 22.7% (n=15) were carriers of the TT genotype and 77.3% (n=51) were C carriers (TC and CC). Except for ix the “anxiety/negative physical effects” factor, the other CaffEQ-BR scores (complete and brief) obtained ICC > 0.75. Individuals who scored > 4 on the Likert scale (“a little likely”) in the anxiety/negative effects factor on the B-CaffEQ-BR showed a discriminatory capacity for the TT genotype for ADORA2A (p = 0.01) according to the ROC curve, but with very low representation (n = 2). In conclusion, CaffEQ-BR was not able to differentiate, through the expression of the phenotypes of rapid hepatic metabolism and greater sensitivity in the action of caffeine on adenosine receptors, associated with the genotypes for the CYP1A2 and ADORA2A in a convenience sample of Brazilian trained/developmental athletes. It is suggested that future research uses broader samples, with a control group composed of individuals with low or irregular caffeine consumption, calibrating the questionnaire with a greater focus on aspects of anxiety and negative effects in the search to differentiate the TT genotype from ADORA2A.
The expected effects of caffeine can be recorded in validated questionnaires to observe patterns favorable or not to the use of caffeine sources. Genetic polymorphisms can interfere with how individuals metabolize caffeine, CYP1A2 gene (rs 762551), AA genotype, rapid metabolizer phenotype, and its action on adenosine receptors ADORA2A (rs 5751876), TT genotype, increased sensitivity phenotype. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the ability of CaffEQ-BR to measure the CYP1A2 and ADORA2A polymorphism genes, according to the effects of caffeine. The study consisted of three stages: (i) translation process with two bilingual translators, semantic validation using the judges' technique (n = 20), reproducibility and internal consistency analysis with a convenience sample (n = 50) and validation external through confirmatory factor analysis with a sample composed of 4,202 participants from all Federation Units; (ii) development and validation of the instrument's brief version (BCaffEQ-BR); (iii) application of CaffEQ-BR (complete and brief version) to a sample (n = 71) of Brazilian trained/developmental athletes habitual caffeine consumers with previous determination for CYP1A2 and ADORA2A gene polymorphisms. The questionnaire proved adequate in terms of reliability, clarity, and understanding. Reproducibility and validation were confirmed by Cronbach's alpha (α) of 0.948, and an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.976 was observed. The seven factors showed a good fit for the root mean square error of approximation – RMSEA = 0.0332 (95% CI: 0.0290–0.0375). After external validation, the CaffEQ-BR underwent statistical modeling to reduce the number of items, with three items per factor, keeping the seven factors (CaffEQ-BR short version with 21 items) with inter-observer reproducibility and internal consistency as satisfactory as the CaffEQ-BR (Cronbach's α ≥ 0.729) and global reproducibility (ICC ≥ 0.915) for the entire questionnaire and its seven factors. The full and brief versions were applied to individuals (n = 71) with previous genotyping for CYP1A2 and ADORA2A gene polymorphisms. The observed frequency of AA genotypes for the CYP1A2 gene was 47.9% (n=34), and the frequency of carriers of the C allele (AC and CC) was 52.1% (n=37). For the ADORA2A gene, 22.7% (n=15) were carriers of the TT genotype and 77.3% (n=51) were C carriers (TC and CC). Except for ix the “anxiety/negative physical effects” factor, the other CaffEQ-BR scores (complete and brief) obtained ICC > 0.75. Individuals who scored > 4 on the Likert scale (“a little likely”) in the anxiety/negative effects factor on the B-CaffEQ-BR showed a discriminatory capacity for the TT genotype for ADORA2A (p = 0.01) according to the ROC curve, but with very low representation (n = 2). In conclusion, CaffEQ-BR was not able to differentiate, through the expression of the phenotypes of rapid hepatic metabolism and greater sensitivity in the action of caffeine on adenosine receptors, associated with the genotypes for the CYP1A2 and ADORA2A in a convenience sample of Brazilian trained/developmental athletes. It is suggested that future research uses broader samples, with a control group composed of individuals with low or irregular caffeine consumption, calibrating the questionnaire with a greater focus on aspects of anxiety and negative effects in the search to differentiate the TT genotype from ADORA2A.
Tese de Doutorado defendida na Universidade de Brasília.
Cafeína, CYP1A2, ADORA2A, Polimorfismo, Questionário, Expectativa, Valores Preditivos, Ansiedade, Caffeine, Polymorphism, Questionnaire, Expectancy, Predictive Values, Anxiety
MENDES, Guilherme Falcão. Validação do questionário de expectativa à cafeína para a população brasileira e associação aos polimorfismos dos genes CYP1A2 e ADORA2A. 2022. xiii, 86 f., il. Tese (Doutorado em Nutrição Humana) — Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2022.