Extratos vegetais e produtos comerciais no manejo da ferrugem e nos mecanismos de defesa do cafeeiro à cercosporiose
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito da aplicação de extratos vegetais e de produtos comerciais contra a ferrugem em lavoura convencional e estudar os mecanismos envolvidos na resposta de defesa em mudas de cafeeiro contra cercosporiose. Os experimentos com ferrugem foram conduzidos no Campus da Universidade Federal de Lavras, em área com cultivar Rubi de 10 anos de idade. Testaram-se os seguintes indutores: extrato de casca de frutos de café (CFC), de folhas de café infectadas com Hemileia vastatrix (EFID), a mistura destes entre si e com o indutor de resistência ASM (Acibenzolar-S-metil), fosfito de cobre (doses 5 e 10 mL L -1 ) e Agro-Mos® (doses 2, 5 e 10mL L -1 ) Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Os cafeeiros foram pulverizados mensalmente de fevereiro a maio de 2007. Observou-se que os melhores resultados obtidos entre os extratos foram a mistura do extrato EFID com o ASM e o extrato EFID que proporcionaram reduções na área abaixo da curva de progresso de severidade da doença (AACPS) de 52% e 26%, respectivamente, quando comparados à testemunha. Entre os indutores comerciais, o fosfito de cobre reduziu a AACPS em 81% quando comparado à testemunha. O Agro-Mos apresentou desempenho intermediário quando comparado aos outros tratamentos. Nos testes bioquímicos realizados com folhas provenientes do campo, não houve diferença significativa nos tratamentos em relação a lignina e fenóis totais. Outro experimento foi conduzido com mudas de cafeeiro para avaliar os mecanismos envolvidos de defesa contra Cercospora coffeicola. Observou-se que fosfito de cobre e EFID + ASM proporcionaram aumentos na atividade de peroxidases aos 21 e 11 dias, após a pulverização, respectivamente. Plantas tratadas com esses produtos, apresentaram aumentos na atividade de quitinases e β-1,3-glucanases. Observou- se também que houve maior produção de fenóis totais em plantas tratadas com EFID + ASM e fosfito de cobre, quando comparada com a testemunha.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of plant extracts and commercial products against rust in a conventional farming system. Furthermore, to assess the defense mechanisms of coffee seedlings against Cercospora leaf spot. The rust experiment was conducted in a coffee field (Cultivar Rubi) with 10 year old at the campus of Federal University of Lavras. The following inductors were tested: extract of coffee husks (CFC), extract of leaves of coffee infected with Hemileia vastatrix (EFID), the mixture of these with each other and with the inducer of resistance ASM (Acibenzolar-S-methyl), copper phosfite (5 and 10 mL.L -1 ) and Agro-Mos® (doses 2, 5 and 10mL. L -1 ). A randomized blocks design with four replications was used. Coffee trees were sprayed monthly in the period from February until May 2007. The best results among the extracts were provided by a mixture of EFID with ASM and EFID alone, which reduced the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) in respectively, 52% and 26%, when compared to the control. Among commercial inducers, copper phosphite reduced the AUDPC up to 81% compared to the control. Agro-Mos® presented intermediate performance compared to other treatments. In biochemical tests with coffee leaves from the field, there was no significant difference among treatments concerning lignin and total phenolics contents. Another experiment was conducted with coffee seedlings to assess defense mechanisms against Cercospora coffeicola. It was observed that copper phosphite and EFID + ASM provided increases in the activity of peroxidases at 21 and 11 days after spraying, respectively. Plants treated with these products showed increases in the activities of chitinases and β-1, 3 - glucanases. A higher content of total phenolics was also observed in plants treated with EFID + ASM and copper phosphite, compared to the control.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of plant extracts and commercial products against rust in a conventional farming system. Furthermore, to assess the defense mechanisms of coffee seedlings against Cercospora leaf spot. The rust experiment was conducted in a coffee field (Cultivar Rubi) with 10 year old at the campus of Federal University of Lavras. The following inductors were tested: extract of coffee husks (CFC), extract of leaves of coffee infected with Hemileia vastatrix (EFID), the mixture of these with each other and with the inducer of resistance ASM (Acibenzolar-S-methyl), copper phosfite (5 and 10 mL.L -1 ) and Agro-Mos® (doses 2, 5 and 10mL. L -1 ). A randomized blocks design with four replications was used. Coffee trees were sprayed monthly in the period from February until May 2007. The best results among the extracts were provided by a mixture of EFID with ASM and EFID alone, which reduced the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) in respectively, 52% and 26%, when compared to the control. Among commercial inducers, copper phosphite reduced the AUDPC up to 81% compared to the control. Agro-Mos® presented intermediate performance compared to other treatments. In biochemical tests with coffee leaves from the field, there was no significant difference among treatments concerning lignin and total phenolics contents. Another experiment was conducted with coffee seedlings to assess defense mechanisms against Cercospora coffeicola. It was observed that copper phosphite and EFID + ASM provided increases in the activity of peroxidases at 21 and 11 days after spraying, respectively. Plants treated with these products showed increases in the activities of chitinases and β-1, 3 - glucanases. A higher content of total phenolics was also observed in plants treated with EFID + ASM and copper phosphite, compared to the control.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Controle alternativo, Hemileia vastatrix, Cercospora coffeicola
TOYOTA, M. Extratos vegetais e produtos comerciais no manejo da ferrugem e nos mecanismos de defesa do cafeeiro à cercosporiose. 2008. 66 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia/Fitopatologia) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2008.