Análise de perigos e pontos críticos de controle (APPCC) como ferramenta de controle da ocratoxina em café
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A preocupação crescente com a melhoria da qualidade dos produtos associados aos programas de segurança alimentar contribuiu para a criação de ferramentas de controle da cadeia produtiva. Um destes sistemas é o plano de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle (APPCC), que apresenta caráter preventivo e visa analisar, controlar e monitorizar todos os segmentos da cadeia produtiva, objetivando a inocuidade dos alimentos. No caso específico do café, um dos pontos mais críticos a ser controlado é a contaminação fúngica, em especial as precursoras de formação de micotoxinas. Com base
no atual rigor imposto pelas exigências sanitárias e em função dos requisitos de qualidade requeridos pelos mercados interno e externo, o Programa Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento do Café tem apresentado as diretrizes para orientação dos vários setores da cadeia produtiva do café. Assim, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo evidenciar a importância do uso da ferramenta APPCC, como forma de conhecer e prevenir as possíveis janelas de perigo de contaminação do café do Brasil.
In order to ensure the production of safe coffee a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system will be proposed done. This system has a preventive character and it aims to analyse, to control and to monitor all aspects of coffee chain. It follows the concept of hazard, identification assessment and risk characterisation during all the coffee chain. One of the hazards addressed is the occurrence of ochratoxin A produced mainly by strains of Aspergillus ocrhaceus which may contaminate in all phases of coffee production. Based on the current rigidity imposed by the sanitary demands and, in function of the quality requirements requested by the internal and external market, the National Program of Coffee Research and Development has been presenting the current guidelines for orientation of the several sectors of the productive coffee chain. The present attempt to carry out the HACCP plan as a way to know and prevent the possible windows of Brazilian coffee contamination attending the safety assurance systems.
In order to ensure the production of safe coffee a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system will be proposed done. This system has a preventive character and it aims to analyse, to control and to monitor all aspects of coffee chain. It follows the concept of hazard, identification assessment and risk characterisation during all the coffee chain. One of the hazards addressed is the occurrence of ochratoxin A produced mainly by strains of Aspergillus ocrhaceus which may contaminate in all phases of coffee production. Based on the current rigidity imposed by the sanitary demands and, in function of the quality requirements requested by the internal and external market, the National Program of Coffee Research and Development has been presenting the current guidelines for orientation of the several sectors of the productive coffee chain. The present attempt to carry out the HACCP plan as a way to know and prevent the possible windows of Brazilian coffee contamination attending the safety assurance systems.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Resumos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. 181p. : il.
Café Ocratoxina A Controle APPCC, HACCP Coffee Ocratoxin A Ssafety assurance.
Freitas-Silva, O.; Correa, T. B. S.; Furtado, A. A. L.; Chalfoun, S. M.; Gelli, D. S. Análise de perigos e pontos críticos de controle (APPCC) como ferramenta de controle da ocratoxina em café. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. (CD-ROM), p. 1045-1049.