Efeito da descafeinação do café sobre a atividade antioxidante e prevenção de lesão hepática em ratos
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da descafeinação do café sobre a atividade antioxidante in vitro e in vivo e sobre a prevenção de lesão hepática em ratos. Em todos os experimentos, a bebida foi preparada segundo uma mesma metodologia. Foram determinados os teores de compostos fenólicos, ácido clorogênico, cafeína, trigonelina e sólidos solúveis nas bebidas. A avaliação in vitro da atividade antioxidante foi verificada através dos métodos de seqüestro do radical DPPH, poder redutor e atividade quelante de metais. Os animais receberam doses intraperitoneais de tetracloreto de carbono e doses diárias das bebidas de café por gavagem. Após o tratamento, foram avaliados os parâmetros bioquímicos AST, ALT, proteínas totais e albuminas séricas, além da avaliação da peroxidação lipídica. As bebidas não apresentaram diferenças significativas de cor e sólidos solúveis. A concentração de polifenóis, ácido clorogênico, trigonelina e cafeína diminuiu com o processo de descafeinação. A bebida do café, independentemente do processo de descafeinação, apresentou poder redutor, atividade quelante de metais e atividade seqüestrante de DPPH. As bebidas de café inibiram significativamente a injúria hepática induzida pelo tetracloreto de carbono quando comparada ao grupo controle. Os resultados demostram que a bebida do café tem ação hepatoprotetora, independentemente do processo de descafeinação.
The present study aimed at evaluating the effect of the coffee decaffeination on the antioxidant activity in vitro and in vivo and on the prevention of liver injury in rats. In all experiments the beverages was prepared according to a same methodology. There were certain the content of phenolic compounds, chlorogenic acids, caffeine, trigonelline and soluble solids in beverages. The assessment in vitro antioxidant activity was detected by the methods of scavenging of radical DPPH, reducing power and chelation activity of metals. The animals had received intraperitoneally doses from carbon tetrachloride and daily doses of coffee for gavages. After the treatment, the AST, ALT parameters, serum total protein and serum albumin were assessed in addition to the assessment of lipid peroxidation. The beverages did not present significant differences in color and soluble solids. The concentration of polyphenols, chlorogenic acids, caffeine and trigonelline decreased with the decaffeination process. The coffee drink, irrespective of the decaffeination process, presented reducing power, chelating activity of metals and scavenging activity of DPPH. The coffee drinks inhibited significantly the liver injury caused by carbon tetrachloride when compared to the control group. The results prove that the coffee drink has a hepatoprotector action, irrespective of the decaffeination process.
The present study aimed at evaluating the effect of the coffee decaffeination on the antioxidant activity in vitro and in vivo and on the prevention of liver injury in rats. In all experiments the beverages was prepared according to a same methodology. There were certain the content of phenolic compounds, chlorogenic acids, caffeine, trigonelline and soluble solids in beverages. The assessment in vitro antioxidant activity was detected by the methods of scavenging of radical DPPH, reducing power and chelation activity of metals. The animals had received intraperitoneally doses from carbon tetrachloride and daily doses of coffee for gavages. After the treatment, the AST, ALT parameters, serum total protein and serum albumin were assessed in addition to the assessment of lipid peroxidation. The beverages did not present significant differences in color and soluble solids. The concentration of polyphenols, chlorogenic acids, caffeine and trigonelline decreased with the decaffeination process. The coffee drink, irrespective of the decaffeination process, presented reducing power, chelating activity of metals and scavenging activity of DPPH. The coffee drinks inhibited significantly the liver injury caused by carbon tetrachloride when compared to the control group. The results prove that the coffee drink has a hepatoprotector action, irrespective of the decaffeination process.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Descafeinação, Antioxidante, Radicais livres
LIMA, A. R. Efeito da descafeinação do café sobre a atividade antioxidante e prevenção de lesão hepática em ratos. 2008. 90 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biotecnologia Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2008.