Diagnóstico da cafeicultura do Paraná - 2000
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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo obter informações detalhadas da cafeicultura e das propriedades cafeeiras. Foram pesquisados produção física, sistema de plantio, cultivares, colheita, beneficiamento, armazenagem, comercialização, qualidade do produto, mão-de-obra, infra-estrutura, práticas agrícolas e aspectos fitossanitários. Foram aplicados questionários em épocas diferentes (ago./00, nov./00 e maio/01), em 327 propriedades cafeeiras, nas principais regiões produtoras do Estado, pelos técnicos do DERAL. Foi utilizado o método de amostragem elaborado pelo IBGE, com base no cadastro dos estabelecimentos cafeeiros do Censo Agropecuário de 1996. Os resultados obtidos no ano 2000 indicaram 18.825 propriedades cafeeiras, ocupando uma área de 158.070 hectares, com área média de café de 8,40 ha. A estratificação demonstra que 83,3% das propriedades possuíam área inferior a 50 hectares, correspondendo a 63,6% da área total de café. Da mão-de-obra utilizada, 63,2% foram dos produtores proprietários, e as mulheres participaram com 19,9%. As lavouras cafeeiras estão em processo de renovação, sendo 40% da área de plantio adensado. Foram realizados o controle fitossanitário em 68% e adubação química em 88,6%; 11,6% das propriedades não utilizaram agroquímicos. A colheita é manual, com 51,9% colhidos no pano, predominando a comercialização do café em coco nas cafeeiras. A cafeicultura paranaense é explorada, na sua maioria, por pequenos cafeicultores, que utilizam a mão-de-obra familiar, com cultivos intensivos nas lavouras mais novas e alto nível tecnológico. A continuidade deste trabalho é importante para avaliar os resultados e definir as ações futuras de caráter técnico e político do Plano Café do Estado.
The objective of the present work was to obtain detailed information of the coffee crop and coffee farms in Paraná State, Brazil. A survey was carried out to characterize the physical production, planting systems, cultivars, harvest, coffee cleaning procedures, storage, commercialization, quality, man power, infrastructure, agricultural practices, and sanitary aspects. Specific forms were applied in different periods of the year (August 2000, November 200 and May 2001) in 327 coffee farms of the main producing regions of the State, by surveyors from DERAL (Department of Rural Economy from State Secretariat of Agriculture). The sampling method used was elaborated by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), based on the registers of the coffee establishments from the Census of 1996. The results obtained in the year 2000 revealed 18,825 coffee farms, with a total area of 158,070 hectares and an average coffee area of 8.40 ha. The stratification demonstrates that 83.3 % of the properties had an area smaller than 50 ha, corresponding to 63.6% of the total coffee area. The farmers responded for 63.2% of the man power and the women participated with 19.9%. The coffee crops are in the process of renovation, with 40% of the area in the high density planting system. Pests and diseases control were performed in 68% of the farms and chemical fertilization in 88.6%. A total of 11.6% of the farms did not used chemicals. Harvesting is manual, with 51.9% harvested on cotton sheets. Most of the coffee is commercialized without cleaning. The coffee crops in Paraná are exploited in its majority, by small farmers who use family man power, with intensive cultivation of the younger plantations and high level of technology. The continuity of this work is important to evaluate the results and to subsidise future technical and political actions of the Coffee Plan of the State.
The objective of the present work was to obtain detailed information of the coffee crop and coffee farms in Paraná State, Brazil. A survey was carried out to characterize the physical production, planting systems, cultivars, harvest, coffee cleaning procedures, storage, commercialization, quality, man power, infrastructure, agricultural practices, and sanitary aspects. Specific forms were applied in different periods of the year (August 2000, November 200 and May 2001) in 327 coffee farms of the main producing regions of the State, by surveyors from DERAL (Department of Rural Economy from State Secretariat of Agriculture). The sampling method used was elaborated by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), based on the registers of the coffee establishments from the Census of 1996. The results obtained in the year 2000 revealed 18,825 coffee farms, with a total area of 158,070 hectares and an average coffee area of 8.40 ha. The stratification demonstrates that 83.3 % of the properties had an area smaller than 50 ha, corresponding to 63.6% of the total coffee area. The farmers responded for 63.2% of the man power and the women participated with 19.9%. The coffee crops are in the process of renovation, with 40% of the area in the high density planting system. Pests and diseases control were performed in 68% of the farms and chemical fertilization in 88.6%. A total of 11.6% of the farms did not used chemicals. Harvesting is manual, with 51.9% harvested on cotton sheets. Most of the coffee is commercialized without cleaning. The coffee crops in Paraná are exploited in its majority, by small farmers who use family man power, with intensive cultivation of the younger plantations and high level of technology. The continuity of this work is important to evaluate the results and to subsidise future technical and political actions of the Coffee Plan of the State.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Resumos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. 181p. : il.
Café Aspectos sócio-econômicos Paraná, Coffee Survey Diagnosis Paraná Production systems.
Franzini, Paulo Sérgio. Diagnóstico da cafeicultura do Paraná - 2000. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. (CD-ROM), p. 2204-2212.