Condutividade elétrica como indicador do café despolpado durante a desgomagem
Lima, Matheus Vicente
Vieira, Henrique Duarte
Martins, Meire Lélis Leal
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Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a utilização da variável condutividade elétrica do meio desgomante como um indicador dos procedimentos de manejo do café despolpado durante a desgomagem do grão. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em três propriedades cafeeiras da região sudoeste da Bahia, utilizando Coffea arabica L., variedade Catuai Amarelo, para estudar o efeito de dois manejos de água do meio desgomante, dois manejos de revolvimento da solução desgomante e seis períodos de tempo em esquema fatorial. Um aumento da condutividade elétrica foi observado durante a desgomagem do grão, principalmente, no tratamento com revolvimento do meio. A troca de água do meio desgomante mostrou ser necessária, pois, ao longo da desgomagem, ocorreu um equilíbrio eletroquímico no meio, impedindo que a mucilagem continuasse a ser liberada do grão para o meio. Portanto, por meio da condutividade elétrica do meio, é possível indicar o momento em que se deve realizar a troca de água do tanque de desgomagem.
This research was carried out with the aim to evaluate the use of electric conductivity of the degumming medium as an indicator for management procedures of depulped coffee during degummming of the grain. The experiment was performed in three coffee properties in the Southwest region of Bahia, Brazil, using Coffea arabica L., Yellow Catuai variety. It was studied the effect of two water management of the degumming medium, two management of rummaging of the degumming solution, six time periods in factorial design. An increase on the electrical conductivity values was observed during degumming of coffee grain. Mainly in the treatment where the medium was rummaged. The water change of the degumming medium showed to be necessary since along the degumming process an electro-chemical equilibrium of the medium was achieved, avoiding that the mucilage was liberated from the grain to the medium. Therefore, the electrical conductivity was possible to indicate when the water change from the degumming tank must be done.
This research was carried out with the aim to evaluate the use of electric conductivity of the degumming medium as an indicator for management procedures of depulped coffee during degummming of the grain. The experiment was performed in three coffee properties in the Southwest region of Bahia, Brazil, using Coffea arabica L., Yellow Catuai variety. It was studied the effect of two water management of the degumming medium, two management of rummaging of the degumming solution, six time periods in factorial design. An increase on the electrical conductivity values was observed during degumming of coffee grain. Mainly in the treatment where the medium was rummaged. The water change of the degumming medium showed to be necessary since along the degumming process an electro-chemical equilibrium of the medium was achieved, avoiding that the mucilage was liberated from the grain to the medium. Therefore, the electrical conductivity was possible to indicate when the water change from the degumming tank must be done.
Coffea arabica L., Mucilagem, Fermentação
LIMA,M. V; VIEIRA, H. D.; MARTINS, M. L. L. Condutividade elétrica como indicador do café despolpado durante a desgomagem. Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, v.38, n.6, p.1765-1768, set. 2008.