Flutuação populacional da broca-do-café (Hypothenemus hampei, Ferrari) no estado de Rondônia
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O trabalho objetivou avaliar a flutuação da broca-do-café no Estado de Rondônia. Foram selecionados três plantios distintos, nos municípios de Rolim de Moura, Ouro Preto do Oeste e Machadinho do Oeste, apresentando área superior a 3 ha e onde não era efetuado o uso de agrotóxicos para controle de pragas e doenças. As amostragens iniciaram-se no mês de setembro/99, sendo realizadas mensalmente, pelo método da "Contagem integral" (CATIE, 1997). Na safra 1999/2000 as
variações de infestação entre os diferentes municípios foram pequenas ao longo do período de avaliação. A partir do mês de março constataram-se infestações superiores a 3%. No período da colheita (maio/2000) as infestações variaram de 33,59 a 40,87%. Na safra 2000/2001, infestações superiores a 3% foram verificadas a partir de janeiro. Verificou-se que as infestações atingiram níveis, nas últimas avaliações (abril/2001), variando de 7,97 a 29,63. A infestação média da broca em frutos
caídos no solo nos meses de junho a setembro de 2000, na época da entressafra, foi maior no município de Machadinho (67,3%). Foi mínima a diferença de infestação constatada entre os municípios de Rolim de Moura e Ouro Preto, 53,5 e 53%, respectivamente.
The work objectified to evaluate the flotation of the coffee berry borer, in the state of Rondônia. Three different plantations were selected, in the municipal districts of Rolim de Moura, Ouro Preto do Oeste and Machadinho do Oeste, presenting superior area for 3 there is and where was not made the pesticides use for control of pests and diseases. The samplings had beginning in the month of setembro/99, being accomplished monthly, for the method of "integral score" (CATIE, 1997). In the crop 1999/2000 the infestation variations among the different municipal districts, were small along the evaluation period. Starting from the month of March superior infestations was verified at 3%. In the period of the crop (maio/2000) the infestation variations from 33,59 to 40,87%. In the crop 2000/2001, superior infestations at 3% was verified starting from January they were. Verified that the infestations reached levels in the last evaluations (abril/2001), varying from 7,97 to 29,63. The medium infestation of the coffee berry borer in fallen fruits in the soil the months of June to September of 2000, it was larger in th municipal district of Machadinho do Oeste (67,3%). It was minimum the infestation difference verified between the municipal districts of Rolim de Moura and Ouro Preto do Oeste, 53,5 and 53%, respectively.
The work objectified to evaluate the flotation of the coffee berry borer, in the state of Rondônia. Three different plantations were selected, in the municipal districts of Rolim de Moura, Ouro Preto do Oeste and Machadinho do Oeste, presenting superior area for 3 there is and where was not made the pesticides use for control of pests and diseases. The samplings had beginning in the month of setembro/99, being accomplished monthly, for the method of "integral score" (CATIE, 1997). In the crop 1999/2000 the infestation variations among the different municipal districts, were small along the evaluation period. Starting from the month of March superior infestations was verified at 3%. In the period of the crop (maio/2000) the infestation variations from 33,59 to 40,87%. In the crop 2000/2001, superior infestations at 3% was verified starting from January they were. Verified that the infestations reached levels in the last evaluations (abril/2001), varying from 7,97 to 29,63. The medium infestation of the coffee berry borer in fallen fruits in the soil the months of June to September of 2000, it was larger in th municipal district of Machadinho do Oeste (67,3%). It was minimum the infestation difference verified between the municipal districts of Rolim de Moura and Ouro Preto do Oeste, 53,5 and 53%, respectively.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Resumos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. 181p. : il.
Broca do café Flutuação populacional Rondônia, Coffee Coffee berry borer Coffea canephora Hypothenemus hampei.
Costa, José Nilton Medeiros; Silva, Rachel Barbosa da; Ribeiro, Paulina de Araújo; Teixeira, César Augusto Domingues; Santos, Júlio César Freitas. Flutuação populacional da broca-do-café (Hypothenemus hampei, Ferrari) no estado de Rondônia. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. (CD-ROM), p. 1944-1950