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Atividades antropogênicas alteram a estrutura dos solos e para avaliar os efeitos das práticas de manejo de plantas invasoras no solo e no ambiente é necessário quantificar as alterações estruturais do solo. Neste contexto, objetivou-se, através deste estudo: a) desenvolver modelos de capacidade de suporte de carga para um Latossolo submetido a diferentes sistemas de manejo de plantas invasoras; b) determinar através do uso destes modelos os efeitos dos diferentes sistemas de manejo de plantas invasoras (herbicida de pós-emergência; roçadora; enxada rotativa e grade) na estrutura de um Latossolo; c) relacionar as alterações em atributos físicos (Dsi e MO) com as possíveis alterações na capacidade de suporte de carga. A área experimental localiza-se na Fazenda da Epamig (Latitude 20°55’ e Longitude 46°59’), São Sebastião do Paraíso, MG. O experimento foi instalado em blocos casualizados (DBC) com três repetições sob um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico (LVdf) originado de basalto com 560 g kg-1 de argila, 230 g kg-1 de silte e 210 g kg-1 de areia na profundidade de 25–28 cm. Em cada sistema de manejo de plantas invasoras 15 amostras indeformadas de solo foram coletadas aleatoriamente nas profundidades 0–3, 10–13 and 25–28 cm totalizando 180 amostras de [15 amostras x 3 profundidades x 4 sistemas de manejo no centro das entrelinhas dos cafeeiros]. As amostras indeformadas foram inicialmente saturadas durante 24 horas e posteriormente secas ao ar para a obtenção de diferentes umidades volumétricas. Estas amostras indeformadas foram então utilizadas no ensaio de compressão uniaxial para a obtenção da pressão de preconsolidação em diferentes umidades volumétricas. A partir do excedente das amostras indeformadas foram determinados textura e matéria orgânica. Modelos de capacidade de suporte de carga (regressões exponenciais) do tipo σp = 10(a+bθ) entre pressão de preconsolidação e umidade volumétrica foram obtidas para verificar os possíveis efeitos dos diferentes sistemas de manejo de plantas invasoras na estrutura do solo. Os diferentes sistemas de manejo de plantas invasoras afetaram a densidade do solo somente na profundidade de 0–3 cm. Na profundidade de 25–28 cm tanto os valores de densidade do solo como os teores de matéria orgânica foram homogênos na mata nativa e nos diferentes sistemas de manejo de plantas invasoras avaliados. Os manejos de plantas invasoras realizados com a roçadora e enxada rotativa promovem a homogeneização da capacidade de suporte de carga nas três profundidades estudadas. A grade proporcionou aumento da capacidade de suporte de cargas na profundidade de 0–3 cm em relação as profundidade de 10–13 e 25–28 cm.
Anthropogenic activities affect soil structure and to evaluate the impact of the weed management practices on the soil environmental it is necessary to quantify the changes of soil structure. In this context, our objectives were to a) to develop the load bearing capacity models for a Dystroferric Red Latosol (LVdf-Oxisol) cultivated with coffee and submitted to different weed management systems; b) to determine through the use of these models the effect of different weed management systems (post-emergence herbicide; mechanized mower; rotary tiller and coffee tandem disc harrow) on the Latosol structure. This study was carried out in the experimental area is located in Epamig Farm in the São Sebastião do Paraíso County, Minas Gerais State (Latitude 20°55' and Longitude 46°59 '),. The experiment was installed in randomized blocks (DBC) with three replications. In each management system 15 undisturbed soil samples, were collected randomly at 0–3, 10–13 and 25–28 cm depth, totaling 180 soil samples [15 samples x 3 depths x 4 weed management systems in the inter rows of the coffee plant)]. The undisturbed soil samples were initially saturated and were air dried in laboratory until the volumetric moisture content was in the range of 0.05 to 0.50 cm3 cm-3 and then used in the uniaxial compression test to obtain the precompression stress (σp) at different volumetric water content (θ). From the surplus of the undisturbed soil samples it was determined the texture, the organic matter (MO). The relationship between precompression stress (σp) and volumetric water content (θ) (load bearing capacity model) could be described by the exponential regression of the type σp = 10(a+bθ). The different weed management systems affected the soil bulk density at depth of 0-3 cm. At 25-28 cm depth the soil bulk density and organic matter were homogeneous in the native forest and in the different weed management systems. The weed management systems accomplished with the mechanized mower and rotary tiller promote the homogenization of the load bearing capacity model in the three depths. The tandem disc harrow provided increase of the load bearing capacity at 0-3 cm depth relationship them 10-13 and 25-28 cm depths.
Anthropogenic activities affect soil structure and to evaluate the impact of the weed management practices on the soil environmental it is necessary to quantify the changes of soil structure. In this context, our objectives were to a) to develop the load bearing capacity models for a Dystroferric Red Latosol (LVdf-Oxisol) cultivated with coffee and submitted to different weed management systems; b) to determine through the use of these models the effect of different weed management systems (post-emergence herbicide; mechanized mower; rotary tiller and coffee tandem disc harrow) on the Latosol structure. This study was carried out in the experimental area is located in Epamig Farm in the São Sebastião do Paraíso County, Minas Gerais State (Latitude 20°55' and Longitude 46°59 '),. The experiment was installed in randomized blocks (DBC) with three replications. In each management system 15 undisturbed soil samples, were collected randomly at 0–3, 10–13 and 25–28 cm depth, totaling 180 soil samples [15 samples x 3 depths x 4 weed management systems in the inter rows of the coffee plant)]. The undisturbed soil samples were initially saturated and were air dried in laboratory until the volumetric moisture content was in the range of 0.05 to 0.50 cm3 cm-3 and then used in the uniaxial compression test to obtain the precompression stress (σp) at different volumetric water content (θ). From the surplus of the undisturbed soil samples it was determined the texture, the organic matter (MO). The relationship between precompression stress (σp) and volumetric water content (θ) (load bearing capacity model) could be described by the exponential regression of the type σp = 10(a+bθ). The different weed management systems affected the soil bulk density at depth of 0-3 cm. At 25-28 cm depth the soil bulk density and organic matter were homogeneous in the native forest and in the different weed management systems. The weed management systems accomplished with the mechanized mower and rotary tiller promote the homogenization of the load bearing capacity model in the three depths. The tandem disc harrow provided increase of the load bearing capacity at 0-3 cm depth relationship them 10-13 and 25-28 cm depths.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
resistência mecânica do solo; pressão de preconsolidação; densidade do solo; matéria orgânica., soil mechanical resistance; precompression stress; bulk density; organic matter.
Araujo-Junior, Cezar Francisco; Dias Junior, Moacir de Souza; Oliveira, Geraldo Cesar de; Guimarães, Paulo Tácito Gontijo; Alcantâra, Elifas Nunes. Alterações estruturais de um latossolo submetidos a diferentes sistemas de manejo de plantas invasoras em uma lavoura cafeeira. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 6p.