Custo operacional do café cultivado no Cerrado Mineiro (Triângulo Mineiro e Alto Paranaíba) Almeida MARTINS
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A cafeicultura brasileira, ao longo dos anos, sobreviveu a inúmeras crises econômicas, quase sempre provocadas pelo excesso de oferta no mercado mundial ou por políticas públicas equivocadas, que redundaram em graves prejuízos aos cafeicultores e à nação. O acompanhamento dos custos de produção nunca foi levado a sério pelos cafeicultores até meados da década de 90, em razão da falta de pesquisas sobre o assunto e devido a rede de assistência oficial e privada nunca haver colocado esse tema entre suas prioridades. O acompanhamento sistemático e o conhecimento das diferenças regionais dos custos de produção, são necessidades atuais que podem favorecer cafeicultores e governo na formulação e execução de políticas públicas para o setor. O trabalho objetivou conhecer os custos operacionais das lavouras já instaladas, e em produção, separando-as em lavouras de sequeiro e irrigadas, sendo estas classificadas conforme o sistema de irrigação utilizado. Os custos foram obtidos através de entrevistas e aplicação de questionário aos produtores, onde apurou-se por dois anos consecutivos, safra baixa e safra alta, para dar uma noção melhor dos custos e da influência da bienalidade do café sobre os mesmos.
The Brazilian coffee crop pass through the years by great economical crisis, always started by the excess offer of world market or by wrong publish politics that cause serious damage to the coffee crop growers and to the nation. The production costs attendance question never was serious treat by coffee producers until the nineties, due to the need of researches on this area and because the official and private assistance never priorited this area. The systematic accomplishment and knowledge of the regional differences about production costs are, an actual need that may help the producers and government on formulation and execution of publish politics to these costs. The work had the objective to know the operational costs of installed and producing farming, separate them in dry farming and irrigated ones, being classified by the irrigation system utilized. The costs were obtained by interviews and questionnaires to the producers, which allow to refine in two consecutive years, low production and high production, that improve the presentation of the costs and the variations in years coffee influence over them.
The Brazilian coffee crop pass through the years by great economical crisis, always started by the excess offer of world market or by wrong publish politics that cause serious damage to the coffee crop growers and to the nation. The production costs attendance question never was serious treat by coffee producers until the nineties, due to the need of researches on this area and because the official and private assistance never priorited this area. The systematic accomplishment and knowledge of the regional differences about production costs are, an actual need that may help the producers and government on formulation and execution of publish politics to these costs. The work had the objective to know the operational costs of installed and producing farming, separate them in dry farming and irrigated ones, being classified by the irrigation system utilized. The costs were obtained by interviews and questionnaires to the producers, which allow to refine in two consecutive years, low production and high production, that improve the presentation of the costs and the variations in years coffee influence over them.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (4. : 2005 : Londrina, PR). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2005.
Café Irrigação Sequeiro Custos operacionais, Coffee Irrigation Dry Operational costs
Rabelo, Paulo Veloso; Fernandes, André Luís T.; Rocha, Mônica Coimbra; Martins, Carmen de Almeida. Custo operacional do café cultivado no Cerrado Mineiro (Triângulo Mineiro e Alto Paranaíba). In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (4. : Londrina, PR : 2005). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa - Café, 2005. (1 CD-ROM), 3p.