Modificações ecofisiológicas, bioquímicas e anatômicas em cafeeiro progênie Siriema sob deficiência hídrica
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as modificações ecofisiológicas, bioquímicas e anatômicas em mudas de cafeeiro progênie Siriema submetidas a diferentes períodos de deficiência hídrica e a sua capacidade de recuperação após 24 e 48 horas de re-irrigação. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental do Setor de Fisiologia Vegetal do Departamento de Biologia da Universidade Federal de Lavras, MG. Quando os tratamentos foram estabelecidos, um grupo de mudas continuou sendo irrigado diariamente, enquanto outro grupo foi submetido à suspensão total da rega até 30 dias. Este grupo foi sub-dividido em três para a avaliação do comportamento das plantas em função do estresse hídrico e sua capacidade de recuperação 24 e 48 horas após a re-irrigação. As avaliações e coletas de folhas e raízes foram realizadas a cada três dias e o experimento montado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC), com quatro repetições por período de avaliação. O tratamento não irrigado apresentou uma expressiva redução no potencial hídrico foliar, sendo mais acentuada a partir do nono dia de avaliação. A re-irrigação das mudas promoveu uma recuperação parcial do estado hídrico das plantas. Nas plantas não irrigadas observou-se um aumento na resistência estomática e uma diminuição gradativa da transpiração, com atividade RN nas folhas com maior alteração, sendo que a partir dos 27 dias sua atividade foi nula. Nas raízes, houve um declínio na RN para todos os tratamentos. As modificações na anatomia foliar foram significativas apenas para a espessura da epiderme da face adaxial e parênquima paliçádico, e este parâmetro, foi superior nas plantas controle. Para a densidade estomática e razão diâmetro polar e equatorial os maiores valores foram observados nas plantas sob déficit hídrico. Observou-se um significativo aumento nos teores de açúcares solúveis totais e redutores tanto nas folhas, quanto nas raízes nos tratamentos não irrigados. Os tratamentos re-irrigados apresentaram a mesma tendência dos não-irrigados, porém com teores menores. Houve uma redução expressiva nos teores de amido nas plantas não-irrigadas em folhas e raízes. As enzimas sacarose sintase e as invertases neutra e ácida tiveram a sua atividade aumentada em decorrência do estresse hídrico.
This study aimed at to evaluate ecophysiological, biochemical and anatomical changes in seedlings of coffee tree progeny Siriema subjected to different periods of water stress and its ability to recover after 24 and 48 hours of re-irrigation. The experiment was conducted in the experimental area of the Plant Physiology, Department of Biology of the Federal University of Lavras, MG. When treatments were established, a group of seedlings continued to be irrigated daily, while another group was referred to a full suspension of irrigation by 30 days. This group was sub-divided into three to assess the plants according to water stress and its ability to recover 24 and 48 hours after re- irrigation. The evaluation of leaves and roots was taken every three days and experiment carried out in a completely randomized design (DIC), with four repetitions for the assessment period. The non-irrigated treatment presented a significant reduction in the leaf water potential being accented from the ninth day of evaluation onwards. Re-irrigation promoted a partial recovery of the plant water potential. In the non-irrigated plants there was an increase in the stomatal resistance and a gradual reduction of transpiration having these plants a high RN activity in the leaves. However, at 27 days enzyme activity was null. In roots, there was a decrease for RN activity for all treatments. The anatomy modifications were significant only for the adaxial epiderm and parenchyma palisade thickness, being this last parameter higher for the control plants. For the stomatal density and polar and equatorial diameter ratio the highest values were observed in plants under water deficit. There was a significant increase at the levels of total soluble sugars and reducing ones, both in the leaves and roots of the non-irrigated treatments. The re-irrigated treatments showed similar behavior of the non-irrigated plants, however, lower levels of sugars were detected. Leaves and roots of the non-irrigated plants showed a significant reduction at the levels of starch. Sucrose Synthase and Invertases, neutral and acid, had increased its activity as a result of water stress.
This study aimed at to evaluate ecophysiological, biochemical and anatomical changes in seedlings of coffee tree progeny Siriema subjected to different periods of water stress and its ability to recover after 24 and 48 hours of re-irrigation. The experiment was conducted in the experimental area of the Plant Physiology, Department of Biology of the Federal University of Lavras, MG. When treatments were established, a group of seedlings continued to be irrigated daily, while another group was referred to a full suspension of irrigation by 30 days. This group was sub-divided into three to assess the plants according to water stress and its ability to recover 24 and 48 hours after re- irrigation. The evaluation of leaves and roots was taken every three days and experiment carried out in a completely randomized design (DIC), with four repetitions for the assessment period. The non-irrigated treatment presented a significant reduction in the leaf water potential being accented from the ninth day of evaluation onwards. Re-irrigation promoted a partial recovery of the plant water potential. In the non-irrigated plants there was an increase in the stomatal resistance and a gradual reduction of transpiration having these plants a high RN activity in the leaves. However, at 27 days enzyme activity was null. In roots, there was a decrease for RN activity for all treatments. The anatomy modifications were significant only for the adaxial epiderm and parenchyma palisade thickness, being this last parameter higher for the control plants. For the stomatal density and polar and equatorial diameter ratio the highest values were observed in plants under water deficit. There was a significant increase at the levels of total soluble sugars and reducing ones, both in the leaves and roots of the non-irrigated treatments. The re-irrigated treatments showed similar behavior of the non-irrigated plants, however, lower levels of sugars were detected. Leaves and roots of the non-irrigated plants showed a significant reduction at the levels of starch. Sucrose Synthase and Invertases, neutral and acid, had increased its activity as a result of water stress.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Coffea arabica, Estresse hídrico, Transpiração, Redutase do nitrato, Anatomia, Carboidratos
MELO, E. F. Modificações ecofisiológicas, bioquímicas e anatômicas em cafeeiro progênie Siriema sob deficiência hídrica. 2008. 73 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia/Fisiologia) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2008.